View Full Version : photography and paintball

05-04-2002, 12:31 PM
ok heres the deal,
my girlfriend got sick of me not being around on the weekends because of tournaments,
and twords the end of last season she started going to events with me and taking pictures.
now here is my question:

what speed film would be best for games
and is there a lense filter availible to photo through netting?

if I can find out any info anywhere ealse and if anybody is interested in this subject I will post what I find out

gliney the magmonkey

05-04-2002, 12:34 PM
faster is better to catch thoe in flight paintballs.

05-04-2002, 02:13 PM
I'd probably suggest 400 ISO film, as its moreless meant for just about every purpose.

If you can manually adjust your focus, I know you can adjust the focus so that the camera is focused past the netting, making it virtually invisible. With my camera, you can focus out the net manually, and switch to auto focus, and it will still auto focus past the netting.

05-04-2002, 07:17 PM
ya need to get her out there playing =) at least once and then take the pics from inside the netting if allowed.... but that depneds on her i guess.....

for film i would say at least 400 maybe even 600

05-04-2002, 07:42 PM
personaly i think 800. 600 minimum. with 400 your gunna get blurry runners... if you got the green the fastest film is best... like 1600 or 3200 if your serious about getting REALLY nice shots.... but thats a lot of money..... but if she skilled with the camera she can get NICE pics of hits and flying balls...so between 600 for basic shots, 800 for runners and 1600 for those kodak moments when you get gog'd...

05-07-2002, 01:57 AM
depending on what sort of stuff I'm shooting I shoot Fuji Velvia pushed one stop (shooting 50iso as 100iso) or Provia 1600. Don't even bother trying to shoot through the netting. Get a ref's vest and get on the field. Most of the higher end Nikon SLRs have interchangable viewfinders and Nikon makes a few that are very usable through a mask. I usually shoot an old Nikomat or an N80 with a 120-180mm lens (long enough that I can shoot people without giving away their positions). And expect to get shot:rolleyes:

*edit* a paintball has enough force to crack many larger lenses. It's a good idea to use a clear glass protective filter

05-07-2002, 03:38 AM
I don't know why everyone is so intent on catching the flight of balls. What is the point? If you use high speed lenses, you will also get alot of dottiness (like pixelation) in your pictures. Lots of noise because not enough light is entering. Get over the "neat" factor of catching a ball in flight and take more action pictures like (off the break, bunkering, etc).

05-07-2002, 05:35 PM
sygyzy if your trying to get a pic of people off the break with a low speed film, your gunna get blurs. and all you have to do is open your iris/Zstop (or what ever its accualy called) more and you will get more light... most cameras have a light sensor to tell you to open more or less... and iv never experianced any problems with pixelation. and if you want a good crisp action shot, you want a fast film.