View Full Version : To Warp or not to Warp?!?!

05-02-2002, 02:25 AM
I shoot a PTP Black Micro-Emag (vert feed obviously) and I've always wondered off and on whether I should get a warp feed or not. What do you all think? What problems or things do I need to know about them? The problem is also that nobody around here has one, well one guy does, but he and I don't get along so I doubt he'd let me shoot it to see. I've heard stories about them being blenders (which I doubt) and I've also heard they're kinda annoying since they have no off switch, sensitivity has to be set just right, are they hard to install? Blah blah blah blah. In the end if I can shoot faster with less chances of breaking and not alot of hassle, then lordy lordy get outta my way :D. Tell me what you all think?

P.S. Do I have to cut that obnoxious hole in my hopper that I see some people do? Why is that done?


05-02-2002, 05:21 AM
Jon AGD has one one his Micro and it rips! Don't even hesitate. We all run them. It is the fastest feed system in the world.

05-02-2002, 06:59 AM
The Warp is awesome. It takes time to set up and break in, but then it's a god-send.

When you get it, follow the motor brush break in procedure. This is important. Then put a layer of veggie oil on the discs (if you run a lot of dry paint).
Set the dwell jumpers so that the warp turns a half a turn with every tap. Then adjust the sensitivity.

Configure the warp position to what's comfortable for you.
The hole in the hopper is for folks that want the warp and hopper right up against the gun.
This is not mandatory. The warp can be positioned so that no holes or hopper melting is required.
Practice shooting with the warp. Your shooting hand position will change a bit. You should hold the gun with a 45* angle out the sides of bunkers. Basically keep the hopper in front of your body, but position the barrel out. Wa-La - your hopper is no longer an easy target... unless you yourself are an easy target.

Load SM5
05-02-2002, 07:46 AM
Heck you run an e-mag (micro) so the hard part is taken care of for you. You don't have to mess with the sensors very much at all because they make an interface cable that plugs right into your board. Hook it up and mess with the jumpers until the warp spins around 1/2 turn (took me 10 minutes) and your good to go. You have to give it good days of game play to make a proper judgement as to how you like it. It clicked with me right off.

05-02-2002, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, couple more questions if I may. First is it true that if you don't have enough balls in the hopper you won't be able to push more into the gun? And lastly, how big is the whole "no on/off switch" issue?

05-02-2002, 11:53 AM
It will push until the balls get to the outgoing side of the wheel.
Why on earth would you need an on/off switch?
The motor is only used when it gets a signal from the sensor or the intellifeed. And you prolly will take out the battery when your not using it.

05-02-2002, 05:59 PM
Here's a pic of what your set-up would look like.

05-02-2002, 06:00 PM
And just 1 more , low profile.

Johnny Bravo
05-02-2002, 08:14 PM
Why do you have to set it to spin 1/2 a turn?

05-02-2002, 08:50 PM
-I'm pretty sure the 1/2 turn is for the best compromise between bettery life and ROF. Just a speculation.
-By the way, does anyone have tips on keeping the microswitch in place in my iFrame? It slipped down to the point it wouldn't make the "click" and turn the warp when I pulled the trigger last time I played. I tightened it, though, but it can still be moved down.

05-03-2002, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the pics Mag Man, now that I see it, that looks pretty damn nice :)

Why an on/off? Well I've heard alot of people complaining about warps needing an on/off and that disconnecting the batteries is a major pain (literally for your fingers and figuratively). Is this true?

05-03-2002, 06:48 AM
Are there a bunch of Sallys trying to take these battery covers off?
I think the cover is intentionally tight. I don't break my fingers getting the battery out though.
If a switch sounds good to you go ahead. I have enough trouble with my safety and my hopper switch when I go on the field. There's nothing like the whistle blowing and not being able to fire.

05-03-2002, 07:50 AM
wow that black warp looks nice and you should stop smoking its bad for your health