View Full Version : Emag selector switch question.

05-07-2002, 11:28 AM
Ok i just got my Emag and it is great. But i am left handed and when i hold the gun and run etc. the selector switch sometimes gets hit by my hand and moved so that i come up to shoot and the gun doesnt fire. I was wondering if it is possible to move the selector switch to the right side of the gun without messing anything up? Thanks in advance for your help i really appreciate it. :)

05-07-2002, 12:32 PM
Can't do it. The right end of the selector switch is wider than the left end of it, so flipping the selector switch around wouldn't work.

05-07-2002, 12:32 PM
Um, I am left handed too...i think this has been brought up before though. I dont belive it is possible to switch them around...mine isnt in front of me, but i dont think the grip is milled on that side to allow the selector switch to move.

05-07-2002, 12:36 PM
ok thanks for the help guys.

05-07-2002, 12:53 PM
You can re-position the switch itself, to point at a different spot than before.

Put the switch in E. Remove the screw holding the lever, then pull and replace the lever to point backward. Now when you are in powered mode, the switch will be to the rear and out of the way. In manual mode, the switch will point down but be in an easier position to hit it quickly with your thumb back into where you want it.

You have to remember that the "M" and "E" marks no longer apply.

Hope that helps some.

05-07-2002, 02:15 PM
Thats a good idea. Thanks Army.

05-07-2002, 02:22 PM
The selector switch is built so that the set screw is pointing down when it's in E-Mode so you can adjust the stroke length. This means you can either have the lever pointed up or down in E-Mode. Since it can't point up because the rail is in the way, you have to point it down. What I do (I'm left-handed) is I just have the switch pointed straight back and adjust my HES magnet to work with that pull length. You can't adjust the stroke length, but it's just about the right length for me. That puts the selector switch out of the way.