View Full Version : Why do people not like mags?

Top Secret
05-05-2002, 08:26 PM
This is a strange occurance that I see nearly every week I play. I shoot an E-mag/warp and I still get "it's just a mag" from "expericenced tourney players". I really don't get these people at all, the mags I own are the best guns I've ever played with, consistant(+/- 2fps), accurate, and blazing fast, but still mocked constantly. WTF is wrong with these people?? :rolleyes:

05-05-2002, 08:32 PM
i get the same responce too... i'm shooting further and more accuriate than almost everyone out there and still having people saying my mag sucks. they're all cocker fans so i guess thats why they hate my gun :rolleyes: just love it when they complain when their gun jams :D

05-05-2002, 08:33 PM
They fear what they don't understand... or they just never experienced the greatness of the all mighty mag yet.

05-05-2002, 08:45 PM
People dont like mags because of the color. As you can see in alot of pro shops they only sell like spyders and other Flashy guns. People like the Color of the gun and they dont care about how the performance of the gun is.

05-05-2002, 08:52 PM
because they chop when in the hands of someone who doesnt understand them. Chopping has to be the most anoying thing ever. They are ugly compared to manny guns. they are heavy. dont flame me for this im being honest, this is what people thing.

Kaiser Bob
05-05-2002, 08:57 PM
Funny thing about the 'Mags are heavy thing.' I had my mag there and the refs were taken with it since the beginning of the day. Anyway one of the refs calls another ref in and says "OMG you have to see this thing!" so i hand it over, and he is like "Wow! how did you get this gun so light?" Mind you I have a 114ci tank on gun, warp and full hopper, so I stared at him blankly for a second, mumbled something about if i had a smaller tank it would be lighter, and grabbed my gun and walked away. :) Just a little anecdote for ya.

05-05-2002, 09:14 PM
ill have to go with stupid people short stroking because they dont know how to shoot it and because they cant up customized very easily(because they dont need it)i think they look beter than most guns but most people dont so let them shoot there crappy guns that break down constantly oops did i say cocker , No? well i should have :D

05-05-2002, 09:20 PM
number one question asked about my gun (emag).......Do you chop a lot of paint w/ that?

05-05-2002, 09:26 PM
Luckly the field I go to is more Mag friendly then most. There are not alot of Mag players but the ones that do come out are respected. I like to think I have done my part to help this. I own a Retro Mag, an Angel, and a E-Mag. Most people think I am crazy for useing the E-Mag over the Angel but when I get on the field they understand why. I also like to talk to people about mags and help them understand why they are haveing problems with chopping.

We do have a couple of anti-Mag people, mostly part of the tourney team that think they are gods gift to paintball. They start talking smack about my mag until I step on the field and smoke them. :D

05-05-2002, 09:34 PM
It's the same reason why some people hate Fords or Pepsi or yellow Starburst. To each his own.
I've got both a Mag and a cocker and they are both damn nice guns. If I had an Angel, I'm sure it too would be a damn nice gun.
All shoot well. All have their probs. All have their plusses.
Not all people hate mags. This forum is one of the biggest in paintball. The mag is one of the most well known guns in the game. And as much as people diss it, they know they are up against a formidable gun.
Like others said... Tag em out and let them make their own conclusions.

Steve Crush
05-05-2002, 09:41 PM
I think in my opnion Emag and RT's are the most beautiful guns out there. At my field there's only two people that shoot mags (well regulars that play every week or so). And noone cracks on my Emag. Most asked question is about how the mag eats up the air. BTW why do you care what others think of yer gun? if i got everyone dissing my gun i could really care less what they say, cause I like it.


05-05-2002, 10:52 PM
It's a truly sick person, that does not like the yellow Starburst.

05-05-2002, 10:54 PM
The guy that runs the shop/field in Albuq. calls me a canadian cause I shoot a mag. And that realy offends me.

Actually it's a running joke but it's still funny that he called me that.

05-05-2002, 10:56 PM
lol idont like fords pepsi or yellow starburst but i love my Mag and thats all that matters

05-05-2002, 10:59 PM
Albuquerque is a *EDIT* Please do not cuss. You agreed to not cuss when you signed on to AO. Army, i was there for awhile, there was no good fields there, the town is the grossest dirthole ive ever seen, i pity you for living there lol

05-05-2002, 11:01 PM
I pity myself for living here. 2 years and 9 months and I'll be back in the beutiful norhtshore of MA.

05-05-2002, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
People dont like mags because of the color. As you can see in alot of pro shops they only sell like spyders and other Flashy guns. People like the Color of the gun and they dont care about how the performance of the gun is.

Bingo. Since I got the paintjob, Nitro and drop forward the reaction on the field has completely changed. They assume I am good or I wouldn't have such a cool looking gun. Sad but true. Now if my game got any better I would really have them. :D


05-05-2002, 11:15 PM
I've gotten a few "The one mag that doesn't chop" comments. And this coming from a kid that HATES mags. He absolutely hates them. Don't know why, don't really care. I am one of few mag enthusiasts out here, and once i get an extreme(hopefully), i'll turn some heads, and maybe change some minds. We'll see.

05-05-2002, 11:26 PM
well Budd Orr as we all know has succeded in brainwshing 95% of paintbalers into thinking that looks come first and proformance comes last thats y people cant stand mags we proud mag owners at this forum are a minorty and there for can sneak up on all those brain washed foos

05-05-2002, 11:47 PM
i think it has alot to do with aftermarket parts, which is a reason why we don't see tons of bushys eather. both those and mags are rockin markers but they are extreamly overlooked. another thing is, with looks, most people are just to lazy to do it them selves, i mean realy, it cost 100's to paint and fancy up a cocker, but it cost me 10 bucks, and some time, with a little bit of patiance, and now i'm holding my newly painted mag body in my hands and it's a true beuty in my eyes.

05-06-2002, 12:02 AM
ys magatron your exactly right

05-06-2002, 12:37 AM
bah they are all jealous that you bought a marker that works perfectly out of the box :)

05-06-2002, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Brian68mag
Albuquerque is a *EDIT* Please do not cuss. You agreed to not cuss when you signed on to AO. Army, i was there for awhile, there was no good fields there, the town is the grossest dirthole ive ever seen, i pity you for living there lol

I lived there for 3 years... it ain't 'that' bad. :)

Steve Crush
05-06-2002, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
bah they are all jealous that you bought a marker that works perfectly out of the box :)

beautifully put butterfinger!!!


05-06-2002, 10:12 AM
WTF!?!? I LIKE YELLOW STARBURST!!!! but I don't like Ford cars unless they're classic muscle!

05-06-2002, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by magatron
it cost 100's to paint and fancy up a cocker, but it cost me 10 bucks, and some time, with a little bit of patiance, and now i'm holding my newly painted mag body in my hands and it's a true beuty in my eyes.

True Magatron, $10 could make a Mag pretty. But a Mag has some options now where a person can spend $100s if he/she wishes to make their mag look even prettier as well. I'm not just talking about buying after market parts (triggers, trigger frames, body rails, site rails, main bodies, etc.). Anodizing aluminum pieces, show chroming aluminum as well as stainless steel, powdercoating aluminum and stainless steel, and even reflectorizing are now showing up on Mags.
Show chroming alone can cost in the $100s.

05-06-2002, 10:39 AM
And there's even more than just annodizing/chroming/pc'ing/reflectoring. You can customize mill or carve parts for your mags for a certain theme if you want to. Just look at tysonmachdo(sp?) he's doing a whole business of cool custom parts.