View Full Version : New Marker Recomandation

Sir. Foxalot
04-29-2002, 06:13 PM
Ok..... I had to sell my mag a few weeks ago and am now debating about what I should get. It was a very "tricked" mag. Before that I had a Tippman 98 the a spyder then the mag. Anywase enough of my backround. I am looking for a gun that would be good for recballing and some Tourny ball. I am slowly getting into tourny. I play middle so it doesnt have to be a tinny gun but it cant be huge. Also I do like to tinker but nothing to complicated . lol. I was thinking a nice cocker because it can still hold its own with some elcetros but isnt complete over kill in Rec ball. SO what do you think?????????? I have a limited budget... not tiny but not unlimited. Please post up some ideas. I would be willing to go to an electro but I am just looking for some ideas. Thanx a ton peeps!
Im not leaving out mags I just want to get other peoples opinouns. I loved my mag and may well end up going back to one
Thanx again

04-29-2002, 06:59 PM
Sounds like you want an RT Pro.

Steve Crush
04-29-2002, 07:06 PM
well i would say Emag. You can have the elctro or manual or both. You can adjust the trigger to yer liking. But i am kinda partial to mags. I did play with an angel yesterday and i must say i like my emag ALOT better. I could fire the angel quicker but my shots where everywhere, the mag i can actually hit what i want on the first shot (sometimes;( ).


04-29-2002, 07:10 PM
i own a tricked mag, and cant do much more to it, im currently working on a cocker myself, i bought a centerfeed body, i plan to buy the reflex trigger system by boston paintball, and am having custum milled. id say if you have had a mag, and are looking for something new, go for a cocker.

04-29-2002, 07:54 PM
I would have to say that you would like an RT Pro. NICE markers and also an AGD product (as you well know). I have held my own with an RT Pro against any gun imaginable.

Then again, it's always the player, not the gun (with the exception maybe of the ever powerful Talon or Blade). A good player can compete with an electro if they have a Spyder. I believe in that philosiphy and stand behind it over buying guns to make up the difference.

Buy something reliable but nice. Buy from a company with good costumer service. In other words, buy an RT Pro from AGD.


Sir. Foxalot
04-29-2002, 07:59 PM
Sweet thanx guys keeep em commin. Yeah thats what I really likle about AGD is their costomer service. Not that you really ever need them but there there when you do!

04-29-2002, 08:44 PM
a Works Autococker. Absolute best machanical gun EVER made. If your into electros, I'd recommend an Excalibur or Matrix. Very high ROF yet very accurate. If you like electronic with full reliability insuring that you will never sit out because of gun failure, for for the Emag since you can do machnaical mode if your electronics every fry.