View Full Version : need some help for my first tourney

05-08-2002, 10:52 AM
i play rec-ball quite often, but i am going to play my first tournament on june 15. it is a local 3-man tourney for begginners. me and my bro and a friend are going to play. i was elected captain and im working on getting together some code words to use on the field such as how to identify where an opposing player is....so far i have these codes figured out

how to tell how many of our team are on the field

" " " " " " the other team are on the feild

where the flag is

enemy position and movement on the field

when a player needs paint

when a player needs cover fire for movement

back and front man working together to take out a player

drawing enemy players out so that front men can get them

these are just the situations that i thought we would need code phrases for...we have codes for them already...but i was wondering if there are any other things that im not thinking of that we would need to have thought of. im going to be playing back man and the other two are going to work up front on the sides and zone the field opposite of their positions. any help would be appreciated

05-08-2002, 01:52 PM
a good code,but not really code,for how many people are on the other team is:

K1=1 elimination
K2=2 elim.
K3=3 elim. use something like this so your players arent still hiding once you have eliminated every one on opposeing team....

05-08-2002, 03:57 PM
Try doing a search on first tournaments. There's been a few posts that have come through here with a lot of good pointers and tips.

Good luck in your first tourny and don't forget to post a play-by-play here after you win 1st place! :D

05-08-2002, 05:04 PM
thanks for the advice. ill be sure to give you guys the lowdown on the tourney. i think that we will do pretty good. i have a 68 automag classic w/powerfeed and i have a 12v hopper and im going to get a 4500psi 88cu nitro set up and a freak barrel before the tourney. so ill feel like ill be shooting a pretty high end gun compared to the others at teh tourney. and i think that our team will put in a solid performance. its just our first tourney and i want to do well. learning from it will be the most important thing. plus since im captain i want to do my best not to let the team down.

05-08-2002, 07:19 PM
With the possible exception of "I'm going to bunker that guy" and "I'm out of paint", there is very little else that you really need to spend a lot of time with codes. If all else fails, shout it in plain english. If you need to know where the flag is, ask! If you need to know how many players they have, ask! Much more important than the codes is the communications process. Talk loud, talk often, and listen to what your other players have to say.

Let your codes evolve as you play together and find needs. For a first tourney it will be enough to just get in the habit of talking to one another while the game is going on.

05-08-2002, 08:16 PM
Codes need to be simple and clear for them to work. My team uses a numbering system for bunkers, it always has the same pattern for its set up and gets a little more specific when we walk the field.

the JoKeR
05-08-2002, 08:36 PM
Depending on how long you have all played together, I think the primary emphasis should be on knowing what the other guys on your team are going to do and are capable of. Keep your codes very simple, 'cause once somebody bearing down on your position, you don't want your team wondering what "Splash 6 on the side" means. The most fun I've ever had on the field was at a small 5 man tourney, where every time we shot out one of the other team's players, we'd yell "Money Shot!!" (our team name for that event). We knew what it meant, and they probably knew what it meant. It motivated us because it was so dang funny (to us, at least) and we did well. Just have fun and concentrate on your game first.