View Full Version : ARRRRGGGHHH - All users please read!!

05-01-2002, 09:37 AM
Ok - two big things that everyone needs to double check on.

First of - PLEASE dont sene me 1MB files!! Unless I have specifically asked you to send me something like that - make sure the largest sized file you send me is 500kb. 200kb is even better!

Second - and this is a biggy - you all need to check your computers over to see if you are infected with a W32.Klez.gen@mm virus. I am getting 3-8 of these a day now, probably because my email is in so many of you alls address book. Cphilip just got some email from me that I never sent him (the virus spoofs addresses). Fortunatly this mail server deletes infected attachements it looks like.

So - everyone - please goto http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected] for information on this annoying and potentially damaging virus. Get yourselves cleaned up! If you get an email from me or a mod or another user, and it has some weird message - just delete it! NEVER open up BAT, .EXE, .PIF or .SCR files unless you are 100% sure of thier contents!

Just trying to help you all out - and get rid of the 500k a day of worthless viruses I seem to be blessed with!

05-01-2002, 09:49 AM
The email I got has naked pictures of Webby's girlfriend in it. Sure it's a mistake Webby? :D

Not realy...I am just kidding. I can just see everyone trying to open the attachment now! :eek:

It came in on a Mac so I saw no attachment. We assume there is one that Windows will see. Mac's are kind of nice for that part.

05-01-2002, 10:22 AM
cphilip -
When the hell did you have time to post over 4500 times?!?!?!

05-01-2002, 11:17 AM
Re file size - dont send me anything over 500k with out a warning.

On the forum you should also keep any attachments etc under 500kb - 200kb would be even better!

Not everyone has broadband!

05-01-2002, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by MagDog68
cphilip -
When the hell did you have time to post over 4500 times?!?!?!

I do it at Work!!!!! ;)

05-01-2002, 12:29 PM
ARGH!!! Stupid virus screwed up my computer completely. It screwin with everything. It unloads all your anti virus stuff so they are useless. It plays with the registry and makes your computer forget stuff like desktop background and favorite links and stuff. I am going to re format my computer I can't put up with this crap! I'll see everyone in a while when I am finished reformatting.