View Full Version : Electro mag vs. other normal electros, i.e. an impy..

05-05-2002, 03:52 PM
I will have a retro valve mag in just a couple days. I don't seem very fast on the trigger right now, and I was thinking of getting a hyperframe (no intelliframe). After thinking of the additional cost of one, I was wondering if it would just be better for me to trade/sell my retro mag and get a true electro gun---impy, shocker, etc...

So, what do you guys think? Is a retro mag with hyperframe just as good if not better than an impy? Which would be more reliable? Any opinions are welcome.

NOTE: I'm not too interested in e-mags due to its looks :)

05-05-2002, 04:10 PM
Once you learn the retro trigger you can shoot as fast as the hyperframe, which will also take you a litle getting used to. As for selling your retro mag and getting a shocker or impy or w/e, I'd say no way. If you have a single trigger frame now, get a double for the retro and try it out, it will be much quicker. I shoot fast as most guys with electronic guns, and I use an RT, but I didn't shoot very fast when I was first getting used to it. Think About It.

05-05-2002, 04:16 PM
I'd play with your retro a bunch first before considering going hyperframe or trading.
If you're like me you'll fall in love with your mag all over again:)