View Full Version : need help

05-07-2002, 10:36 PM
im getting a zgrip but the one im getting doesnt have a saftey. is there any thing i can do about this? can i take the one from my stock frame? if so the how? any help would be greatly apreciated. :confused:

05-07-2002, 10:53 PM
from the looks of it, after examining my Z-Grip and stock trigger frame, it looks like AGD used the same safety components for both, which would be logical when you think about it.

You could always order a new saftey from AGD, at least then one frame will be safetyless :D

As for how, that, I can't personally answer, as ive never taken my safety apart :confused:

05-07-2002, 10:54 PM
I'm not exactly sure the one from your stock grip will fit the z-grip. If you want to try heres how to get your stock safety pin, ball bearing, spring and set screw out. First take the grip off the body rail. On the side marked "F" on the top edge, you'll see a small set screw... back this out slowly. Keep pressure on the screw with the allen wrench because the spring will try to fly out if you're not careful. Once you got the set screw out of the way.. pull the spring out. Now dump the ball bearing out the hole and into your hand. DON'T LOSE IT! The safety pin should now slide out without any problems. Re-assemble those parts in the z-grip if they look like they'll fit. I don't know if they'll work or not. Good luck. Hope this helps.

05-07-2002, 10:59 PM
FrAuStY; thats all to take out the safety?? I thought all the spring/ball bearing/set screw did was put the tension in the safety pin, so it would stay in the 'fire' or 'safe' position?

05-08-2002, 12:31 PM

05-09-2002, 12:42 PM
Yes Xzion, you have to remove the set screw/spring and bearing to remove the saftey pin. You are correct it is there to keep it on safety or off safety, but its also there to retain the pin and keep it from falling out if pressed too far one way or the other. Peace :)

05-09-2002, 03:14 PM
thanks for your help guys, but it turns out i couldnt buy it, oh well maybe ill just have to wait till the new ones come out