View Full Version : !mission Bravo Is #1! All Others Are #2 Or Lower!

04-29-2002, 11:32 PM
My team(Team Mission Bravo) took first place in our tourney Saturday!! Me, Ni_cD, and RockStar played a great day! Our first four games we didn't even lose a player! There was 12 teams playing, all but two or three were tourney teams. We went into the finals in fourth place, won our first game in the finals(we got a 97, lost three points becauce we lost our one player), lost the second game(but got seven points), and maxed the last game. We won by four points because the last team we played maxed their first two games in the finals! We were told we had second, and then when one of the refs yelled "Mission Bravo got first!" we just sorta laughed thinking he was kidding us. Then the field owner told us we had first, and we thought he was joking with us too...finally he was just like "Geeze you guys! You won! Now shut up!" or something like that lol :D. We were happy :D. We played alot of the really good teams around here, and had alot of fun! Should have pictures of us with our trophies soon. We won trophies, and its a series so who ever has the most points at the end of the series gets either $1000 or a trip for four to Mexico. I think we are third in points in the series so far, we took 4th the first one, 5th the second one (because of horrible rain) and 1st this one :). We also might be getting sponsored by a new paintball store this month! So just wanted to say "GO US!" :D


04-29-2002, 11:40 PM
Sweet, Major.

Nice work! I always just kinda pictured you as the dude on the field who would run screaming at the other team in just your underwear and mask, and then crash into a tree. But apparently you actually can play!

Good luck bro,

04-29-2002, 11:50 PM
LOL! Thats awesome!!! No I did use the MB STINGER for a game at night games Friday though...it leaked like crazy, the feedtube broke off, then when I dropped it the body cracked lol :D! Now I have to fix it! But yeah we played good :D Beat teams like Midsouth, D.O.C., Machete, Maxim, The Dawgs, and some other good teams(but unless you live in TN you probably have no idea who they are...Dawgs and Midsouth went to the world cup tho I think...).
I should do that cool underwear tree move though! And I did get the Evil Porcupines(a team) mad at me because I spun around, danced, and sung/screamed when I found out we got into the finals lol :D(I was trying to be funny lol :D). My team told me that while I was doing this Evil Pork(as I like to call them because thats how their name was written on the scoreboard lol) commented by saying something like "WHO DOES THIS GUY THINK HE IS!?" lol :D. Then when I found out we won I ran and jumped on a spool, jumped off it and spun and like yelled or something :D. I also left the field with my trohpie hooked onto my rearview mirror, it was attached to a necklace and bounced around all over the place while I drove away, everyone was laughing at it :D. Then when my team met me up at TacoHut(Or PizzaBell what ever you wanna call it) I blasted "We are the champions" and danced in the parkinglot lol :D. So I am zainey, I just try and play good lol :D. Oh and I wore a shirtsleave from my old jersey as a sockhat allmost all day, it looked funny :D.


04-30-2002, 12:09 AM
where r u located major?

04-30-2002, 05:43 AM

04-30-2002, 08:27 AM
Wow Go YOU!!! :) That rocks. Keep representin in the west sIIeeeddd!!!!!!

04-30-2002, 08:50 AM
good job guys.

04-30-2002, 05:49 PM
Thanx guys :D. We are in middle Tennessee


04-30-2002, 05:57 PM
Nice job. If you win are you going to take the money or the trip?

EDIT--If you win I mean...

04-30-2002, 06:00 PM
i think in his second paragraph i counted 10 of these :D hehe, ok well just wanna say dats great, hope ya get sponsored.. now i just gotta find a team to get on :rolleyes:

04-30-2002, 06:03 PM
lol I always overuse smileys and lols :D.
We will take the money if we win :D, money rules :D.


04-30-2002, 07:43 PM
Dude, you rule. Good luck to the team and one day Tom K will be begging you guys to accept his sponsorship offers! :D

I can just see the Endo Edition EMag now.

04-30-2002, 07:59 PM
Great work.

04-30-2002, 08:06 PM
Congrats Major and team Bravo!!!

04-30-2002, 08:07 PM
You are awesome Major!!! You are the man!!! You are the champion!!! Congrats man, I can't believe you actually beat midsouth and all them. I'm gonna go finish checking AO then I'll head over to midsouth and congradulate you there too!!!

05-01-2002, 05:10 PM
Thanx guys :D we were happy, and Tom should start selling E(NDO)Mags! Just like mine! All that practicing paid off :D


05-01-2002, 05:17 PM

05-01-2002, 08:53 PM
Great job on the win!!!!!:D :)

05-03-2002, 09:15 AM
i think you should take the money and give it to ME!:D hahahahahaha, muhaahahahahahah. lmao.:D :D

05-03-2002, 12:25 PM
I play for the Evil porcupines and i would first like to say good job, maybe we'll get to play you next time, b/c i don't think we played you. Also we weren't mad at you, we had an on going joke that day about the skit on SNL Celebrity jeopardy, where one of the guys says"Who is this guy, please someone tell me who is this guy, b/c i wanna know" , so thats what your team heard. We also didn't even stay for finals(b/c we sucked bad that day, earasing any knowlegde of this tourney haha), so we were't even there to see you dance around or whatever. Also if thats how our name was spelled on the scoreboard than someone can't spell. But anyways good job, and maybe we'll see you at some other tourneys. Oh and rockstar sweet job on that one game i think you got like 2 or so gogs, that was sweet. Oh and what store is sponsoring you just wondering, cause we have one lined up too, might be the same one.

05-03-2002, 04:21 PM
Oh, ok. No prob, it didnt bother me anyways. I wasnt trying to be mean or anything, I just thought that Evil Pork sounded funny lol :D. Thats how they did it on the scoreboard I think to save space, I think ours was just MB or Bravo. Thanx tho guys, we had a blast and hopefully we get to play ya next time!


05-03-2002, 04:25 PM
Oh, and the store is that new UTC Paintballin store.


05-03-2002, 10:51 PM
I am the person from Evil Porcupines that said "Who is this guy?" i didnt even know you guys had made it into the finals, i was NOT mad or anything like that, i was talking to a guy on machete who wouldn't shut his mouth. I have nothing against Mission Bravo or anyone on the team, sorry for this misunderstanding

05-03-2002, 10:59 PM
and if you have a file sharing program download some of the SNL Celebrity Jepordy skits, i get that from one with adam sandler in it

05-03-2002, 11:30 PM
lol, no prob guys, I didnt take any offence at it anyways. Some of my teammates thought you were talking about me and I just started laughing hehe.
But yeah that one guy from Machete was getting a lil' annoying ;).


05-04-2002, 12:46 AM
yeah major dude we were on the field against machete, and this dude was talking crap and levi (slim 7) said "who does this guy think he is" and in no way was it directed towards you or any member of Mission Bravo (b/c he was yelling this to me about the guy on Machete b/c we were on the field at that time so we didn't know what you were doing). oh well take it easy dude good ballin

05-05-2002, 11:25 PM
Coola, not a problem dude. Sorry for the mixup, I wasnt upset anyways dude, I thought it was funny :D