View Full Version : Gallery

05-08-2002, 02:34 PM
I was just looking through the gallery of the different markers,that is until I got to the emag gallery.Why aren't there any pics of emags? I have already seen some pics of the emags that you emag owners have and was wondering why you haven't tried to get them up on the gallery section?

05-08-2002, 03:18 PM
The Webmaster, in his headlong rush to get married soon, has been neglecting to update the Gallery as of late. I'm sure with a few gentle nudges....NUDGE NUDGE... he will find enough time to get all the pics sent to him posted up!

Be patient, this site is a sideline for him that he does out of consideration and affection for Tom...well, that and he's good at it. He is after, in real life, the mild mannered "Mister .44" of APG/Paintball magazine writer fame.

05-08-2002, 03:23 PM
cool, I read the emag article from apg and paintball2extreme and paintball magazine, and understand that he is busy.