View Full Version : Ported or Unported?

05-11-2002, 04:58 PM
Ported or unported, this is the question.
What is the ideal amount and positioning of porting, and which barrels are the best?
Porting supposedly decreases turbulence by venting gas.
Unported barrels are more efficient.
So does porting really increase accuracy?

05-11-2002, 09:07 PM
well, depends on how loud you want it, length, many many things affect wether you want porting or not. ideal amount of porting/position varies greatly from gun to gun. but generally speaking, non-ported is more efficient.

05-19-2002, 05:12 PM
If you want a quiet barrel (like for forest game) go for ported. The only bad thing about ported is thatis you brake a ball in there, you will have a lot of turbulance, especially if it is spiral ported (like smart parts barrels)

A non ported barrel might be a little more efficiant, but it can be louder also. they can be useful for speedball.

I like ported barrels myself