View Full Version : spinning warp

05-03-2002, 03:52 PM
should my warp be spinning when im dry fireing?? it doesnt spin then or when im shooting paint... i can only shoot with the sensitivity all the way up so it spins, but it wont stop. how should i fix it??

and what should my jumpers be set to?? right now its on the 1st (negative i think? and the 3rd one (sens?) what should be be set on for a RT?

ive had it for a couple of months but havent really played... have a big game commin up so i gotta get it set up right..

05-03-2002, 04:16 PM
If it spins when you dry fire and not when you fire out paint then adjust the senstivity.

05-03-2002, 04:29 PM
it doesnt spin when im dry fireing

05-03-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by ronron2112
it doesnt spin when im dry fireing

I needs to. Read the instruction on setting the sensitivity. It needs to turn when the marker fires. There isn't anything that senses a gap in the paintball stream like in a revy.

05-03-2002, 05:24 PM
if i turn it all the way up it runs constantly... if i turn it down JUST untill it stop spinning, and i shoot, it still wont spin... im thinking it may be th jumpers

05-03-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by ronron2112
if i turn it all the way up it runs constantly... if i turn it down JUST untill it stop spinning, and i shoot, it still wont spin... im thinking it may be th jumpers

Could be. Take all the dwell jumpers off. Also, be sure you have the jumper that enables the vibration sensor on (I assume this is an AGD warp, not a PTP warp).

05-03-2002, 06:32 PM
ahh this is so confusing!!!

sorry for the dumb questions....

list times when warp SHOULD spin?

05-03-2002, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by ronron2112
ahh this is so confusing!!!

sorry for the dumb questions....

list times when warp SHOULD spin?

No problem. The warp spins when you press (and hold) the white prime button located under the black cover on the back of the warp. it (the AGD version) has a built in vibration sensor that spins the warp every time you fire the marker. THAT is how it feeds. It should turn 1/4 of a turn every time you fire the marker. If you fire fast enough it spins constantly (until you stop firing).

Hope that helps. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.

05-03-2002, 07:11 PM
what it doesnt spin when i shoot?? the sensitivty is just down enought so it wont spin constantly... but it still wont spin when i shoot. i do have the viberation jumper active and i have the longest wheel spin (when i shoot, i'll empty half a hopper)

05-03-2002, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by ronron2112
what it doesnt spin when i shoot??...i have the longest wheel spin (when i shoot, i'll empty half a hopper)

How can it empty half a hopper if it doesn't spin when you shoot?

Remember, the warp MUST be attached to your marker with the metal plate/bracket for the vibration sensor to work.

A simple test is to turn up the sensitivity until the warp spins constantly. Turn it down until it just stops spinning. You should then be able to tap on the side of the warp with something hard (like a coin) and it should spin. If not, something is wrong.

BTW, I'm outa here. Good luck.

05-03-2002, 08:09 PM
If you haven't used the warp much, you have to break it in. Turn the sensitivity till it starts to spin then back up just a tad. Let the thing spin until it stops on its own. This can take a minute or two! You may have to repeat once or twice.

This will let you set the sensitivity so it doesn't go AWOL every time you fire.

Now set the dwell so that the thing turns a half a turn for every tap/shot. This will insure that the next ball is fed completely.

Now work on adjusting the sensitivity so it spins a half turn when you fire. Unless you try to be sneaky in woods games you can't be over sensitive - but it will cost ya in batteries.

Break in is critical. You really can't adjust sensitivity unless the brushes (in the motor) are broken in.

05-03-2002, 08:11 PM
alright, thanks for you're help!

05-08-2002, 01:48 PM
does my gun just not vibrate enough??? it only spins when i play with the sensitivity or when i push the white button..

BTW this is the 2nd battery used in attempting to set it right

05-08-2002, 02:15 PM
Make sure all of your mounting screws are fully tightened. Also, hit the Warp on the side of the case and see if it spins. If it doesn't react to you hitting it, then your vib sensor or board is bad.