View Full Version : RT or minimag

04-30-2002, 02:56 AM
Thinking about getting a used automag RT or a mini. Enquiring shooter wants to now. Oh, btw how can I tell a used RT is still under warrenty. Also, whats up with the star warranty and if there are none to be found, what does it mean. Thanks in advance.

04-30-2002, 07:11 AM
Most would say get the RT. I would also.
But in the end thats your decision.
This link should help with warranty questions:

Welcome to the forum.

04-30-2002, 11:39 AM
the question really is...

CO2 or compressed air

04-30-2002, 02:08 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply.

I was looking for some comments like this. FOR EXAMPLE: The mini has a history of breaking balls but very reliable. The RT line was the worst engineering done by airgun design and they leak alot. FOR EXAMPLE!!! Thanks for your comments.

04-30-2002, 02:11 PM
I found myself in a similar situation. I bought a 68 powerfeed and was looking into getting a retrovalve. I happened to come by a RT for 350.00 and decided what the heck. To make a long story short, the RT is in the mail and whichever one I don't like is getting sold.

04-30-2002, 08:45 PM
I think we've been taken for a ride.

04-30-2002, 09:14 PM
The minimag and the RT are essentially the same beyond the valve, no great performance issues. There is a reason the RT valve is a lot more expensive than the AIR valve, it's lighter, recharges faster, and gives you a reactive trigger.

Go with the RT (preference), the minimags are pretty darn good though.

04-30-2002, 10:49 PM
The mini has a history of breaking balls but very reliable
What do you base this information on?

I'll agree with reliable, but history of breaking balls?

05-01-2002, 01:01 AM
Morph, if you read the thread correctly. My comments were example of comments and not facts or opinions. Merely, a direction of opinion or comments I am looking for to base my decision on. Do you have any preference between the two?

Daniel Morse
05-01-2002, 11:29 AM
do us all a favor and find a new forum for yourself because your lack of insight, experience, knowledge, and a brain are not sought after qualities around here. My brother and I both shoot RT's for the past four years and have never changed an o-ring. We play on a team where we just about all have RT's and none of us have ever had a leak. Besides the fact that if it was not for the RT you would not have the E-Mag, SFL, Extreme, or RT Pro. All of these guns are centered around the same valve that was introduced in the original RT. So please go buy a Spider and leave this forum at once. Thanks.

05-01-2002, 12:21 PM
Not that I'm defending him or anything, but I don't think he was puting mags down. I THINK (again could be wrong) that he just wanted to know if the markers had any inherent problems. :confused:

05-01-2002, 12:51 PM
You're correct. I did read your post wrong, my bad.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I personally would want a Mini with a RT valve in it. I just like the looks of them better. You also would not have to run nitro right off the bat if you got a mini. Although it should be on the top of your "to get" list, unless you already have it. You could also just upgrade the mini later with a Retro valve making them just about the same gun anyway. Just depends on which one you like the looks of better.

05-01-2002, 12:52 PM
Since your dealing with used items how much and what condition are they in?

05-01-2002, 01:24 PM
For the classic RT, around $350 depending what else it comes with. But usually, it comes with a aftermarket barrel and either a 45 grip or a drop forward. As for the RT pro, about $400.
Again depends what it comes with. Should I be worrying about warranty?
As for abuse, unfortunatly, I am buying this over the internet. I can only take the word of the seller. Their definition of slightly used is different than a buyers slightly used. ;)
If there are problems with it, how hard and expensive will it be to fix? Major body parts are kinda expensive.

P.S Let me clear things up with this thread before it becomes unconstructive. The comments I made at the beginning of the thread was only an EXAMPLE, NOT fact, NOT opinion. I do not want a flaming war. I've being scorch already...stake a folk in me, I done:D

05-01-2002, 01:26 PM
go with the rt

05-01-2002, 02:07 PM
I would first get it in writing that everything is in tip-top shape. And second, pay through credit card. If something is really wrong with it, you can then file a dispute and they'll challenge the charges made to the card.

Steve Crush
05-01-2002, 04:45 PM
RT with flatline air system


05-01-2002, 04:57 PM
The RT is the way to go...I'm actually selling one right now to pay for an Emag. It's been a great gun, i've played with it in tournies and never had a problem. Always reliable. The "leaking" issue you mentioned might be the banjo bolt problem. Sometimes it comes a bit loose, all you have to do is tighten it down a bit.

If you're interested, take a look, i'm negotiable on price.


05-01-2002, 05:11 PM
In most cases you will end up getting it anyway, unless nitro is an issue.