View Full Version : Can I run a minimag body and a 68 automag classic

05-09-2002, 10:22 PM
Hey i need some help...will a 68 automag classic run just as good with a minimag body as it will its regular body...cuz im wantin to get power feed and ive found a minimag body and powerfeed automag body 4 the same price and i was wonderin if i got the minimag one if it'd run just as good


05-09-2002, 11:11 PM
The minimag and automag bodies are interchangeable.

05-10-2002, 06:19 AM
but will it fire and run just as good as the regular body?

05-10-2002, 06:26 AM
They will both be the same except for the looks.

05-10-2002, 06:29 AM
The mini body and regular body are the same except for more material on the front of the mini. (to accommodate the fancy milling) Therefor, the mini will be heavier.

05-10-2002, 01:26 PM
would yall go with the mini or the regular automag powerfeed body?

05-10-2002, 06:20 PM
That depends.... The minis look better, but are more expensive. Are you willing to pay for looks?

05-10-2002, 07:02 PM
thanx man.. im gonna go with the black minimag body.....thanx alot tho i appreciate it