View Full Version : should i trade my mag for jt 6.0 ?

05-05-2002, 04:39 PM
should i trade my mag for a jt 6.0 .....?? the gun looks so cool in my oppinioun....have any of you had any experiences with them....how did they shoot compared to a mag.....i want a good cheap electro....and the jt looks bad arse....

let me know


05-05-2002, 04:41 PM

05-05-2002, 04:47 PM
keep your mag

05-05-2002, 04:51 PM
i love my mag...but need an electro.,.....impulse?

05-05-2002, 04:57 PM
no keep the mag, mags preform better than a jt

05-05-2002, 04:58 PM
dont give in to looks, that leads to the dark side of the force...

Load SM5
05-05-2002, 04:59 PM
If you have to go electro go for a gun that is a true electronic gun and not a blowback with an e-frame on it. Look at impulses or bushmasters. Good guns for the price.

05-05-2002, 06:42 PM
There was a guy at my field today with a JT 6.0. It's a beautiful gun, but I didn't get to see it in action. He spent the whole day fixing it.


05-05-2002, 06:47 PM
seems to me an emag is a blowforward with an electro frame as much as a 6.0 is blowback with an electro frame.

05-05-2002, 07:08 PM
i love the smell of ignorance in the morning...true true true..but you forgot to add to the fact that if the batteries on an eMag go out you just switch it to mechanical trigger...if a JT (or Angel, bushy or Impulse) has it's battery go dead..it's just a big heavy paperweight...

05-05-2002, 07:51 PM
the beauty of blowback electros is that they take regular 9v batteries. Which means as long as you have a 9v on you, you're safe.

05-05-2002, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by liigod
seems to me an emag is a blowforward with an electro frame as much as a 6.0 is blowback with an electro frame.

your missing the point of the Emag here:


And a manual RT when ur bat goes dead. And the best part of the Emag:


No micro crap switches like spyder cloned e frames. How else do u make the mag valve electronic?

05-05-2002, 09:16 PM
I just said no before, but I decided to explain myself. I hate to flame but in my experiences JT guns suck. I remember mulitple people I know getting JTs and bringing them back because they are built w/ "bad" materials and JT has horrible quality control on their markers. Don't get me wrong I like JT products, just not the guns. I even had to go as far as putting my cousin's gun through the grinder to get it to work again. The hammer didn't hold shape the gun would not recock itself.

05-05-2002, 09:21 PM
keep the mag

05-05-2002, 09:22 PM
Of course JT guns suck, don't you guys remember who bought out JT?

05-05-2002, 10:34 PM
I hate to tell you guys this...but the reason JT guns suck is they're MADE IN CHINA!!! Their quality control sucks because they don't make them. They just get them crate shipped in from China and then they send out to all the distributors...they don't care...if one is all screwy they'll fix it..but all in all they could care less or they wouldn't be using chinese labor in the first place!!!

05-05-2002, 10:38 PM
Having a nine volt battery won't fix an electro with a fried switch or board. It flat won't work unitl that is replaced.

An Emag will work regardless.


05-05-2002, 10:40 PM
have any of you made the jt - brass eagle connection? jt is owned by brass eagle. so your buyign a brass eagle gun. We all know how amazing those are.

05-05-2002, 10:44 PM
also, the whole backup mode. If emags are made so well, then why would u need a backup? yea im just playing devils advocate here, but how often to electronics go out. Change yer battery before every day of play and u will never run out of batteries. have u ever asked for a manual backup on yer hopper? i didnt think so. magnetic trigger? not everyone likes them. Dont flame me, im just making conversation less one sided. I personally think jt guns would be crap. Although i know the kingman guys with electro frames are actually darn good.

Creative Mayhem
05-06-2002, 10:25 AM

Krazy Ivan
05-06-2002, 10:39 AM
First things first, Don't trade, if you need an electro that bad, I would personally rather reco a used timmy or shocker.

Second, The whole point of the emag having the manual switch is to make one gun into 2. How many people have an electro and have a manual backup gun. Prolly at least 80% of them. With the emag you can effectivly not have to worry about keeping/buying that second manual backup gun.

Sure the electros don't go down that often, but still, why then is most of the sport keeping older manual guns? Look at the pro players, all who have electro's had backup guns!

05-06-2002, 10:41 AM
If you can, try shooting it. See if you like it. I'm sure you'll read everyone's opinion but ultimately it's you who will own and play with the gun. My only concern is, if you have a problem with the JT is do you have friends who know the marker that could help you fix it if you have problems. This would especially suck if it happens while your playing.

05-06-2002, 12:24 PM
Impulse or Bushmaster is a good bet. Remember, the JT is a cheap electro frame on a cheap gun, the E-Mag is a high-end electro frame on an already high-end mechanical Marker. There's a reason that the Valve in an E-Mag costs as much as a JT Electro.

05-06-2002, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by KOP_jedi_master
i love my mag...but need an electro.,.....impulse?

Why do you "need" an electro? That is the silliest thing I have heard. What you need is a good reliable fast gun. And you already have one. Why trade it?

...I'll tell you why...because you may like the electro more. Don't get the Electro because you "have to have it." Get it because you like it more than your Mag. Play with it a few times in different types of games and really see what you like more. Open it up and see if it is easy to work with. Check out its preformance and what changes you may need to make.

I love the Mag and think it is the best gun in the world, but I am not the only player out there and many people don't appreciate it as much as me. If you find something you like better, go for it. Don't let anyone else tell you what you "should" do.


05-06-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by liigod
have any of you made the jt - brass eagle connection? jt is owned by brass eagle. so your buyign a brass eagle gun. We all know how amazing those are.

What does Brass Eagle have to do with this conversation? Have you ever used a Brass Eagle Gun before? And before you answer that, I don't mean a Talon vs. a 'Cocker. So many people on this Forum think they have some sort of expertise on BE products and yet they have never bothered to try one. They just get the "BE Sucks" attitude from other people and they make up their minds based on other's opinions.

Guns like the Talon and the Stingray were never meant to be anything more than entry level markers. Just because they won't stand up with your Mag, doesn't mean they suck. They were made for a different skill level. Not everyone wants to jump into this sport with both feet and a thousand dollars of investment to find they don't enjoy it. BE does a fine job of giving people a taste of paintball and what it is like to own, use and maintain their own paintball gun w/o the huge investment of a high end marker.


05-06-2002, 02:41 PM
Ick, no, are you kidding?

05-06-2002, 02:52 PM
one word


there is nothing to upgrade beside the barrel, if you do want an electro that bad, save up, sell your mag, and get an impulse

05-06-2002, 03:03 PM
Don't get the JT one of my friends has one for a week then sold it for a spyder. If u really want a electro gun, then get a defiant, bushy, impulse, etc.
Personally i don't get alone well w/ electro guns, i've accidentlly shot(don't ask) my friend off field w/ em on 3 diff occssions w/ a barrel plug on(shot it off).....man i'm now that i look back on it....i'm a clumsy bastard.

05-06-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by MagDog68

What does Brass Eagle have to do with this conversation? Have you ever used a Brass Eagle Gun before? And before you answer that, I don't mean a Talon vs. a 'Cocker. So many people on this Forum think they have some sort of expertise on BE products and yet they have never bothered to try one. They just get the "BE Sucks" attitude from other people and they make up their minds based on other's opinions.

Guns like the Talon and the Stingray were never meant to be anything more than entry level markers. Just because they won't stand up with your Mag, doesn't mean they suck. They were made for a different skill level. Not everyone wants to jump into this sport with both feet and a thousand dollars of investment to find they don't enjoy it. BE does a fine job of giving people a taste of paintball and what it is like to own, use and maintain their own paintball gun w/o the huge investment of a high end marker.


i have used quite a few brass eagle guns, as well as fixed them. i can vouch for poor quality control and a lack of time put into the design.