View Full Version : Your Very First Kill...

05-02-2002, 08:03 PM
I'm sure all the stories will differ...I got my first bunkering someone with my Spartan Pump...I was 14...it was 1992...caught him righ in the ear...of-course in the those days...not everyone was wearing ear protection so i felt bad...but not that bad...


05-02-2002, 08:07 PM
crack the kid in the knee cap when i was 11.

05-02-2002, 08:19 PM
mine was a guy with an autococker :D

05-02-2002, 08:20 PM
A 22# raccoon. Had the tail for years and years. Don't know where it's at now.

05-02-2002, 08:22 PM
'97 first time ever playing shot the field owner 4 times in the mask and when he got out he said well we may have something hear and they wanted me on there team for a tourney later that year.

05-02-2002, 08:26 PM
september 2000, i was trapped in a foxhole with two spyders and a tricked cocker blasting the cover in front of me. two of my friends tried to flank me and i got them both. too bad i was alive barely long enough to realize it. the guy with the cocker hit me head on and lit me up

05-02-2002, 08:34 PM

i would have to say it was my first time playing,about 1 year ago,i was playing airball,i shot out the back bear can with a rental piranha....

05-02-2002, 08:41 PM
First kill I ever got was my first game. It was at my brothers friends house. We were playing his woods and I was behind some tree and sean was around and next thing I know, I hear sean go "IM OUT!" he had his friends flateline right on his back and andrew (seans friend) blasted him, then he see's me and starts shooting and hes on the other side of the tree, I pull out and look and he tries to run to see me and he trips on a rock and falls on his stomach right on this sharp rock, I didnt know what to do so I unloaded and hit him only once.

05-02-2002, 08:47 PM
Mine was with a stingray back in like '96, playing outlaw in Lynn woods. I shot my buddy Bill from like 10 feet. The next game I got hit in the butt.

05-02-2002, 08:55 PM
mine was with a spyder at the beginning of 2000. i didnt understand that i shoudlnt blind fire at the time. i put my gun up over my bunker, fired about 20 rnds, and i hit the guy trying to steel our flag......yay me!

05-02-2002, 08:58 PM
I still remember it. Nothing fancy, I just unloaded on a guy behind a tree with a rental (I was playing woodball) and managed to get him out. The first time I bunkered someone, I'll never forget: the first time you ever do it is a real adrenaline rush. I just remember coming around a bunker (speedball) with my humble Spyder, shooting about three shots, then scrambling backwards. I also remember it, because I was the first one of me and my friends to actually bunker someone, so I got some admiration from them :). Now though, I'd say I'm just as good, or maybe a little worse than them :(. I have to get more money to play more.

05-02-2002, 10:20 PM
I remember my first time... :o

Actually my first out was a lucky shot in the woods, the guy didn't seem me, so I aimed and nailed him in the middle of his goggles (which just made it all the better). Good memorys.... damn I really wanna play now

05-02-2002, 10:42 PM
Went with my best friend and his family for his birthday. He and I were in the back bunker scared to get shot, and, having never shot the paintball in "the heat of battle" before, I was curious to do so. So... I crept over the bunker and aimed for the first thing - anything would do - that I saw and fired. It turned out to be our point man, my friends uncle, and I nailed him on the back of the head. He started cussing and screaming, and since he was about 100 feet away I just hid behind the bunker and he never found out it was me who shot him. And to tell you the truth... I'd do it again. He was mean:)


05-02-2002, 10:59 PM
Sarah's first game, she moved up to the right bunker like she'd been playing all her life. Blazing away with good aim, she moved to the fifty. I was yelling for her to grab the flag, but she really didn't understand that far into the game yet. She took out two that I saw, may have got more before she leaned out too far and got HER first hit!

The after game comments ran from; "The newbie plays good", to "HAHHAHA! The GIRL took you out!"

*sniff* I was so proud of her! *sniff*

05-02-2002, 11:02 PM
gee thanks DAD. :D

05-02-2002, 11:13 PM
Hello beautiful!

I'll be home in a few more days, I think. We are cleaning up the messes they made to my Tanks and guns.

Out at Hunter-Liggett, the Navy Sea-Bees blew off 14 tons of old munitions in a long daisy chain. Took about 30 seconds for it to all blow........HOOAH! Way cool boom! I picked up all the .50 bullets that popped out of their cases. Also scored a bunch of old turret bearings from an 8" howitzer's turn-table, they are smaller than those Tank turret ones but not by much. They're real shiny too:D

Kaiser Bob
05-02-2002, 11:25 PM
I have yet to kill a paintballer on the field, however those Twibs test my resolve on a daily basis...:D

05-03-2002, 11:34 AM
my first time was sneeking up on a guy and running into him then shooting him several times in the hand. later found out i fractured it. it was 2 years ago

05-03-2002, 11:49 AM
it was my first game. i had a vulcan, he has a spyder SE. he unloaded his hooper on my and when he reached up to reload i fired and nailed his hopper. boy was he shocked to see the plastic pump to beast his gun:D

soilent green
05-03-2002, 12:18 PM
I was 13 in 1998 with a talon I was hiding behind a bunker and picking up paint that had been shot earlier off the ground then my freind with a procarbine walked right by me and I shot him in the back it was the wood of course

05-03-2002, 12:28 PM
My first was when I first got my marker, and my friends didn't have one yet, so he would wear my mask and run around and I'd shoot at him. I got him right in the throat, I felt bad.

05-03-2002, 12:36 PM
Well , mine was kinda funny. I was patrolling the flank of my base at a woods ball field out here in cali. Well I accidentally rolled up on this guy and yelled freeze. I was carrying my deadly accurate pro-lite(I had no idea what to do with it) So when the guy saw me he just started doing rambow rolls about 20 feet away from me so I decided to unload on him. Well I missed alot but it was funny because this guy was about 5'8" and 290 pounds and was rolling on the ground like a fool and then when he stoped he got up and hid behind a tree that was about 2inches wide at that point I unloaded like 5 shots into his back. I could not stop laughing. Ahh the good old days!!!That was like back in 1993. I was about 11. Now I am 20 aww how the years fly by.:)

05-03-2002, 12:50 PM
I'm not sure if it was my first or not, but the first one I remember was about 7 years ago. I think it was my second time out. I was playng with a Tippman, and there were a group of guys who were pretty experienced that had brought me, and a bunch of others.

I was at the bottom of this hill covering a pass across this little ravine when one of my team-mates came running down the hill yelling "retreat."

Well I'm thinking, "screw that", so I pull back and aimed up the hill waiting for the hoards to crest the ridge. About that time, one of the guys I knew (who was playing on the other team) came slipping along that pass I had been covering. He saw me behind a tree, but wasn't too worried about me.

I pulled around and stitched him across the belly, then swung back just as the rest of the other team came over the hill. From that point I didn't last long - I might have capped another one, but the look on that guy's face when he realized he had run right into it was what I remember.


05-03-2002, 02:26 PM
Gee Fatman you forgot to give him a lecture on the use of the work "Kill" in his post. I was counting on you.

I should think we should all avoid that and use the politicaly correct (and by golly the CORRECT) term first "Elimination".

05-03-2002, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Gee Fatman you forgot to give him a lecture on the use of the work "Kill" in his post. I was counting on you.

I should think we should all avoid that and use the politicaly correct (and by golly the CORRECT) term first "Elimination".

is that sarcasm or are you serious because i can't really tell unless i am talking to a person.

05-03-2002, 02:35 PM
Funny, I don't remember. It was a LONG time ago! :eek: I do remember by first tournament elimination. The team captian of Navarone. :D I took out three of them and had them spending the rest of the game looking for me (when I was eliminated they thought they eliminated one of their own!) :D

05-03-2002, 02:46 PM
I... don't remember.

05-03-2002, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by speedballbanks

is that sarcasm or are you serious because i can't really tell unless i am talking to a person.

No... that was serious. I do not think we should be using the word "kill". Its kind of like cursing. If you do it enough you will slip and do it when you shouldn't. Like at Church or in School. So I thinks it best we all try and use the proper words ALL the time so we do not slip in front of a parent or person critical of the Sport and let them have something cheap to use against us. I know we don't intend it that way but to an outsider it might "look" that way.

Your right Sarcasm dosen't travel over the Net very well but if it was I would have used the rolleyes thingie. This one: :rolleyes:

05-03-2002, 03:12 PM
My first was Tyson. He let me shoot him w/ his TL-Plus

05-03-2002, 03:19 PM
so since you put that :rolleyes: thing does that mean your last post was sarcastic meaning you were sarcastic in your first post?:)

05-03-2002, 03:23 PM
Ha ha ha.. No. :)

05-03-2002, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by veritas
I got my first bunkering someone with my Spartan Pump

hahaha i got my 1st bunker with a Spartan too!!!!!!!
i don`t know what year though

05-03-2002, 07:20 PM
Ha, my first elimination was at a river bed (you've been there Army), NE way, i was lobbing paint like the newbie i was and the balls would skip off the water....no, a ball did NOT skip and hit sum1, but i probably hit the guy from 70m away, it was SWEET!

05-03-2002, 07:46 PM
I do remember the first time "I" was eliminated. My very first game (imagine that). I was in a one on one battle and neither of us could get the other. He let a little CO2 escape (we all used 12 grams way back then) and softly said (just loud enough for me to hear) "shoot". I jumped up, ready to "blast" him. Silly me. Needless to say, he wasn't in the middle of changing 12 grams! :eek: I learned!

Joe 90
05-04-2002, 02:37 PM
Can't remember my first, but today i managed to....."eliminate"....(see, i can learn :)) someone with a rental inferno when all i could see was their foot, from 40 meters away. needless to say, it took me 50 shots, but t'was worth it for the look on his face :). i remember my first bunker. with one minute on the clock, i run like hell to the next bunker, ready to light its occupent up like a christmas tree...... only to find it was empty. not one to do things buy half, i continued to run.... and run..... and run, to find that i had run all the way down the 100 meter long field. by this time i was nakkered, and saw a comfy bunker i could rest in. so i sprinted to it, and did a diving roll over the top (yes, i practised this in my garden.:rolleyes: ) and ended up laying 2 meters away from the bunker, facing the way i had come. only to see a cowering form staring at me wild eyed. i managed to bring my marker up first, and rolling sideways, hit him square in the goggles.

Rancid Milk
06-09-2002, 12:31 PM
I was playing at an indoor arena with "sniper" towers (it was all so close that wi was hard to "snipe" anything except a building). there were two kids in one sniper tower and I ran up their stairs and shot both of them at least once. I think I was ten then (14 now), that was a great time. but then I ran down and got shot right in the mask.

06-09-2002, 12:59 PM
well the first time that i shot someone, the person just happened to be myself. lol, i had a tiger shark, and i thought i was out of paint. well for some reason, i wanted to feel the air that came out, so i pumped the gun, stuch my hand infront of the barrel, and shot...needless to say, the hopper just had a jam.

the first time i shot someone ese, was when i was unscrewing the co2 from my raptor, and ti shot for some reason, and my cousin just happened to be like 20 feet away.

The first time in a game, i was playing woods ball in our old horse pasture. There was this big pile of wood, so i climed up on it. I had my raptor with me, and right after i got on top, my friend kevin ran around it, i unloaded on him, and hit him about 8 times in the back. after that, i climed down and started running to the dirt pile in the back. right when i got on top, and was gona jump down, and hide in the empty ditch behind it, i got hit about 3 times in the asz, and one time in the leg.

Kaiser Bob
06-09-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by WickeDKlowN
well the first time that i shot someone, the person just happened to be myself. lol, i had a tiger shark, and i thought i was out of paint. well for some reason, i wanted to feel the air that came out, so i pumped the gun, stuch my hand infront of the barrel, and shot...needless to say, the hopper just had a jam.

the first time i shot someone ese, was when i was unscrewing the co2 from my raptor, and ti shot for some reason, and my cousin just happened to be like 20 feet away.

Mental note: Do not get within 100 feet of WickeDKlowN when he is holding his marker. :D

06-09-2002, 05:37 PM
First time I shot someone was when my little brother got a paintball gun for his birthday.I asked him if he was sure he really wanted to play paintball, he said ya,so when he turned around I shot him in the butt.
I bought "MY" first paintball gun about 45 minutes after that.


06-09-2002, 05:53 PM
my first kill, was my father, it was a couple days after christmas, i was 11. i was using my new F1 illistrator he got me for christmas. the only problem with it was it was impossible to keep below 330 fps. ahhhh the good old days.

06-09-2002, 07:46 PM
back in'97...i played against my bro with a spyder rental. tagged him square in the back. what made it even better is the fact that he's my older brother, sweet revenge.

didnt play for like a year and a half after that, and ended up playing him 1st game back. tagged him in the same spot with my spyder.

Wc Keep
06-09-2002, 09:25 PM
i dont know if you guys will cant this as a first kill but here goes. i was playing at top gun in jersey on their shark tank field. and i was running along the edge of the water and this guy with a cocker started blasting away and i felt out gunned with my spyder at the time. so im tucked in tight and i just keep hearing the 9 bps whizzing by my head. so i take a peak to see where hes at and hes a lot closer than i thought. so i pull out of my pocket a tpi squadbuster grenade. i pull the pin and let that thing fly. but i threw it too short and it landed right in front of his bunker. lucky for me those things bounce high so it hopped and the paint started shooting over his bunker and i covered him and the ref completely from head to toe in white paint. the guy got real pissed because he cocker started out black and left the field completely white. the ref was mad too cause in the next game he started throwing paintballs at me that he found on the floor and made me get tagged out because i thought it was someone shooting at me.

06-09-2002, 09:49 PM
that is the first time ive ever heard of that tactic working. me and a couple friends bought 2 just for fun...

during a game i hear this thud and i look down and see the grenade by my foot i freak out a little but it didnt go off so i threw it back. 15 second later i hear another thud and see the same grenade at my feet. so i throw it back. 15 seconds later... you get the picture, we did this 8 different times before it broke on a branch high above us and didnt even hit anyone.

06-09-2002, 10:18 PM
Lets see...I was using a 68 Carbine on a woods speedball field. A guy from the fields home team decided to change bunkers so I led him by five feet and then let it all hang out. Needless to say but he was pretty ticked that a newbie lit him up :D

06-09-2002, 11:08 PM
Mine was in '92 using a friend's 68 special at Lion's Den (Temecula, Ca). I played back and I was long balling a guy behind a bunker. Aimed at 45-55 degree angle hoping to land a paintball on the guy. :D Got really lucky on got him on the top of his head.

06-09-2002, 11:50 PM
I think wise ole' TK needs to speak up. Ne way mine was acctually bunkering my friend with a rental. I didn't know he was guarding the flag and i ran around the corner and i shot 3 right into his balls. HE HE balls hit his balls. he he.

Hrmm i just relized my first kill was a bunker, I WAS BORN TO SPEEDBALL!

06-09-2002, 11:52 PM
I CURSED!!! My first elimination. SORRY cphilip I am SORRY how could i have let my virgin mouth do something like that. I am so ashamed.

06-11-2002, 08:10 AM
First time out, playing with a BE stingray, shot my friend who had been palyign for a while right in the balls. :D

06-11-2002, 11:55 AM
I was 2 and i ran up to some one and shot um in the foot and they didn't see me cuz I was to short and and and..... not really but i wanted to say that. actually I was 10 and it was my FIRST paintball outting....sorta... paintbattler and me were on a youth boot camp trip and they ALWAYS play paintball there. well i had JUST gotten my Raptor Silver Eagle(ewww awww, my friend was SORTAN I was gunna kill myself with it,lol) and i wraped camo tape around it so all the shiny-ness couldn't be seen and we headed out9I felt really cool to be playing paintball with 14 year olds,stupid me) we got out there AND THE DESERTED ME AND PAINTbATTLER. they told us to stay behind a tree for a until they come back, they were gunna go "scout" the area and we were there for an hour atleast and we decided to head out. we we're walking besde the road when the other team(some of the other team) comes walking down the middle of the road(more less a pathway) and I shot one um in a place that probably mde him mad at me(good thing he didn't know it was me) and I ran away thinking they were gunna kill us and they shot brandon and I was behind a tree when they went in front of me and brandon saw me and yelled and they found me and i surrendered because there were like 5 of um adn we dont have rules there and I would have gotten let up and thet probably would have ended my paintballing career so i guess it was a good idea. well sorry for the length of this, I just haven't talked about it for a long time and needed to get it out

06-11-2002, 12:57 PM
...okay, well, it wasn't really 'Nam, but it was in the woods. My first kill came on misty morning at a state park (yeah, that's illegal.) Some buddies of mine, a bunch of camo, and some really lame splatmaster rented pistols made for one hell of an exciting morning in '93. I still remember the first time I felt the rush of being hidden under a tree, watching someone make their way along a trail and knowing in seconds I was going to lean out and fire at them. Even though I knew the ammo wasn't real, or the warfare for that matter, my heart was pounding and I got a real "It's just me and him...and he's going home in the bodybag." feeling. Too many war movies probably, but an addiction was formed there that day. Is this the greatest sport ever or what?:D

06-11-2002, 01:33 PM
My first tag was about 2 and a half years ago with my Stingray II. Pegged my friend twice in the mask from about 50 feet away.