View Full Version : the Bolt Mod - for Short-nose also?

04-30-2002, 03:15 PM

This may be a tech question, but I'm posting it here as I know AGD browses this forum more.

I'm running a standard Emag, with the short-nosed bolt from my MiniMag. I made this choice for the following reasons. I still use metal nubbins because after a lot of time tinkering with the plastics I was still breach breaking balls, and I was certain it was the plastic nubbins. This was in the cold and things may have changed, and maybe I should give the plastics another try - but just don't have the time to fool with it right now. Anyhow, I was breaking metal nubbins on a fairly regular basis when using the Long-nose Emag bolt. It occurred to me that since I was using a Warp-Feed, which by nature was not affected by blow-back, I didn't need the Long-nose. It is my understanding that the Long-nose was created to reduce chops caused by the blow-back. I switched to the Short-nose bolt, don't have anymore broken metal nubbins, and have had OK luck with respect to breaks. (Still have anywhere between 1-2 a day, and 1-2 a game) I'm still running the Short-nose, and my questions are:

!. Is my reasoning sound in using it? Am I really OK with it since I'm using the Warp, or should I be using the Long-nose regardless?

2. If it is OK to continue using the short, do I need to do the bolt mod that Tom recently posted to reduce barrel breaks - or is that only on Long-nose bolts?

Thanks for the advice.


04-30-2002, 03:50 PM
I read the rest of the bolt mod thread and found the answer to my question 2. I'll sand my short-nose bolt. Whjat about quation 1? Anyone wiling to field it?


04-30-2002, 04:14 PM
I would say that if you had a warp, that you should be just fine with the shorter bolt.

04-30-2002, 07:18 PM
I use the short nose bolt with my Warp. As you said, the long nose was made to help with the blow-back problem. With the Warp blow-back isn't an issue as the balls are being pushed into the breach with much more force then blow-back produces. The short nose is also nicer on the nubbins so that's one more reason to use it instead of the long nose.