View Full Version : Official Ao Comic Title Contest!!!

04-29-2002, 08:19 PM
Yes, I've offered to try to make a bi-monthly comic for AO but it needs a title... It's basically a story about a 3 girl paintball team that is really kickass and gets sponsored by agd. Well, not really but I have yet to fill in the whole plot so that will be the "plot" for the moment. Whoever gives the best title will win a reoccuring role in the comic. Yes I know the prize sucks but I don't have the time to get anything better since I'm gonna be working on the comic.

04-29-2002, 08:25 PM
"The Angels of AGD" or a variation with othe things in there (IE: The Dark Angels of AGD...ECT)

Or of course AGD's Angels.

04-29-2002, 08:25 PM
Extreem Pride: A lion's tail
(get it like the EXTREEM Emag, and the Lions [AGD lions] and TAIL as opposed to tale, becuase lions have tails :D )

EDIT*- I dont know what a female lion would be... Maybe Lionness... chage the lion to what ever the female form of it is.

04-29-2002, 08:30 PM
lol... keep comin up with these ideas... It's very entertaing...

04-29-2002, 08:54 PM

04-29-2002, 09:21 PM
You could have them being trained by AO's official Drill Sergeant...me!
:D :D :D

04-29-2002, 09:25 PM
1.AGD 3SOME-hahahaha

04-29-2002, 09:29 PM

"That comic that Foo made with the 3 girls on a paintball team who get sponsored by agd"

04-29-2002, 09:32 PM
Tom's Angels (like charlies angels)
TK's Angels

04-29-2002, 09:50 PM
::sigh:: I'm looking for good names... and no biterness ok?

besides... I might give something away if I'm that desperate...

04-29-2002, 09:58 PM
Aoin' around.

still like the AO Bunch

ok just give it up.

04-29-2002, 10:00 PM
FYI: I might release this to people outside of AO if I deem it good enough...

04-29-2002, 10:14 PM
Im with the123 Toms Angels

04-29-2002, 10:22 PM
erm... Does everyone know who tom is? no...

04-29-2002, 11:10 PM

04-30-2002, 12:05 AM
die ku von satan
die eier von satan
the cronicles of team AGD

04-30-2002, 07:20 AM
Triple Queen
The Bunkering Queens
The Bunkering Angels
The Chronicle(sp?) Chicks/Queens

04-30-2002, 07:58 AM
Paintball Tribune
Bunker Monthly
The Airgun Chroncles
The paintball Chronicles
Women and Welts three womens tales of the sadistic world that is paintball!

04-30-2002, 11:05 AM
Um... their lives don't SOLEY revolve around paintball... They bowl too! lol...

04-30-2002, 11:20 AM
I'm with the mustache mafia. again.

or: crapadapadillyo and the harlequin queens.

04-30-2002, 11:27 AM
Lion King
An 'Ol tale (note the "AO")
Lions Extreem

04-30-2002, 01:47 PM
how about

"the adventures of the mag hags"


04-30-2002, 01:49 PM

04-30-2002, 01:54 PM
Just call the comic 'Cheese'

04-30-2002, 02:14 PM
BUNKER BABES!!!!:p :p :p

04-30-2002, 02:27 PM
(wow,comic really is a funny word after writing it alot of times....did i even spell it right???:rolleyes: )

04-30-2002, 03:21 PM
actually, nevermind. That sounds like a title for another form of media...

04-30-2002, 03:25 PM
OK, here we go: Bunker Betties!!!

04-30-2002, 04:39 PM
lol... How about something that has to do with pie? lol

04-30-2002, 05:43 PM
pie-rates http://www.digitalbrain.com/jonneh/d2.gif

04-30-2002, 07:37 PM

05-01-2002, 09:24 AM

The Frymarker
05-01-2002, 11:54 AM
Hey Foo,

I'm an artist too! I like your idea! Cool!

How about the Cub Club or We 3, AGD3.

I'd like to see it when it is finished!

Heather grip gurl ( the grip maker)

05-01-2002, 12:20 PM
How about:

05-01-2002, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by The Frymarker
Hey Foo,

I'm an artist too! I like your idea! Cool!

How about the Cub Club or We 3, AGD3.

I'd like to see it when it is finished!

Heather grip gurl ( the grip maker)

ooo! That's nice... I do manga style drawings tho. I'm still really a novice at this stuff. It will take me a while to get the first issue up and running...

05-01-2002, 04:00 PM
How about TRINITY?

I think it would be cool if the chick's names started with the letters A.G.D. I guess that's an anacronym or something.

05-01-2002, 04:02 PM
Actually... I have character names and nicknames for them already... Iunno why they're named what they are, it's kinda silly...

05-01-2002, 04:16 PM
So let's here it!

05-01-2002, 04:18 PM
one is our very own Clare..

i think The AO Comic is the best...

The Frymarker
05-01-2002, 04:43 PM
OOH good one Ramsee1 I like trinity also!!!

Well Foo when ever you get it out or you would like a contribution let me know.

Can't wait


05-01-2002, 04:52 PM
It'll prolly be out in a couple months... I'm planning on putting an issue out every other month eventually. I've got a girl helping me out. She's writing the stories and I do the art. Do you have any good action/non-action format tips?

05-01-2002, 05:18 PM
This is kinda cheesy but how bout, Three Girls, Three Guns and a Game Called Paintball.

The Frymarker
05-01-2002, 05:27 PM
Format as in layout, inking, clean up?

Well I have been drawing for 17 years and I was going to go to Joe Kubert School of cartooning where everyone who is anyone in the cartooning business goes, all of the greats have come from there.

Well that's another story anyway, what I like to do is drawing everything free hand, then the scanner is a big part of my work! I scan it all in clean it up in photoshop, the lines the airbrushing. The best part is you can size them add them to other pics and so on.

Is that what you meant?


05-01-2002, 06:01 PM
Yeah, thanks... Is it a pain to do the lines in photoshop? A couple people told me to just pen the lines in first and then scan it in.

05-01-2002, 06:41 PM
I was high on cheese when I said those last two names BTW.

Trio's Try

05-01-2002, 07:50 PM
Yeah, after thinking about it, Bunker Betties is definitely my entry for this contest! I usually don't care about this kind of thing, but you don't think that this name would offend girls, do you? Girls, let me know!

The Frymarker
05-01-2002, 08:29 PM
Foo, actually you know what I do, I don't do the inking.

I just draw it with a hard lead like 2hb. Then when it is scanned in, I go into photoshop then I go to the brightness/contrast tab. I brighten it then I contrast it. I also make sure all of my lines connect so that way when I use the magic wand tool it won't grab everything.

If you do it that way it takes less time and it comes out the same as if inking, it usually gets rid of eraser marks too.

Best of luck, look forward to seeing it!:D

05-01-2002, 08:39 PM
::GASP!:: you use magic wand!?!? What do you set the sensitivity at? I can't ever get it to work right... I've been tryin to use the lasso tool instead but that's such a pain... it looks good tho...

05-01-2002, 11:48 PM
I do packaging for McFarlane Toys. I get to see a lot of cool stuff that the Image guys work on (Spawn, etc.). One of the color guys came out one time it was really cool how fast he cranks stuff out. If you need anything, logo wise or whatever let me know.

The Frymarker
05-02-2002, 04:57 AM
Hey Foo,

I have the settings on default which is tolerance 32, anti-alias and contiguous.

I hate using the the lasso tool it take too much time. If you set the contrast just right you can use the wand to color in blocks of items fast!

Hey Ramsee, I love Mcfarlane Toys! I have a good collection of them, Spawn, Shack, Austin Powers...and so many more.
I love Spawn and Raven paintball products! I think they have a good thing going there.

I always wanted to work either for a comic book, Disney or making movie set props! I think that is why I like making the grips so much! I get to use my artistic and creative side. My dream was to meet and work for Jim Henson, but he passed away before I had the chance.
I guess it is just not in the cards for me. I want to be a famous artist, I could careless about the money, besides artists never see that anyway unless they're dead.

The closest I ever got to my 15 minutes of fame was when I was 19. I went to a comic book convention in NJ with my friends. I brought my portfolio. So did just about everyone else. I went around and saw the original works from the creator of Spiderman, I saw some artist that worked on the X-Men, Greg Adams, John Hereay, the arstist that worked on Barbie...she was brutal. They were very critacle and some almost hurtfull. Which was making me think maybe I should just get out of this business. Then I came to the table of Greg and Tim Hildebrandt. I can't really remember which was which but one of them completely disregarded me and said I have seen enough portfolios and I don't have the time and he sat there talking to his wife.

I turned and walked away and felt crushed like a tin can. Everything I had done for the past 8 years since I was 11 was just tossed away like old garbage. So I started heading toward the door making my way through the enormous crowd, when I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder.
I turned around and it was the other Hildebrandt, he had fought his way through the crowd just to find me.

He asked to see my portfolio again. He said to me my work had a lot of promise and I should never give up on my dreams and he said that I would make it someday and be somebody.

I never forgot that moment.

I also swore that I would never judge someone's artwork. To me artwork is an extention of one's sole and to put someone's artwork down is to put them down. It is devastating and I know how it feels and I would never do that to anyone.

Well I hope I haven't bored you too much. Got to make some more grips!!:rolleyes:

05-02-2002, 08:35 AM
You have a PM.

The Frymarker
05-02-2002, 08:56 AM
I just wrote back:D

05-02-2002, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Snooky
Aoin' around.

still like the AO Bunch

ok just give it up.
lol, wernt those both MINE?! :D:D:D:D:D
Well those two, and
Diffrent AOs
CrimeBox INC.
Wheres the Beef?
Girls like Paintball
A Freakin O
And the ever popular...The AO FAMILY!


05-02-2002, 08:17 PM

05-02-2002, 08:35 PM
If you set the contrast too high the images look to blocky. I'm looking to make smooth lines and still color it in well...

05-02-2002, 09:12 PM
Any artwork should really be inked and then scanned. Once you have clean linework in photoshop, double-click that layer to make it a floating layer (as opposed to the background layer). You can now put this linework layer onto Multiply. Create all new color layers underneath this layer. With the top linework layer on multiply, no color can show through the black lines. Using selection tools and mass fills really increase the visibility of the stair-stepping effect, causing the image to look choppy.

05-02-2002, 09:15 PM
Ramsee... That's why I use the lasso and that's why I like inking on paper. Just wondering but do you actually have your lines hard black or do you do dark variations of the colors you use?

05-02-2002, 11:04 PM
Hello. The lines are always a solid black. I will try to find an example for ya...


05-02-2002, 11:09 PM
I'm talkin about colored drawings... I've noticed some artists use a really dark variation of a color to soften the line a bit.

05-03-2002, 12:01 AM
Right, I think I have a better example of the process when the color is added. I mean it would depend on your style. Most of the things I see at work are straight 100% black line work for things like edges and shadows. And it's a matter of your personal preference to use color to ahieve tonality, or something like stippling or crosshatching with ink.


The spawn guys are a big fan of gradiations and strong light sources to set the mood. Hope that helps!

05-03-2002, 12:15 AM
Well... I know what I have isn't going to be as strong as what spawn is. I'm just lookin for tips and opinions on coloring for just the front cover and back cover. I'm certain that only the cover pages will have color. I'm more of a japanese anime/manga fan so I'd probably follow under the b/w idea. If I feel like doing something like a special issue then it's be color... O wait, I already have a special... "Tato's alternate universe of peanut butter"... lol

05-03-2002, 12:21 AM
lol. That's cool though. I am sure what you have will be great! Spawn is the only thing I see day in and day out so unfortunately I'm limited to that stuff in terms of reference. The only thing I know AND like about anime is Fist of the North Star! Now that's a movie. :D

05-03-2002, 12:34 AM
good taste... good taste... go to www.jdillon.net for examples of what I'm talking about anime wise at least. The lines aren't black and they look soooo good... I wish I could do work like that but I need more years and some classes! lol..

The Frymarker
05-03-2002, 06:57 AM
Hey guys,

I guess Foo just fool around with what works best for you. That's what I do.

With the drawings I did for Suzzie, I have two children 3 & 1 and I don't have the time to do the inking by hand, I need a fast and simple solution. That is why, I chose the brighten and contrast.

However Ramsee seems to know better he is currently in the field, so try his methods out.

I'm sure what ever methods you use it will come out looking great!!!!

Take care.


05-03-2002, 07:45 AM
so whos starring in your first comic?

05-03-2002, 09:32 AM
Well, since the first issue is a tournament I was plannig on having 5 or more guest characters from AO... I haven't gotten much tho. AT LEAST not official characters.