View Full Version : Angled Warp Feed Hose Collar.

05-07-2002, 01:17 AM
I was looking at the collar of the warp feed hose that lets you attach it to the bottom of your powerfeed, and got thinking, how much closer I could get my revvie, if the adapter wasnt just straight out at a 45* angle, but had a bend in it so that the collar would be pointing straight down, leaving me to run the hose along the bottom of the revvie and up into the gun, making the whole setup much tighter.

Heck, i'd be what, an inch from the side of my gun? wouldn't that close make cutting your loader or not pretty negligble? I personally think it would, it would also help make it easier to keep nice gentle curves in the feed hose. whats everyone else think?

Ive included a pic of my current warp setup to my powerfeed, wouldnt it be much cleaner and tighter if the collar was angled? I think AGD should make their current straight collars angled, as its a much more functional design. especially for those who don't want to, or cant cut their loader to get a super tight setup, I'd be a much better alternative IMO. Just some food for thought :)

05-07-2002, 01:23 AM
it couldn't cost that much more than the current ones or be harder to make, I think? Anyway, I think it's a good idea.

05-07-2002, 01:35 AM
Visualizing it, I don't see how it would let you get the Revy in any closer. The adapter would still have to come out as far as it does right now and then bend down at an angle. You just put one more bend in the system to slow down feed rate. I guess you could make a 45 degree elbow and point it forward a bit and loop the hose to it, but then you're just going to have a longer loop of hose and it won't be as clean. Drilling the hoppper is still the best, most effective way of tucking in the hopper tight.

05-07-2002, 01:41 AM
yeah, but your forgetting, with the straight collar, you also have to bend the hose around and into the collar, adding like another half inch or so to to the length of the collar. if it were straight down, or on a slight forward angle with a smooth curved inside, it wouldn't cause much problem for the feed rate, and you'd have just the width of the collar in there, and less of a tight bend in the hose. the pic above shows what I mean well, you'd cut the width down from my warp setup if it was angled downward, and have less of a bend than what I have now. I cant be the only one with that tight of a bend in the hose.

05-07-2002, 01:57 AM
I still think the margin of benefit would be minimal. You have a Z-Grip. One of the things you should do is drill the bracket so it sits perpendicular to the frame. I'm sure there's a PVC pipe fitting that will fit the feed tube. You won't be able to get the hose in it, but if you bore it out I'm sure it would work to at least see how much better it makes the setup.

05-07-2002, 02:04 AM
your points are valid, ive experimented with my warp back farther, but it just feels uncomfortable for some strange reason. I might have to actually try getting a piece of aluminum from my uncle machine shop and have him make a rough perpendicular mounting bracket. I'll certianly try both options youve suggested... I appreciate your input :)