View Full Version : secondary reg

05-10-2002, 05:36 PM
Just bought a used field mag the other day and have a few questions. I went through it and gave it a thorough cleaning and oil/grease job, replaced o-ring, valve seat, PT spring(was starting to rust)... all that good stuff. seems to work fine, no leaks or anything like that, although the velocity is kinda screwy (straight vert bottle). anyway, i was planing on putting Nitro on it. does this gun need a secondary reg, or is it better to just hook the tank straight up to it? i was looking at a 68ci crossfire tank with 850psi out, i believe. if it is a good idea, what is a good reg for this gun? also, i noticed in a faq section that it recommends an input of 700psi, whats the lowest input pressure this gun should run at? Finally, Since it has been a pretty heavily used gun i'm guessing that it would be a better than good idea to replace the valve piston too, correct?


05-10-2002, 06:08 PM
No you wouldn't need a secondary reg as the A.I.R. valve of the mag is a reg. It regulates the input pressure down to 375-400 psi. If you added another reg like vigilante or a palmer stabilizer you'd only be starving the gun which would cause a slower recharge rate. If you get nitro on a regular mag 800 or 850 is fine. It won't hurt anything. The adjustable tanks are really only useful on the R/T's and it allows you to adjust the reactiveness of the trigger.
The lowest you would want to run it would be 700 maybe a little lower. Any lower than 700 and it won't re-charge as fast as it would at higher input pressures. And yes if it was a rental I'd replace the piston. You may want to wait until you get your HPA tank and then just order the piston for HPA :) Hope this helps and welcome to AO!

05-10-2002, 06:08 PM
It is a good thing to go to nitro on a mag. They are less likely to go to have any shoot down or freezing up. Another thing is that the mag is a high pressure marker. IT requires around 800-900 psi. For the converting to nitro is not a hard one for a mag or an expensive one. All you have to get is a nitro tank. There is no need to get a second reg. If you did that would cause shoot down more than likely. Plus the mag has its own build in reg in it that will take it down to the pressure need. I dont think that you would need to replace the reg piston. Just change the o-rings. Then you are all set.

05-10-2002, 07:39 PM
ehhh, i'd go ahead and replace the piston. they're not too expensive (i think like $20 bux). if it was a rental, it's prolly pretty trashed. just go ahead and replace the piston and save yourself any problems ahead.

05-11-2002, 11:27 AM
còól, that pretty much conferms everything i thuk. thanks for the feedback guys.

05-11-2002, 12:21 PM
I'd buy a reg. I have a gen-x on my 'mag right now and it's great, i'm putting 600 psi in and getting no shootdown at all. Having another reg will get you shootdown if you can even shoot that fast, but until you get to 11-12, you'll notice nothing, if you put a hyper frame on it, then it's a bad idea, but i dont have an RT valve any more, and i can still adjust my trigger characteristics, the AIR valve really doesnt need 700psi unless you are planning on pulling the trigger 12-13 times a second, which is almost impossible on a manual gun.

what is important is that if fred hates to mow the lawn, he should buy a truck instead. This will not affect the performance of the leather in the back of the crop.