View Full Version : i have a newb question, plz help me.

05-09-2002, 05:45 PM
this is gonna be the most newbiest question( well maybe not put pretty close. i'm fairly new to mags) but one with the question: what is a nubbin or whatever it is or spelled. once again forgive me for the newbiness, it's just bothering me that some people use the word nubbin in posts and i don't know what it is:confused: :rolleyes: :p ;) :eek: :mad: :cool: :D

05-09-2002, 05:58 PM
Any question is a good question as long as you don't know the answer before you ask the question. A Nubbin is the wire piece that goes into the barrel. It acts as a ball detent (may have heard that before) Mags can use three types of nubbins.. there a P-Nubbins which are shaped like a "P" at the part that contacts the paintball. There are V-nubbins which are shaped like a "V". Also the last but definatley not the least would be the plastic nubbin, which are made out of plastic and are less abrasive on the paint (lowers breakage) Hope this helps.. welcome to AO and hope you like your mag!

05-09-2002, 06:06 PM
thx, that really helped, and i know i'll love my mag, i don't know why i ever got anything else,. my first gun was a spyder. and spyders don't compare with mags at all.:D

05-09-2002, 06:17 PM
You're absolutely right, although.. I have a secret to say... shhh... I use a spyder as my backup. :D Although.. I really don't need it.. lol knock-on-wood I've never had any problems with my mag.