View Full Version : Warp+Timmy= no chopping,.Great, but Why?

05-02-2002, 10:21 PM

I bought a HALO a while back and popped it on the Timmy and turned my gun into a power painter - it was chopping/breaking every 2-3 balls. This was the HALO for sure - as I never, ever have broken a ball others wise in the Timmy. (Freak + ACE = no problems)

A quick check of the PBNation Intimidator forum showed lot's of people chopping with the HALO on Timmys due to the sucky ball detents on the gun. The HALO was feeding balls so forcefully I was getting a "feed and a half" and chopping the second ball. I was so pissed! I'd just paid 160 bucks (including shipping) for a loader I couldn't use.

Anyhow, my question is that I can't seem to MAKE the Timmy chop with the Warp. This is a good thing - but kind of mysterious. There are many other Timmy owners running Warps (Thanks to Bob Long for leading the way) who experienced exactly the same thing. Everyone had chops out the butt with the HALO, non with the warp.

If the HALO, which isn't *supposed* to be force-fed, over feeds causing chops, why would the force-fed Warp not do the same? It's a really mystery that has been questioned several times amongst the Timmy owners, but no one has a clue. Anyone here at AO want to take a stab?

As an aside, the Intimidator owners are a very Warp friendly crowd. Lot's of people are running them, and you see frequent posts requesting info on the correct proceedure. There was even one post with a Warp issue, and a someone replied with AOs URL - talk about bringing others into the fold!



05-02-2002, 10:30 PM
its not really a feed and 1/2 its ball bobble :)

Whats happening is the Timmy get the ok to shoot sig from the board because the eyes see a ball. Well with how things work there is some bobble and what not and as teh ball move a tad bit up the bolt is moving forward and cutting that ball.

Another thing is that the ball is rolling back into the bolt area and teh eye goes form ready to not ready and you get missed shots and sometimes chops. If you tinker with adding an oring to the ran on the timmy it will push the bolt face a little more forward keeping the ball in the eyes. Also timkering with the eye/shoot delay timing will help.


05-02-2002, 11:55 PM
if the detents in yer timmy dont work with a halo, then they need to be replaced. They work just fine when in good condition. ive personally fired a team GZ timmy with halo, it had no problems.