View Full Version : powdercoat reference

05-06-2002, 07:57 PM
does anyone know a link that will tell you want tools and material you will need and how to apply the powdercoat? i know theres people here that can powdercoat but i would like to learn myself so i can design my own mag the way i want it

05-07-2002, 07:09 AM
Yes, do a simple search on the internet for Powder Coating... you will find MUCH…

The things needed are usually a bit over what most people would want to pay for only THEIR marker, and you will need a dedicated stove (one you can NEVER use for any other purpose), a good work area, and PLENTY of ventilation. For a single marker it is usually not worth the expense of getting it all set up.... You can get a BASIC Powder Coating System for around $159-$199 (and like I said, that is the BASIC,(and that is as low as I have found you can go), and that does not including the stove, spray booth, powders, air compressor, etc...

So, you are easily looking at a $300-$600 minimum investment, and more if you are going to do it right. And that is not talking about setting up the shop someplace, because you will NOT want it in your kitchen. Now bounce that off the cost to have it done by someone else.... Is it worth it to you simply to "learn" and do it yourself? Good question.

There ARE other ways to finish a marker than Powder Coating and Anno. And for many people, the results can be just as good, if not better, and cost only $15 to $20 (and sometimes less) to do it yourself. You just have to take your time.

Do you think everything that gets painted (and even for outdoor use) gets powder coated or anno'ed? Not by a long shot. Think all automotive parts get powder coated? Nope. Think all sporting equipment gets powder coated? No again. There are MANY alternatives out there, people just have to look...

I hope this helps.