View Full Version : I need a mag

05-08-2002, 08:07 PM
i have just noticed that my friend ripped me off i bought a brass eagel talon from him for 120 dollars and he said there are speical parts that make it shoot further inside so i bought like an idiot. Now i have over 1,500 dollars saved up what should i buy to amek a phat gun that is really good and shoots very fast like full auto and semi also 3-5 round burst.

05-08-2002, 08:10 PM
wait for alil bit and buy the new extreme when it comes out.If you didnt know,the extreme is a type of Emag.....or,if you want,you can buy an SFL Emag....or just a regular emag..they are all super FAST,and truley great markers....i personally would wait for the extreme....

05-08-2002, 08:16 PM
Man heres something for futer refernce. Talons even though they are cool, they price new are 30 bucks. There are no upgrades for a talon. They are wal mart guns they have no real purpose. For you mag gun heres the gun you might consider to get. The Emag, get a nitro tank and revvy adn drop and a nice barrel, you will be set.

05-08-2002, 08:39 PM
Is this guy for real, or can someone really be that gullible? If so, I've got a pair of shoes I'll sell you for $1000 that will make you play paintball like a pro.

05-08-2002, 08:51 PM
hey, i can get u a REAL custom talon i made, for the low price of $90 :D if you didnt catch it already this was a joke, tho i do have a custom talon i dont think its worth near $90