View Full Version : automag RT question

05-05-2002, 07:19 PM
I just bought a automag RT and I dont have enough air in my tank to test it righ now, i was wondering if my revolution with an x-board will feed my gun fast enough or will just chop paint?:confused: ?

could anyone answer me plz?

05-05-2002, 08:06 PM
yes i would recomend getting a halo if u think u will chop paint i just bought one and Airguns store for 95$ today thats the best price ive seen on them they dont have many left so if u really want one hop to it

05-05-2002, 08:09 PM
A better solution to buying a HALO, for what your going to be doing, would be to get a Warp Feed. An X-Board revvie, and warp feed should be able to keep up adequately enough for your purposes, and probably for a good deal less, plus you get the advantage of a smaller profile with the warp :)

05-05-2002, 09:55 PM
yup xzions right but i plan on having my halo on top of my warp hehehe

05-06-2002, 01:52 AM
Unless your going to be shooting something around the area of 20 BPS or so, I think the HALO/Warp Feed combination is an expensive overkill, and a good deal of excess weight due to the rather heavy HALO. For an RT, the Warp Feed/X-Board Revvie combination should be more than suitable.

05-06-2002, 05:04 AM
hehe i love overkill

05-06-2002, 02:00 PM
Well thx for all the help :D , i think im gonna see how my x-board revvie does and then ill consider warp if i chop too much.But A warp is a bit expensive :(

05-06-2002, 02:56 PM
If all you want is a hopper, and nothing else, than go Halo. I just bought that same combo. RT pro/ halo. I cant believe how fast I can shoot that gun. Dont compare it to your normal speed with any other gun you've shot. Its faster. I'm afraid to think of what would happen if I used my revvvvvvy. The halo is very fast. Revvy agitates, Halo FEEDS. The RT loves my halo. They constantly compete over who's faster, and I just laugh at the string of balls flying at my oponent.

05-06-2002, 03:09 PM
do you really need to even shoot faster than 10 bps?
as far as i know, it still takes only 1 break to get someone out so what the hells the point of using twice the paint you really need?

05-06-2002, 03:14 PM
freshman, do you play every single game with a pump gun? Why not? It only takes one ball to break. Did you ever shoot at someone running?
Its easier to lead someone with a string of balls than trying to hit them with two. Are you saying a high rate of fire is pointless, because the whole industry disagrees with you. I'm not bashing you, but you're clouding the issue. When someone posts about a consern with speed it doesn't help to say speed is useless

05-06-2002, 06:50 PM
for the last year or two i played every game with my palmer houndstooth pump gun. I've made some shots on runners and i agree it is very difficult with a lower ROF but i dont see the need for anything over 10 BPS. Speed is very useful, it just seems to be getting VERY excessive an i figured id save the guy some cash

the whole industry disagrees with me because the faster the guns fire, the more paint people use, the more the fields an companys sell and the more retail stores will stock the guns that shoot more paint. It's a big money making thing so i just want a good reason to fire more than 10 bps (which in it's self is a very high number).

05-06-2002, 10:50 PM
ok we all know that paintguns are not the most accurate things ever and the best way to get some one out is by volume and it will always be volume the more paint there is flying around the better chance u have of hitting someone

05-07-2002, 12:40 AM
It's inevitable. I respect the people who have the skill to use a pump, but the full auto fields are on there way...
ABC is opening one up on there new set of fields in NY state.

05-07-2002, 06:35 AM
paintball guns actually are pretty accurate, when you aim

i still dont see the need for more than 10 bps, thats more than plenty of volume