View Full Version : Pressure question for a possible electro conversion

05-03-2002, 09:16 PM
First the Question, then the reason for the question.

What is the air pressure in the valve chamber down stream from the regulator in a Sheridan Equalizer?

I know its probably not worth the effort but I was looking at my old Sheridan Equalizer, and I realized that the trigger is realy just a 2way (one input, one output, and one vent), and then the question popped in to my head "I wonder if I could replace this with an electronic 3way?"

What I would need to do is machine (or have machined) a new body rail that could fit the electronic 2way and the manifold.

The problem is this, the only electronic 2ways that I can find that would be small enough to use and not need a car battery are only rated up to ~100psi. If the pressure downstream of the regulator is significantly higher I would need to take a different rout to make it an electro marker.

I also dont know if the 2ways I am looking at have the flow requierd to not take even longer to recharge the maker than the current trigger mechanism.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

P.S. for those of you who dont know what a Sheridan Equalizer is, it is a blow forward marker that uses a relitivly unique sliding trigger that is attached to a 2way not a sear.

When the 2way is open the regulator fills an air chamber behind the bolt. Closing the 2way will vent a small amount of gas that causes a plunger close the fill vent and open the bolt vent causing the bolt to fly forward and fire the marker. Opening the 2way causes the plunger to seal the bolt vent and fill the chamber again.

05-06-2002, 10:53 AM
*wide eyed look of shock* An EQUALIZER!!! Wow. Ok.. most comercial solinoids have threaded ports on both the outputs, and exhausts. so you shoudl be able to do this.

05-07-2002, 06:57 PM
Without the spacer the equalizer ran at about 300 psi.

If you can find a Solenoidvalve that can do that great! But I don't think you will

If I had my hands on an equalizer I would replace the blow forward bolt with a tippmann style bolt ran with cocker pneumatics, and then try it. Just something I always wanted to do.
