View Full Version : My Kids first three-man Superair ball tourney

04-29-2002, 12:06 PM
How did they do? Not to good really. I think they were 8th out of 10. One point out of 7th. Only won one game out of six but they practically swept that one for 49 out of 50 possible points. But other than that there was no team work at all most other games. No one listening, no cross fire out of the right tape most of the time and lots of gutsy but totally ineffective moving by the right tape guy who insists on following his own game plan... whatever that was. ;)

In the first two games the left tape man refused to advance at all. The right tape wanted to shoot right all the time, up the tape, giving no cross fire for the left tape man. They did get a couple of eliminations. In the third game they switched and my Son Caleb went from Back man to right tape on the opposite end of the field and in spite of losing the back man they swept the field and Caleb made the flag pull and they ended up winning that one with only one elimination for their side. Next game back on the other end and Caleb now on left tape the right tape man failed to lay down any cross fire of his left side and then panicked and retreated back before Caleb could move up and they lost again. In the final game the tape men switched sides but still on the same end of the field (for some reason they played 5 of 6 from the same end and only won the one on the opposite end). So the left tape man decides to run past the beer can that has the flag and go to the center Dorito! Gutsy move individually but stupid from a team perspective and really a disadvantage for the other two of his team members. The way it developed the opposing teams tape man in tea cup on the right and back man in the cone now had a direct line on both him and Caleb (in the right beer can) and almost a straight line on their back man in the cone. All three of them lined up in one narrow angle on the more open side of the field. So they are pinned and eventually eliminated. Even to this moment I will not comprehend why he bypassed the flag to do that. Individualism seemed to be his strong point not team work. Too much Rec ball I guess. Not enough team practice. I don't mean to sound too critical as they are only kids playing in their first three man. Hopefully they will reflect on it and learn something.

Thanks to Lance and Steve for the coaching. Sorry they were not as coachable as they should have been. Lance ended up Reffing by the way. FatMan came out to watch the event and only missed seeing one game...the one they won! I think it may be his fault? ;-)

A word about the tournament...well... pretty nice set up of the field but... even though it "looked" like it was a mirror filed and was for some reason it seemed the far end resulted in more luck for a lot of the teams. I think because the more cover area on that side allowed the tape man working it to shoot from the right side. A more natural shooting stance for the right handers. I still do not know why our kids had to play 5 of 6 on the same end having success only the one time on the far end except for the fact that was the one game the two front players switched sides. This resulted in them being in the same lay out as reversed leaving Caleb on the flag side but shooting left rather than right and maybe they should have done that earlier but hind site.... I don't think any of us noticed that they were stronger with that line up to that side until the very last game but then came the Dorito incident. We though they were coming around at that point and by the time it became evident it was too late. Live and learn. The Field owners had gone to the trouble of making a roster that had each team matched up "home" and "away" equal times but never used it. Instead they asked teams which end they wanted! Resulting in an unequal play side distribution. Another thing that was a bit of concern was they had honor system Crono in, and stated they were going to Crono everyone out, but never did. But this was their first 3 man tourney so we will have to forgive them.

Anyway they learned some things if they want to look at them the right way. One thing I think sticks out is you (we)right handed people have got to learn to shoot off your left especially if you are playing the right tape. And learn that you may get many single eliminations by going it on your own but they will not add up to wins if to do so you leave your team out of positon. One kill for you often results in three for them if it comes as a result of playing out of position. And winning is the result you are looking for not individual bragging rights.

04-29-2002, 12:13 PM
wow long post
but looks good
sounds like they coulda done better
but it all comes down to teamwork

04-29-2002, 12:35 PM
Well considering it was home field to all of the other nine teams and these three never had played on that field toghether (in one case never played Sup air at all an in my kids case only once before), nor played as a team in this line up, nor ever played three man...at least they were not LAST! :)

04-29-2002, 12:42 PM
now thats bad
if they did get last
you shoulda grounded em LOL

what do they shoot?
if u say cockers, ur a bad parent:D:D jk

04-29-2002, 12:58 PM
One was shooting a brand new stock Cocker just outa the box and barely timed and ready for this, one was using a Spyder TL plus that worked great and my kid....drum roll please...A RT PRO with Flatline!!!! ;)

He chopped with the RT pro once on the break but later admitted he forgot to turn on the revy. No more problems after that.

04-29-2002, 01:32 PM
8th out 10 teams is fine considering it's their first 3-man tourney. Wait'll they get a few more tourneys under their belt and get the team work goin. :D

04-29-2002, 01:57 PM
It's all a ploy. If they had won, you'd be expecting them to win the next one... this way they've got time to improve slowly. ;)

04-29-2002, 02:02 PM
Might be Krafty. I am about to run out of chores to overpay him for to buy paint and entry fee's. :D

04-29-2002, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
One thing I think sticks out is you (we)right handed people have got to learn to shoot off your left especially if you are playing the right tape.
2 words...
Warp Feed ;)

04-29-2002, 02:47 PM
True! but the little wussies are to lame to lug around the warp feed.

04-29-2002, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
True! but the little wussies are to lame to lug around the warp feed.
Oh dear god. Dis-own them. :D

04-29-2002, 03:09 PM
Only one of ems mine but it's a thought...

04-29-2002, 03:29 PM
If only you had kept the 90* adapter you sent my way last week, the entire tournament would have turned out differently?

My first 3-man tournament was this past weekend also. We didn't do that great (5th in our 8-team novice/rookie combined group), but we had fun and learned quite a bit.

04-29-2002, 05:19 PM
So its your fault then Ben! ;)

5th of 8 huh? not bad realy. How did the warp do for you?

04-29-2002, 05:30 PM
My question... Did they have Fun?

04-29-2002, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
...How did the warp do for you? The Warp worked great, when there was fresh paint in in. I noticed that the instances where the intervals between games was longer (45 minutes or so), the paint wouldn't feed at all. The weather was very warm, so I began to empty out the paint that was in my warpfeed and tube immediately before every game to ensure that there was fresh paint in the system.

Overall, the whole gun worked great. My new boomstick and ReTro Valve worked very well and in conjunction with my Warp, I feel that I have the gun I will continue to use for quite some time.

04-29-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
My question... Did they have Fun?

Yeah, my team doesnt usually make top 3, but as long as we have fun, everythings good. how old is your son, and his teammates?

04-29-2002, 06:09 PM
give him the emag

04-29-2002, 06:46 PM
"My Kids first three-man Superair ball tourney"

you have a kid???


04-29-2002, 07:03 PM
Well, in my own defense... I gave up playing with the E-mag because I just personally like the RT. Plus, I like the powerfeed. I "grew up" on it and for some reason the warp just made me feel awkward, even though I liked it very much. Secondly, My line-up was a little construde from what I would have preferred. One of my best friends and a great paintball player (a member of my team) was at a wedding all day and couldn't attend. I honestly think, had he been there, we would've made finals. We just couldn't get any cooperation going and a lot of times I would get hung out to dry before I could see the light of day. But all things said and done, we learned a lot and had fun... We'll be looking to win some three man tourneys here in the future.


04-29-2002, 07:06 PM
how old are you?

just curios

do you ever tell your dad to cut his hair?


04-29-2002, 07:13 PM
I am fifteen, will be sixteen in July. Not really, he is in charge because he funds my paintball fetish so he can go get a belly button ring for all I care. All of my friends seem to think he's cool and I do too, most of the time. Hehe... We get to spend a lot of time together either playing or talking paintball crap so the sport has helped our relationship out a lot. He was the one who turned me into an AGD freak, now I am hooked.


04-29-2002, 07:17 PM
try and convince him to buy an angel:)

anyways, thats good, wish my dad played paintball, altho he would prolly have a heart attack these days:)

anyways, good for you, hope to see you posting more


04-29-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by ccaleb
Not really, he is in charge because he funds my paintball fetish so he can go get a belly button ring for all I care.
Good answer. :D

04-30-2002, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
...altho he would prolly have a heart attack these days:)


I think Caleb is waiting for that to happen to me so he can inherit the Emag. Little bugger would probably trade it for an Angel or a nice Cocker. :( So I am hanging in there just to spite him! :D

He had his choice of the Emag or the RT-Pro but preffers the RT-Pro. I keep telling you guys that the RT-Pro is the most underated Marker out there. Until you have tried one with the Intelliframe on it you will not understand. I realy feel like when Tom gets the Extreme body worked up that this Marker with that Body is going to directly go head to head with the Top of the line Cockers out there both in price, looks and it will out perform them already.

04-30-2002, 10:20 AM
Hey thats great for a first 3 man and a team that has little communication skills. Could have been worst, they could have been LAST! :) Im sure they learned a lot and will take many lessons from that experience. The more they play the better they will get. :)