View Full Version : Paintball Speech

Krazy Ivan
05-08-2002, 04:54 PM
Hey guys, I need some help with this. I have a speech to give tommorrow on paintball as a non-violent sport. Any ideas would be appreciated. I have a small flow chart of what I have so far:

Paintball as non-violent --> Brightly colored Markers and Bunkers ---> Organized Tourney's ---> Non-contact Sport ---> Contrast it against football, Perfectly acceptable sport yet very violent.

I also have the injuries figures to fit in there also.

Thanks guys!

05-08-2002, 04:58 PM
man, i used to have link of a thing cnn did on the safety of paintball. they had graphs comparing injusries, and a full article + video. i will try to dig it up.

05-08-2002, 05:03 PM
Hey, check out Durty Dan's web site
He has a lot of articles that include
all kinds of interesting point that
you could use.


Krazy Ivan
05-09-2002, 09:25 AM
Thanks guys, that website did really help. I already found the injury data from cnn, so I'm set with that..Any more sugggestions, it's a speech to a class who has never played paintball. Also a good 1/2 of them don't want to because "Paintballs hurt when your shot."

05-09-2002, 03:15 PM
I always compare it to a "rubber band fight" or a game of tag.

Krazy Ivan
05-09-2002, 04:38 PM
OK the speech was the worst yet...:(
However next week is finals week and I can make up a speech, guess which one I'm redoing. I was thinking of maybe doing it on reforming the pro circuit of all sports. Using example's like Frank Connel of the paintball world, John Rocker of Major league baseball and Dennis Rodman of Basketball... Anyone have suggestions on others?

I have to see what my grade is/would be if I did/didn't redo it tommorrow b4 my spanish class..

Any help is EXTREMELY appreciated!