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View Full Version : Preset or adjustable air for the Mag?

05-10-2002, 08:52 AM
Which is better for a Mag, a preset or an adjustable air tank. I purchased a Warp Feed and my adjustable air system get's in the way. I do have a good preset tank that would fit much better. What do you think?

Krazy Ivan
05-10-2002, 08:53 AM
RT or regular Mag?

RT I recommend the Adjustable, because you can decide how reactive you want it. Preset for a regular.

Creative Mayhem
05-10-2002, 10:52 AM
I've had a raptor 3000 air america system for the last 8 yrs. Its adjustable, and it's always worked flawlessly I can set it for my mag any way I wish, with no problems. Asfor your warp, I would just get a drop that would accomodate your system and warp. just my 2 cents