View Full Version : Rt or Rt pro. the pros and the cons?????

05-06-2002, 05:54 PM
his i might be trading my defiant for a rt. it is warpedrt's and he said it is old school. i was wondering if it is worth it and what are they like. does anyone here have one? also what are they like on air etc. and are they any good compared to my defiant or an rt pro?

05-06-2002, 09:41 PM
I like the old school RTs more. Plus they cost more...


1) Gas-through grip and body rail... NO HOSE TO VALVE
2) I like the body more


1) Leaks more common with gas through (at least for me)
2) Doesn't come with Intelliframe (new RT pros do)

I love mine.

05-06-2002, 11:19 PM
i like old school better i like the gas through

Mild 7
05-07-2002, 01:32 AM
The banjo bolt sucks on the RT. It is high maintainence, and wears out over time which can either strip out the o-rings that is on the banjo as well as the threads on the bolt which will come loose after a few shots. When it does, your RT will go into run-away mode which will turn your marker into a blender. Of course, you can tighten it. As matter of fact, I've tigten mine so much my allen wrench no longer have tractions on it anymore. Which means, my banjo is pretty much done for.

I know this, because this is happening to me right now. The gas rail will leak too but I took care of it ghetto style..teflon tape.

My RT have served me well since '98. These problems, or you can call it "wear issues" begun last summer. I guess a paintgun is just like everything else. Once it gets old, it shows signs of aging.

Zelda Ramras
05-07-2002, 02:51 AM
Unlike Mild 7, I have NEVER had any problem with the banjo bolt or any other part of the original RT in the 3 years I have owned it. It is much better than the RT Pro in both looks and performance. After all, the purpose of the RT Pro was to be a cheaper version of the RT, "so you can save some money for those extra paintballs."

05-07-2002, 04:18 AM
The RT is great, I haven't had any leaking problems with mine. The con's though is that it's diameters are different, so you wouldn't be able to use other mag body's on it. Plus the new Pro's come with the inteliframes wich is a bonus. Decide for yourself what you would prefer, hardline + gas-through or Inteliframe. You can always add the intelframe to the RT as well.

05-07-2002, 01:49 PM
I agree. I do like the RT way more than the RT Pro. My RT is the shiznitz. Unlike whoever said about the Gas through leaking, I have never had a problem with it. The WORST problem I have had with it, was when I needed a new powertube O-Ring. WOW what a problem let me tell ya.:rolleyes: Anyway the RT is a great gun.

05-07-2002, 03:09 PM
ive only had one prob from my RT and that was the sear tip snaped off but that happend before i bought the gun