View Full Version : fighting in paintball?

05-03-2002, 10:28 PM
I have not ever seen a fight in paintball. People say that paintball is a pretty brutal sport. But it can't be anymore than any other sport because in every other sport i see people getting in fights. But in paintball i never seen a fight. I seen people get in screaming mathces thats about it. Just wondering if any of u ever seen a fight because of painbtall?

05-03-2002, 10:39 PM
At my field there was a private group of "inner city youths" that came out to play. I can't remember if it was their first or second field, but one kid got bonus balled and went after the one that he thought shot him. Then everyone else jumped in. That was a 60+ kid group too. Needless to say, they finished their day in about an hour without a refund. I wish i were there to throw some kids around though. Alas, i missed it.

05-04-2002, 08:19 AM
The 10 years I've played I've only seen one incident which was due to being "bonus balled." But it was quickly broken up by the refs and several of the players. Other than that I've seen a lot of shouting matches because of people getting bunkered who were shot several times.

05-04-2002, 09:08 AM
i have never SEEN any fights in paintball,but i have read about them,and such.Like at the MGO....

05-04-2002, 09:36 AM
ive never seen a fight but ive been given the finger many times from bonus balling some one on accident... u all know how easy that is to do with an emag and warp! :D

05-04-2002, 10:03 AM
People I've played with keep their cool most of the time. Only one time I shot someone after the game was over (accident of course) so i let him shoot me in the back :P

05-04-2002, 10:42 AM
I almost snapped one time:

At Alexander's Conspiracy, there were stupid rules involving armbands and "lives" in the last portion of the game.

basically, some wanna-be tourney player (emphasis on wannabe) rushed the little ravine that me and 4 others were down in. I broke two on him (before he got into bunkering range), the others shot him as well, but that didn't stop him from bunkering us... on FA.

I had SEVEN breaks on me. SEVEN BREAKS. That didn't include the bounces and all the breaks on the other guys. The refs didn't do anything, because they didn't know how the rules worked either.

It was very hard to tell the head ref what happened, especially after he accused ME of overshooting the kid...

It wasn't a fun afternoon.

If more people played by the rules, more people would have fun.

I've never seen a physical fight break out, but I'm sure it could happen.


Joe 90
05-04-2002, 01:58 PM
In six months of marshalling, i've had someone fire their gun pointblank at my head (i thank god that JT test their products with solid paintballs) for giving a 'Bad call', and death threats (no kiddin, he realy threatened to kill me!) for telling a rental player to put his gun on the floor. he was 'dead', and got shot by accident, so the thought he'd just open fire back. a right knob head. never had a proper fist fight, but i did jump on someone when their mask came flying off. strange, when ever someones sees a marshall dive ontop of someone, they all decide to shoot him. dunno why. i stopped 10+ paintballs from hitting that guy, when he had no mask on, and all he did was ***** about how i hurt him when i landed on top of him. jesh, i don't get some people............

05-04-2002, 02:09 PM
Ungreatful person! Hehe... I believe it is human nature when our adrenaline is pumping and we are competeing (even in fun atmospheres), we can get riled up very easily. Personally the guys I play with, we never have a problem with tempers really. Bonus balling happens when you're shooting fast(and especially when you're playing speedball). I have heard stories about fights breaking out and "my" theory (I'm sure someone has said this before, I just don't want to find out whom) on human emotion explains that. Overall, paintball is a friendly sport because the players are decent people. Normally the guys I hear about getting into fights are the little newbies who have only played one or two times and think they are God's gift to paintball.

Then again, maybe it's just male testosterone, because I have never heard of a huge brawl in girls sports (unless it was because of fans). Hmmm, think with our brains??? Nah, thinking by "other means" has worked for centuries.


05-04-2002, 02:13 PM
Fights break out all the time between NPPL teams, its an adrenalin pumped sport and the goal is too kill people so theres gunna be people talking smack and people getting rough, ive gotten in a few pushing and arguing matches but things usually settle down pretty quickly

05-04-2002, 02:13 PM
I've never seen a fight, but just in case, my boomstick is twist-loc, so it comes off real easy..

ever notice how easy one of these things is to swing with the aluminum on one end, and SS on the other?

05-04-2002, 03:17 PM
this one guy got banned at my arena
for gettin in a fight

05-04-2002, 03:38 PM
There was that little "tussle" at the LA Open...