View Full Version : My Good Feed Back For Booyaah

05-01-2002, 09:41 PM
well i got it today and as far as i got with it was fiddleing (which is always fun) the good aspects i saw so far:

adjustable trigger, i got mine to a 1/5mm pull.

easy to assemble (if you read the intructions first)

really fun to call your friend and just let him hear how fast the trigger fires before he sees the paint flying at him.

The only bad aspect is waiting for it to charge while i hover over it biting my nails:D

05-01-2002, 10:08 PM
you can put a 9 volt in there

05-01-2002, 10:13 PM
i yried it didnt work. they have a specialy made battery for it so i gotta wait. but the best thing it that MadClown is dumping his tippman 98 and getting a black dragon:D so this weekend we are going to have the "clash of the electrics" two entirely different electronic markers squaring off.