View Full Version : Congrats Manny!

05-06-2002, 10:27 PM
For those of you who don't know Aftershock just won the Las Vegas PSP (NPPL) and man did they rip it up. I was lucky enough to watch some of their games including their last game of the finals against Strange that clinched the tourney for them. If I am not mistaken Manny made it to a sweet standup "50" bunker off the break and proceeded to shutdown that tape side to help shock take the win. Great tourney Manny, the only thing sweeter than watching you rip it up would have been meeting you in the middle!

Johnny Mo
PFB (Dye Kids in Vegas)

Load SM5
05-06-2002, 10:41 PM
Good job 'Shock!

My heroes.;)

05-06-2002, 10:44 PM
Congrats to Manny and the whole team! How about a play by play Manny?


05-06-2002, 11:02 PM
Congrats Aftershock!!

05-06-2002, 11:03 PM
Shock Rocks!

wOOt! Way to spray Manny!

05-06-2002, 11:08 PM
finally someone other than Dynasty ;)

good job guys :)

05-06-2002, 11:50 PM
Gratz on the win! :D

05-07-2002, 01:29 AM
Congrats Manny and Aftershock. That's a big trophy! :D


05-07-2002, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by zvanut
finally someone other than Dynasty ;)

good job guys :)

Dynasty along with SC Ironmen, The Family (Keely is even better looking in person,) Warped, and some of the P.R.O.'s reffed the event. Some of the coolest people I met were from Dynasty.

Johnny Mo

05-07-2002, 06:44 AM

05-07-2002, 11:39 AM
Thanks everyone! This was definitely a tough win. The fields were rough and rocky, the weather hot and draining, and the competition brutal. We opened up the tourney with a great win versus Lockout who always give us a great game. We owed them from LA. The remainder of our prelims were all good games until we met up with Exile, a team from the northwest and Avalanche. They put it to us. That is the way amatuer teams should try to play against any pro teams. They try for fifty bunkers making one of them with two players who proceded to win the game for them. Congrats to Exile. You brought us back to reality. The Ava game could have gone either way, but good breaks for them and awesome play from John Richardson won that game.

Also on the second day, we played Ton Ton Flingeurs for our third pro game. The pro games really get heated. With a drop to the Ava boys, we had to win this game. Ryan Williams shined for us playing the snake. During the course of the game, Billy Ceranski was getting heckled from the sidelines by Will Arroyo of GZ. In response, Billy took a shot at the net where he was standing about 10 yards in front of him. Billy was suspended for six games, and we had to play with nine players all the way until the second game of the finals. Billy was really playing well too, but he let an outside distraction get the best of him.

We got a good draw in the semi's with fields that we liked. We beat Avalanche, Rage, and Bad Co., but not easily. Two of the games came down to two-on-one's in favor of the opponents. Todd Adamson showed why he is one of the best by winning both. Maikey Bruno was back to Bruno of old shooting six Rage players.

The finals pit us against Avalanche again for our first game. We knew they played the field before and went hard all across the field. We set up by countering just as hard. I went to the fifty away from the crowd side and held the left tape never letting my gun off my mirror for about eight minutes. As the game developed, with alot of bunkering and counter-bunkering going on in the middle and on the crowd side, it came down to Todd, Ronnie, and myself against Sean Ellis and Jeremy Salm of Ava in front of me on the left tape. As I was getting up, my mirror got up and ran back to a standup. Ronnie put a couple on his hopper and then we ganged up on the Jeremy in the back left standup.

Second game versus Bobby's Ironmen went in their favor. Both teams broke out to easy bunkers. We tried for the fifties first but got shot up. Out of position and with the amount of paint the Ironmen spit out, they took control of the entire field. We got stuck in all our back bunkers and tried to hold. With a missed call by the refs who didn't pull a 1-4-1, Todd proceded to wrap around his bunker thinking he was OK but gets shot by the un-pulled player leaving it a two on one. Danny Love tries one last move but doesn't see Little John in time. End of game.

The final game for all four teams was a do-or-die situation. Each team has a win, but the points are working in our favor because we shot more bodies. We could clinch it with a 97 even if one of the other teams(Ava or Bobby) scores a perfect 100. A 97 against Strange?

Looking down at their flag station right before the start, we could see that Strange was loading up our right tape. It was the tape with a huge triple-can bunker on the fifty just inside the snake and just outside of a carwash bunker. With a simultaneous start, I broke hard for the standup triple-can bunker sliding in gun up ready for an immediate retaliation bunker from Strange. Instead of coming to the other side of the triple-can, they take the snake. My job was to shut down anything on my tape while being protected by five of my teammates. All the snake guy had to do was take a chance and pop up to shoot me, but I sucked into the bunker as much as I could and kept ripping the underside of the snake while our back right shot down the line just above him. We never let him play. As I hear our kill count, I took a couple chances at wrapping around. My best shot was a pokemon bunker behind the snake, but it exposed me to their back right standup. During one of these looks, we took the snake, but lost my back right. I didn't know about Ritchie taking the snake, all I heard was that we lost Ronnie. I panicked for a minute and actually started shooting at Ritchie thinking the snake guy had moved up to our side of the snake. Finally someone told me we took the snake and luckily, I didn't go bunker Ritchie. As more of Strange fell and with four of us protecting Ritchie, he was free to shoot out the middle of the field even with the snake guy in front of him. After taking his shots, he then bunkers the snake and the rest of us immediately turn our guns upfield. Two left on our tape, one in the back standup on the other tape. With a six on three advantage, we methodically sweep right to left leaving the left back as the last kill. Our game ends first.

A few of us rush over to the other field where we find out that Bobby and Ava stalemate. We win Vegas. My congrats go out to Strange for making the finals in their first pro start, to Bobby's boys for really taking it to us, and to Avalanche for bouncing back from a dismal start this year. Props to AGD, my Mag ripped the entire tourney shooting some of the most brittle paint we've ever had. I shot a GZ Timmy in our first game against Lockout because they wanted me to shoot more paint. It shot OK, but I didn't like the trigger feel and found out I could shoot five pods and a loader out of my Mag with my little 45/5000 bottle. Chopped one ball, in the last game against Strange because I shot my first hopper full absolutley as fast as I could to let the snake guy know that it was going to hurt if he stuck his head up. With a quick clean, I was shooting straight as ever again. It was a grueling tournament, which made the win that much sweeter.

Thanks for all the support AGD and all the AOer's. Johnny Mo, I'm sure we'll meet up one of these tournaments. It feels great to have people cheering for us again.

05-07-2002, 02:07 PM
Manny is the man....I still say AGD should do a RiceRocket eXtreme eMag...but that's just my opinion...

p.s. BTW...who's the guy on Exile with the emag (is he on AO)?

05-07-2002, 02:12 PM
YEAH MANNY! w00t!!

05-07-2002, 02:13 PM
Congratulations. Sounds like a hard fought, well deserved victory. First place, GREAT JOB! :D Glad to hear the emag worked so well. I assume it's the same on Tom let us try in LA.

BTW, Why would you be able to shoot more paint with a Timmy?

Creative Mayhem
05-07-2002, 03:04 PM
Nice job Manny! Sounds like a whole boat load of fun!

05-07-2002, 03:25 PM
hitech (and all AO),

I didn't use my SFL. Tom is conducting tests with it that will result in the E-mag we've all been waiting for. Nope, I won using my old reliable Automag with Retro valve and Intelliframe. hitech, I was just told prior to the game to use the Timmy because it had a 68/4500 air system on it - I have a 45/5000, but have never shot or carried more than three tubes in a game before. So, just to make sure I could shoot all five pods I carried for that game, I used the Timmy. After that game, I found out I could shoot five pods with my little tank when I shot it at the remote chrony station and did some target practice.

05-07-2002, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by RiceRocket
So, just to make sure I could shoot all five pods I carried for that game, I used the Timmy. After that game, I found out I could shoot five pods with my little tank when I shot it at the remote chrony station and did some target practice.

Gotcha. Sounds like the old reliable Automag gets a lot of shots off a "little" tank. Now you can carry more paint! :D

05-08-2002, 12:09 AM
Manny's da man...woot woot woot *sorry if i sound like Arsenio Hall..I'm old enough to remember Arsenio Hall...oh well*