View Full Version : Cleaning More Than Playing 2

04-28-2002, 05:44 PM
Ok Guy's try this one........RT Pro center Feed Stock Bolt,Stock Barrel,Input Air pressure set To 750psi......STILL Breaking Paint!!!!!!

My Field Switch From Blaze,Inferno,Hellfire to some JT,Pmi Marbleizer.
We had Angel's Breaking Alittle paint, Autocockers,Spyder's,Raptor's,Shocker's All Breaking Just as Much Paint as Me But, There where a couple of Guy's with older Mag's And One 32 deg. that only broke maybe 5 ball's all day...........Any Help????
I think It is Cheap F&*king Paint Not My RT Or the way it is set up. What do you all think????

PS.... After having a **** day of Cleaning, One guy on Our team Said to try and lower my input....So I tryed And set it to 600Psi and didn't have as MUCH trouble but,My Trigger wouldn't Pop back the way it was at 750...

PSS Also Used Freak Ststem With the max bore size

Any and all help!!!!!!!!!

Please any help at all would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-28-2002, 06:08 PM
Were they breech breaks, or were the breaks down the barrel?

Also, did you happen to do a bounce test on the paint you were using?

04-28-2002, 07:23 PM
Both kind of break's.....Only did test on the paint I didn't use..It broke as soon as it hit..
now that I think about it after i turned the pressure down I had more barrel break's than brech..but, still had a couple of them...

What is a good pressure to set gun at???

04-28-2002, 07:43 PM
The pressure to the gun doesn't matter, because there's an internal regulator. The input pressure only dictates how reactive the trigger is.

If I just had to guess, I'd say you were short-stroking the gun. I did the first time out, but then got an air-fill, and spent the entire tank just learning the trigger and concentrating on not short stroking.

Do you have the plastic nubbins yet? If it's still the wire nubbins, that could still be the problem. If the problem persists, the only other thing I can think of is to try to long-nose foamie bolt. You can find them in the AGD online store, or Don in the dealer's forum can get one for you. Not sure about the price difference. I'm going to pick up the long-nose foamie this summer, because I haven't gotten to fully test my superbolt yet, and I don't want to be left hanging out on a field...

Keep us informed as to how it goes, and maybe someone else can give you some more info that will be more helpful that what I stated.....

04-28-2002, 08:13 PM
paint does have a lot to do with breaks in a mag. i have tried several 'cheap' brands with bad results. JT and marbellizer should be more than fine. hellfire for me has never worked good. hate to say this but my 2 cents....

vertical feed = nasty blowback. balls tend to bobble up enough briefly to chop. nasty mess. been there done that. im sure ill get trashed for this one but i also had better luck with an ans bolt in my vert feed than with the longnose bolt. i know that the longnose is supposed to cut back on blowback blah blah but....whatever.
the ans bolt actually sits back a little further in the breech if you look down the feed tube. may allow the ball a little more chance to get in there, rather than catch on the lip and pinch.

if you could, try a powerfeed body do it. bet that fixes it. good luck

04-29-2002, 10:58 AM
I don't know personally, but I have seen posts about a feed extender.. it fits on the vert feed tube and then your hopper fits in it. It's supposed to allow for more paint between your hopper and gun. This keeps you from running the feed tube dry when rapidd firing, then the slightest bit of blowback pops the 2-3 paintballs back up the feed tube causing a chop. There's my 2 cents.

04-29-2002, 11:39 AM
It's possible you were short-stroking, but if they were barrel breaks, I'm betting on crappy paint. Was the paint dimpled at all?

Did you try a bigger bore barrel? Sometimes if I'm having problems I switch to the biggest bore I've got, and that seems to help.

04-29-2002, 11:42 PM
How was the temp outside? Cold weather always caused more breaks for me and my son. Also I know I had horrible blowback in my centerfeed before I installed the longnose bolt. This may be a hit or miss for particular markers, but I know installing the bolt helped me.

04-30-2002, 08:23 PM
Not to good weather cond.
AGD sending me Longnose bolt & plastic Nubbins....I'am also toying with the Idea of buying a Power feed main body