View Full Version : College Nationals

04-29-2002, 01:47 PM
So are all of you who went dry yet? ;)

- Chris

04-29-2002, 04:52 PM
yeah, but my cloths are not yet.

04-29-2002, 04:58 PM
ive been waiting for this thread...

i just have one question

how is it that a team can get a 10 or 50 or whatever it was, point penalty for saying the "F" word and yet i hear at least 4 refs say it,

i know that they were cpx refs and all, it just struck my as odd, i also realize that you were trying to have a family environment, and i think thats great!

just something that i saw and heard

but other than that it wasnt too bad, it was fun, met some cool guys from osu

altho k-state missed the finals by ONE FREAKIN POINT:(

but it was still fun


04-29-2002, 05:26 PM
Saying the F-word is a 10 point penalty, although none of those were given out. It's mainly there for players cussing up a storm that can be heard from the sidelines, it's not intended to regulate profanity throughout the whole complex for the whole day. (That that people shouldn't watch their language anyway, it's just that that kinda rule would have been nearly impossible enforce.)

One 50-point penalty was given out in combination with the ejection of the player from the tournament and the team playing short for the rest of the tournament. That was for getting in a physical altercation with a referee, and that kind of behavior will absolutely *NOT* be tolerated at NCPA events.

- Chris

04-29-2002, 06:14 PM
i see

that would suck, wonder who did that, can you tell me?
or is it best left alone?

what a moron, why would you get in a fight with the ref? i just dont get that

anyways, i did see you but you looked mighty busy so i just left you alone:)

on a side note, something odd did happen to me, i was hangin out with the k-state team at their table and this guy walks by with a jungle ano. micro emag, so i say to him, "hey nice micro" and he turns and looks at me like im this huge dumb @$$, and says "its a ptp emag" and walks off

i just left that one alone, it was funny, and if it was any of you people on here, if you are that rude you should at least know what your saying.

anyways, that happened to me which i thought was funny

but i saw alot of mags and alot of warp feeds
so tom your gettin you message out to the younger generation


04-29-2002, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by raehl

One 50-point penalty was given out in combination with the ejection of the player...

Was there really on one penalty given for the entire torunament. I hope not as there HAD to be more infractions of the rules than that. IMO, it is a HUGE problem to not enfore the penalties. If judges/refs are not penalizing players/teams for infractions of the rules something is wrong. :(

04-29-2002, 07:16 PM
There was only one sportsmanship point penalty/ejection given at the tournament, which is actually one more than I would have expected given the crowd. There were PLENTY of one-for-ones handed out though. As explained in the captain's meeting, if you had an obvious hit and were playing or called for a paint check for an obvious hit you could self-verify, you'd be one-for-oned. The refs were including front of hopper hits as obvious, which I think may have been a little much, but the refs were consistent about it throughout the day. So people were getting one-for-ones in bunkering-like situations where they decided to continue with the bunker rather than call themselves out or stop in the middle of the field to check a hit they felt. I should point out that that's not cheating - that's just hoping that it didn't break and paying the penalty if it did. Like pass interference in football or icing in hockey or fouls in basketball. If you're the last person on your team and you're getting bunkerred and you feel yourself get hit with 60 seconds still left in the game, you probably want to assume it didn't break and keep shooting as all you have to lose if you're wrong and it did break is 6 points swhile if it didn't break you'd be giving away the flag hang. If there are 5 seconds left, you probably want to call yourself out because if you assume you're clean and keep shooting and you're wrong, you'd be giving them the flag hang (last player eliminated by penalty). And in the beginning of the game, if you get hit and can get behind your bunker to check it, it's much better to do that than not check and take a teammate with you.

The point of this though was to stress that you're out when you're hit, not when you're hit and you get around to checking yourself or a ref sees it. It really cuts down on the "Well, I just felt a hit bounce off my leg, so I'm going to call a paint check and just keep shooting until the ref can get over here anyway" stuff, or the "I'm running to bunker this guy and I just felt 5 hits on my chest, but if I hurry up and get to him before the refs see I can take him with me." Or if you feel a hit on your back, you have to get a ref to check you before you can start shooting again (or take the one-for-one if you do shoot/move and the hit actually did break.) You are eliminated when you're hit, and it is the player's resopnsibility to stop playing if they are hit. If you disregard that responsibility and end up playing while hit, you will be penalized for it.

Paintball has gotten lost in this attitude that only actual CHEATING is penalized and while cheating is virtually never sanctioned. The reality of other athletics is penalties (one-for-ones) are for not playing the way you're supposed to (fouls, pass interference, hand-ball in soccer, faults in tennis, and playing on in paintball) while sanctions (getting ejected from the event, being suspended from participation, losing points or scholarships or getting fines) are for cheating (corking your bat, fighting with players/officials, doping, or in paintball, wiping, falsifying eligibility, etc.) We will continue to use general athletic principles instead of this warped attitude that paintball has unfortunately developed over the years.

As for the player who got ejected and what team they were from, it'll probably appear in the event coverage, but I really don't think there's any reason to get into it here. The penalty REALLY hurt the team, so I'd imagine they'll do something to prevent a recurrance in the future, which was the goal, along with letting people know that that kind of behavior won't be tolerated. Sticking a name on the penalty doesn't further either of those two goals.


04-29-2002, 07:28 PM
Very well written reply to what is/is not cheating.

Originally posted by raehl
Paintball has gotten lost in this attitude that only actual CHEATING is penalized and while cheating is virtually never sanctioned. The reality of other athletics is penalties (one-for-ones) are for not playing the way you're supposed to (fouls, pass interference, hand-ball in soccer, faults in tennis, and playing on in paintball) while sanctions (getting ejected from the event, being suspended from participation, losing points or scholarships or getting fines) are for cheating (corking your bat, fighting with players/officials, doping, or in paintball, wiping, falsifying eligibility, etc.) We will continue to use general athletic principles instead of this warped attitude that paintball has unfortunately developed over the years.

I too have gotten caught up in thinking of too much as cheating. That is the best set of examples I have read yet. Thanks for helping me get it clear in my mind.

You don't write for a living, do you? ;)

04-29-2002, 07:31 PM
maybe someone can help me, im looking to transfer to umass in the next year or 2, i was wondering what the paintball teams story was, i have played against them in nepl (and got spanked, that another story) how do you go about getting into this team?
drop me a line if you can [email protected]

04-29-2002, 07:35 PM
You'd have to track one of their members down and ask them. I'm pretty sure the UMass club has sort of vanished. UMass didn't get out of their first year, and the first year is very trying for many college clubs, not just paintball. Surviving that summer can be difficult the first couple times around.

- Chris