View Full Version : well guys...

05-06-2002, 08:43 PM
i have finally decided to buy my minimag (i've been borrowing a friend of mines) i guess i'll order it tommorow, black minimag, although i'm still kinda stuck on the mag or a BM2k, hmmmmmm maybe i could win the lottery and buy both (i'm 15 and 500 dollars is alot to me.. :( )

05-06-2002, 10:01 PM
I wouldn't go BM, almost all of the extra money over the stock is just for some cheesy milling. Get a 2k and spend the rest to customize it to your tastes. Personally I like the mini, but that's just my preference. Can you shoot them both beforehand?

05-07-2002, 04:54 PM
i've used both quite alot

(my friends mini was preety much stock besides barrel and the bushmaster was very expensive and the guy was also talking about now scratching it so i didn't really get to "play" with it but i shot a few hoppers through it)

still don't know what to do. i like the mini cause it's small and compact, and the bushmaster is well.. not plus i figure i could get a new mini for around 300 and put a few hundred dollars into it and i'll have my self a fine tuned paint throwing machine plus i never really liked the electro's feel, sure i can fire faster but the computer is doin all the work and your just clicking a mouse

minimag i guess i'll call right now