View Full Version : looking into a pump/stock class

05-08-2002, 10:34 PM
i know there are alot of choices out there and alot of pump fanatics on these boards, so i was wondering, what would someone sugguest for my first pump/stock marker. i realy don't wanna pump out 600bucks on carter or what ever those superstockers were, i was thinking more around the 100-200 dollar range. i'd realy like something which i could customize, and i was kinda leaning into a phantom but i can't decide, so andd sugguestions would be great.

05-08-2002, 10:41 PM
okay go witht he sniper II from core it is the most accurate marker you can get it is a pump action gun but it is very reliable. to see a picture of it go to paintball-online.com go to guns and makers and to core and you will find it.

05-09-2002, 12:49 AM
My first vote would be for the phantom. Especially for stock class.


For a little less and pump class only consider the SL68-II from Tippmann


To just get in for cheap, it's pretty tough to beat a PGP.



05-09-2002, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Chez
okay go witht he sniper II from core it is the most accurate marker you can get it is a pump action gun but it is very reliable. to see a picture of it go to paintball-online.com go to guns and makers and to core and you will find it.

:confused: I take it physics doesn't apply to you...

Anyway, to get to the point on pump or stockclass markers, I would recommend a PGP or P-68 as your first stock class pump. They're relatively cheap (should be able to get either for under 100), and have a TON of upgrade posibilities.

For more money, the Phantom is great, I love mine. I would recommend buying a VSC first, and then getting a grav body for it (ends up being cheaper in the long run).

The Phantom has a great stock barrel, which unless you like the be really quiet, doesn't need upgrading.

Should you choose the sniper, you're going to end up putting a pile of cash into it off the bat to get it up to the same level as a stock Phantom, but Both are good markers. And, you can turn your sniper into a cocker, although why you'd want to is a good question... (yes, that was a cocker jab, i just got rid of mine...)

Carters, while very nice, are really overpriced, and Phantoms are very comparable performance-wise.

Sterlings are nice, I just got one, but have a limited upgrade path.

Traccers, Mavericks, etc, are just cheaper nelsons, which perform well, but aren't as pretty as the Phantom.

Good luck with stock and pump, it's cool to see more and more people coming back to it.


05-09-2002, 02:41 PM
Exactly what Fred said. Can't go wrong with a PGP if yer not looking to spend alot. I'd see if you can find the older style one though.