View Full Version : A wise choice?

Packer fan
05-05-2002, 10:49 AM
Wouldn't it it be just better to buy a rt/pro ($599.00) compared to a powerfeed automag for 230. then have to buy a retro and a barrel and intell frame. I mean the cost way exceeds the automag when you could buy the r/t already set.... Also does the rt/pro come with the intell frame.. My guess is prob. not so??? Which way to go, i need your guys help... ?

05-05-2002, 10:52 AM
The newer RT pros do come with intellaframe already on them. They are ready to go out of the box, but you do have to pay that $600 all at once, where as with a classic you can space it out, and there is more you can do to personalize the gun. A classic can be made just as good for about the same cost, maybe a little more. Hard to go wrong with either choice.

05-05-2002, 11:21 AM
In my opinion, yes, you are better off saving and buying the RtPro, than peicing one together!!!