View Full Version : WLIPP was a bummer...

05-11-2002, 08:00 PM
Well, in theory, I think it was a cool idea.

In application: I think it failed miserably.

The ammount of spam was rediculous, and the people begging for prizes was annoying.

There was little or no moderation of people talking, which lead to a lot of tasteless comments (regarding Amy), and basic stupidity.

Nice try AGD, but I think I'll be skipping the big advertised chat parties from now on. Keep it simple with the pop-up parties, or moderate better.

the $0.02 of a dissapointed AOer.


(Oh, and I left about 9pm EST... it was that annoying)

05-11-2002, 08:12 PM
I agree... to many people only there for the prizes... nice try tom... but it just didnt work right... it was too hectic.

05-11-2002, 08:14 PM
I wanted to talk and be civil but i couldn't come (darn IIS port filters....this sux)

05-11-2002, 08:15 PM
I totally agree Fred. It's cool and all to give away prizes but spamming a chat room is senseless, especially since most of the comments are nonsense. It's a chat room which means people should talk, not sit by and watch a million lines race by a second. For some, this leads to horrible lag and people are either booted or are forced to leave. They let the channel go after the spamming and people are still typing the same thing over and over. The pop-up parties every so often are a much better idea IMO. It's just too difficult to have a nice chat room party when you have 180 people asking stupid questions and posting nonsense. I left early to do more productive things like play DoD - MIGHT come back at 10 for the Emag giveaway.

P.S. - It's pretty lame having 12 year olds beg for a picture of Amy.

05-11-2002, 08:15 PM
trust me you didnt miss anything but a bunch mooches begging for prizes, and disrespecting Amy.

05-11-2002, 08:16 PM
It's very distasteful.


what!? She's helping to further the objectivization of women in paintball, along with AGD. *grumble*

05-11-2002, 08:20 PM
i guess i don't feel so bad that i can't get in...but i still hate feeling left out...

05-11-2002, 08:37 PM
ya, i was disapointed in it. there were way to many people there you could read anything in the chat and so many people were spamming. i would have rather had tom lock the channel and talk for 3 hours and do some contests.

05-11-2002, 08:40 PM
the e-mail wasn't working either

05-11-2002, 08:41 PM
Good Idea jah871. ..We could respond via e-mail or IM.
Perhaps that a cheap moderated live discussion.

This is how things get better...trial and error.

05-11-2002, 08:44 PM
I've stepped in again... to see if anything is going differently... and it's Not. Go Figure.

Tom's giving away some Drops and Gas-thrus.

The email thing gets old fast... especially when you send 40 or so and just suck up bandwidth.

every email i sent earlier bounced too.

IMO... the wave thing gets old really fast too...

05-11-2002, 08:47 PM
What about a neetmeeting type of thing. Those are usually more controlled

05-11-2002, 09:02 PM
Objectification of women, that really makes me laugh. If she didn't want to be doing it, she wouldn't. She can choose not to. As long as there are women willing to objectify themselves, i have no problem looking.

05-11-2002, 09:04 PM
Ya, even tho some people are complaining here, they aren't HELPING IN THERE EITHER, practice what you preach Jah, jebus man.

·22:03· ‹Dragos› right here
·22:03· ‹MrShutter1› me
·22:03· ‹Jah871› me
·22:03· ‹Jah871› me
‹‹‹ kick/#automags: Jah871 by Rob_AGD (Please don't repeat yourself)

05-11-2002, 09:11 PM
amy= nice and all
but shes just another girl get over it kiddies

05-11-2002, 11:20 PM
It was bad-

Rude people, spamming and the worst of all, the mail bombers.

Atleast 5 people were using mailbombers for the contest, one person won an Emag, Warp and something else all in seperate contests because of it.

Very cheap if you ask me, even though Tom did not mention it exactly I would belive its assumed. People complain about getting lagged on the forums, yet they use mailbombers to send hundreds of Emails a minute...

05-11-2002, 11:31 PM
I was there for the whole thing, and I have to admit there was too much spamming, whinning and begging. As far as the email contest went, I think Tk should have just had everyone enter once per drawing and pick randomly. All in all though, I did have a fun time and it was worth it to hear about the Level 10 mod.

05-11-2002, 11:34 PM
i was also dissapointed but i only go to stay there till 8 cause i had a hockey game to go to and while i was gone my *** brother was saying crap to people... so i beat him up:D i thought it was a great idea but the lag and spam was horrible along with people begging for stuff. and the email was horrible i sent 78 emails for one of the prizes and i got them all back and i made sure it was the right address and everything

05-11-2002, 11:36 PM
I was also there for the whole thing. I would say about 100 out of 140 were there just for the prizes, the rest for the fun. I can understand people wanting to win it, but asking over and over "is the emag given out yet? did I win?" ect ect gets old, and makes me POed. :) overall, it was fun. :)

05-11-2002, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by omni
Ya, even tho some people are complaining here, they aren't HELPING IN THERE EITHER, practice what you preach Jah, jebus man.

·22:03· ‹Dragos› right here
·22:03· ‹MrShutter1› me
·22:03· ‹Jah871› me
·22:03· ‹Jah871› me
‹‹‹ kick/#automags: Jah871 by Rob_AGD (Please don't repeat yourself)

yes i know, that was a complete accident. it got jammed up and i ended up sending it twice very fast. if you look you will find that it was the only time i said somthing more than one time in a row. also i dont see why i was booted for that i mean so many people were saying things like 20 times in a row and a lot of them werent booted. i think we should just stick with pop up parties they are a lot less chaotic.

05-11-2002, 11:43 PM
ahh my Mistake. I just finnished reading your post, then I saw you kicked for spam, haha :D bad luck I guess.

05-11-2002, 11:51 PM
Well..I didn't get to participate..so oh well...i can't comment...

05-11-2002, 11:53 PM
ohh, ya must be. robs bot thing gets annoying sometimes.

05-11-2002, 11:54 PM
sometimes..that thing is annoying all the time...

05-11-2002, 11:57 PM
but it does its job.. wait, thats to annoy people, right?

05-12-2002, 12:34 AM
Why you guys are surprised is beyond me.

We had this discussion after the last bombed WLIPP. Too many people in one room is chaos, period. Offering prizes is going to attract people who want prizes. This is not rocket science.

Every single one of these is not going to go well unless you install some VERY rigourous moderation software that doesn't let ANYONE talk unless what they say is apporved by the moderator.

- Chris

05-12-2002, 12:40 AM
and make it so that people that can't be in the chat rooms can still participate...'cause i couldn't get in and it was like having to stand outside a club while all your friends are inside having fun...

05-12-2002, 01:39 AM
Hey folks, I have a few thoughts...

-It is a Saturday night and you are all online in an internet chat room!

-Everyone was in that room for the same thing - free prizes!

-Amy is a pin-up girl, and unfortunately sex sells. You have to remember who paintball guns are aimed at: teenage/20 something males. Sex has always and will always be used to sell products to that demographic.


05-12-2002, 01:40 AM
I agree with Rocp15126

"As far as the email contest went, I think Tk should have just had everyone enter once per drawing and pick randomly"

I think this would have been a better idea. He still should have had people e mail for every contest (to prove they are still there). I had many e mails bounce back, and it's not fair to people if a few people e mail bomb the contests. Also I think another idea is that by the end of the night that any one person can only win one thing, say the most valuable thing that they win, then the other prizes get re-drawn.

Oh well just my 2 cents...learn by doing.

05-12-2002, 02:19 AM
I wasn't in the party, so i am firing blind. Did you win a prize by emailing tom the most amout of times, or did your chances increase the more emails you sent him? And why were people able to win multiple pries? Doesnt that naturly favor the person with the fasted connection/mailbomb macro?


PS Too tired to proof read...

05-12-2002, 06:27 AM
I will have to agree…. Although I left early (not my idea of a good use of time) I can honestly say it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if someone wins 3 prizes because they can outsend other people with e-mail, there is something fishy going on. Also, it is ONLY good form to NOT allow the same person to win multiple prizes when there are SO many other people attempting to win.

My Wife saw the winner of the 3 prizes this morning and was appalled. She commented on the date he joined, how few posts he has, and how there were long time AGD Clients and AO Members at the party and giving 3 prizes to ONE person was just not right. Personally I agree with this…. One prize, fine…. But with so many people more care should have been made to make it fair.

The problem is, there is only so many things you can DO in these “internet parties”. And no real thought is given into actual contests that require more than sending e-mail or making stupid comments in the chat room. You could after all sit and think about internet scavenger hunts, and other things that actually require SOME skills or work on the part of those wanting to win something. Just a suggestion….

05-12-2002, 07:17 AM
I am with you Sam...3 prizes to one person? AGD should have looked into this. I sat here like an Idiot for 8 hrs. Wife no too happy...never will again I promise that. A random drawing with one entry per person is the way to do these parties. One in 160 is much better odds and no one would have complained. Also, if I had some type of status, I would have banned at least 25 or 30 people for good, increasing the odds of winning even more. Black, Miscue, and Rob...I commend you for your efforts. Maybe next time...:mad:

05-12-2002, 08:53 AM

Its not "fishy" he ADMITTED he used a mail bombing program. For one of the contests, you needed to be the 2000th emailer, and ofcourse "Brian" won, he than was bragging in the chat how he sent 1500 of those 2000 emails, and how he flooded it so fast everyone elses bounced.

I am not being a "sore loser", I could careless if I win- I didn't expect to, but when some new member can join the forums, and CHEAT to win an Emag, a warp, and something else (I forgot :confused:). You know something is up.

The average NON cheating user had no chance because of the cheater or two. I think I finally got 1 Email thru to the Emag contest one AFTER it was over without it bouncing.

05-12-2002, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
...Black, Miscue...I commend you for your efforts. Maybe next time...:mad:

Me to! Add Rob to that list. They did all they could but it was flowing too fast to deal with them all by just three people concentrating on that. You take your eyes away to deal with one and three get by.

The most appaling incident to me was the trekkie websuspect invited by Tom using the F word to him. Absolutely appaling conduct by websuspect. I do not want him/her around here at all after that. Toosweet was a real treat. She represented the trekkies very well and was a good sport. I know spazz feels slighted but he shouldn't.

Yes the bombing accusations leave a dark cloud over the whole thing. It seems a bit suspicious I know. Kind of like winning the Big Game twice. However I did not participate in the contests for obvious reasons so I realy didn't care. But my Son did and he is a FAST typer (close to 100 wpm) and was able to get off 102 emials in that time. One at a time. I suspect you would not be able to get more than say 120 off from anyone. But it was not clearly stated in the rules you could not generate a bomb program. However I would not allow him to do it as I thought it unfair and not in the spirit of the contest. But then again I see no rule against it and people who saw the first one saw it was possible. I do not know if it was done but it would greatly increase your odds to watch the count down and knowing the correct number before hand then send a big load in at the right time. Well it makes for a possibility that leads to suspicions. If that is not the case then it's unfair to the winner to leave it at that. If he won fair and square we should not leave it this way. I dunno...

05-12-2002, 09:29 AM
I, like others, was kinda of disappointed in the WLIPP. People were out of control, and there were so many moochers there. And the fact that one person won 3 prizes (all on the email sending contests I believe) makes me kind of suspicious to what he was doing because no one has that good of luck. Don't get me wrong, the party was fun and getting to hear about the level 10 upgrade from Tom was great, but it's a shame how many people can ruin something fun just by showing up to mooch off a prize (and probably never return to this forum again after winning if they do :( ). I guess we learn by doing, and this will be helpful for use in future internet parties if AGD is so generous again to have one. Thanks for everything last night AGD and all the prize donators.

05-12-2002, 09:45 AM
I can understand everyone’s point of views. And I hope the Admin talks all these issues through before even planning another party.

Cheating puts a bad taste in everyone’s mouth… but even IF people cheated, but only won ONE prize, the taste could be more easily washed out. With so many people attending, noone should ever win more than once per party.. period. With the large amounts of people who attended for someone to win 3 things is darn near impossible without cheating.. any way you look at it.

Also, you should never announce the number that is the winning number and then give the rough countdown as the contest is under way. Heck everyone knew that they needed to send e-mails…. Just let them send until you reach the number and then tell folks it is over. Giving the numbers as it goes gives anyone who wants to cheat the information needed to do so.

And now that individual is claiming he did NOT cheat, or use any unfair advantage… give me a break. Try your excuses and explanations with someone who might buy them… I for one do not. I personally do not enter these contests so that others can have a better chance at winning, and so that some of the younger folks may be able to win prizes that they may not otherwise be able to own. More would do well to remember the spirit of the parties and be less greedy….

The most appaling incident to me was the trekkie websuspect invited by Tom using the F word to him. Absolutely appaling conduct by websuspect. I do not want him/her around here at all after that. Toosweet was a real treat. She represented the trekkies very well and was a good sport. I know spazz feels slighted but he shouldn't.
This is just too bad. There is NO excuse at all for bad language. And even less when you are invited to an event. I hope people do not take those actions as a “standard” for Trekkie behavior….. I am sure it is not.

I also agree that people should have been banned for infractions. In an event like this when you use bad language, a warning is not even warranted…. BAN AWAY! It would allow those who kept to the spirit of the party and the RULES of the party to have a good time and increase their chances of winning. And I personally think that rules don’t need to be POSTED everywhere… if you know about the party and where to go, you know AO rules.. period.. and the same rules apply to the chat rooms as to posting on AO. Besides, the rules are pretty much common sense.. use tact, some class, and just a tad bit of maturity and you will not break the rules…. Seems pretty simple to me.

It is like walking into a public establishment and cursing all over the place.... "But I did not know there was a rule against that." How about common decency and respect, as well as a little common sense?

05-12-2002, 09:48 AM
i only went to the party to get info on the extreme e-mags release. i left after 15 minutes because i couldn't ask with out the question rolling off the page as soon as it was posted.

i didn't like the wlipp, the pop up partys are pretty good and i like just being in the chat whenever and having tom kaye stop by to chat when he has time.

05-12-2002, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
But my Son did and he is a FAST typer (close to 100 wpm) and was able to get off 102 emials in that time. One at a time. I suspect you would not be able to get more than say 120 off from anyone.

Yes, I'd say 100 emails (In a 6-7 minute time period) is close to the MAX one would be able to send. I'd also expect only 5-10 people (out of the 140) could get that many off.

Brian claimed he sent 1500 emails out of 2000th and flooded them so no one elses could get thru. He even admitted to using "something".

If you guys are going to claim Tom never said "Mail Bombing was illegal" I hope you take a step back and think about it. Does someone need to announce EVERY single thing you can't do or it's alright? Tom never said you couldn't crack into his mailbox and tamper with the emails did he? So thats "legal" right?

When you play paintball, if the ref doesn't mention wiping, "dead man don't talk" or other rules are they ok to do? One should know better than mailbombing to win, and now he walks away with $1500 in prizes... r-i-g-h-t.

Maybe he thought he was cool by "claiming" he sent 1500/2000 emails, and really just got lucky 3 times. Tom how many emails did he exactly send, what was the average and what was the "average high"?

05-12-2002, 09:59 AM
we dont take lightly to cheaters in these parts......

i didnt even go to the WLIPP...i could have,but ide rather not degrade myself down to begging TK for something.......

05-12-2002, 10:04 AM
The part I found most interesting, is when the room was asked to do a 'Emag Chant' to help tom feel better for giving away an emag, there was so much of it, my lousy computer (350mhz, 56mb Ram) locked up on me.

05-12-2002, 12:45 PM
I'm confused - Was there a rule that said you couldn't automatically generate the emails?

If there was, fine, great. If there wasn't, the guy was just more resourceful than everyone else was. That's not cheeating. It may suck that he was able to use the rules in a way that gave hima huge advantage, but it's not cheating.

And as for program, most of you have a mail bombing program (well, assuming you're not using an email service like Yahoo that caps the number of emails you can send in a period of time). Just cut and paste the same address into the To: field 2000 times and wala, 2000 emails.

Seems like the only thing anyone really has to complain about is that the rules favorred a particular person's pre-existing knowlege. If I had been there, I would have had 2000 emails flying at Tom too.

- Chris

05-12-2002, 01:01 PM
Tom simply CANNOT list everything you can't do. Bottemline he cheated.

There are so many mail programs and so many exploits to cheat it's not funny, was Tom going to list them all? Does he even know half?

Raehl if you go to a field and they don't mention wiping in the orintation is it alright to do? Since they didn't mention it wiping is fine right? No- no it's not, I'd personally hate to live in a world filled with dirty leeches trying to find holes to get away with anything they can. It's not being resourceful, it's called being scum.

05-12-2002, 01:10 PM
Does anyone know what he uses for email? (AOL, hotmail, yahoo, etc.)?? I would like to know. Thanks.

05-12-2002, 01:21 PM
I think the party was totally a waste of time, that is why i left after the Amy thing. I tried to win prizes through the email bomb thing, but all my eamils got bounced. I think some more thought into the party whould have made it a little better. And i have pretty much decided that i wont go to anymore of the internet parties. Now the person that one 3 prizes, that is bs. I think they shouldhave put a limit on the amount of things you could win. Also they should look into the cheating thing (tom already said he was going to). But i do give props to Tom for trying to make this thing cool.

My $.02

05-12-2002, 01:41 PM
I don't know what the rules were. I'm just saying that if it wasn't stated that you HAD to manually send each email, he didn't cheat. He was just more resourceful/effecient.

There's another point to be made here: Don't make rules you can't enforce. A "don't automatically send emails" is a bad rule, because it is impossible to enforce effectively, and is just going to lead to exactly what we have now: A lot of people upset when one person does better than everyone else.

Good rules would have been one entry per person and one prize per person, but those wern't the rules that were used. The wiping analogy is stupid, as you're trying to argue a situation that doesn't exist. (Well, there are variants of paintball out there where the first hit or hits in certain areas arn't eliminations, in which case by all means, wipe.)

So if it's not ok to use a program to send email, is it ok to paste the adress into the message? Or do you have to manually type the adress out every time? How can the person receiving the email tell the difference?

Anyway, if he didn't break any of the rules, no, he did not cheat, and yes, if you're all angry about it, Tom should have run the contest under a different system - but he didn't. Assuming there wern't rules to the contrary (not that those rules would have been any good, since you cna't enforce them), the only thing this guy is guilty of is sending emails faster than everyone else.

This is one of those cases where everyone is going to think what they did was "legal" while anything someone else did that let them send emails faster is "cheating".

- Chris

05-12-2002, 01:48 PM
I say we just goto the cheaters house and beat him with a wet noodle till he admits he cheated. Then someone can shoot him in the heinie...:)


05-12-2002, 02:41 PM
1 prize to a person is fine with me, but 3? come on...

stick with the popups and make people actually have to DO something to win, like answer questions about paintball, that are not hype related, such as paintball history and such.

make a list of 10 questions, whoever gets all 10 right first wins the prize.

for bigger prizes, make more questions (and harder questions), and only allow 1 entry per person, if they send more, boot em!

I knew from the start I wouldn't win anything (i never win anything), i wanted more info about Shatnerball.

(sigh) still dissapointed,


05-12-2002, 03:42 PM

This is one of those cases where everyone is going to think what they did was "legal" while anything someone else did that let them send emails faster is "cheating".
Well, please also keep in mind that the individual in question has also lied about what he “said” he did. People here saw him brag about it last night, and now he claims he did not say what others claim they clearly saw him say.

I did not personally see it happen, or see him say, or not say, what is claimed… but I do know that one of the people saying he DID is someone not known to “make things up”. It would almost be like ME saying (but not quite.. LOL) someone said something. I am sure most would not even question it, but take it as what happened… since I also do not make things up. It is an issue of credibility in my book on this matter… and simply put, I trust one side more than the other.

I agree… if it was simply using your head to make the most of a vague set of rules.. okay. Bravo, great creativity (aside from if he used an actual Mail Bomb program… and since those are not “above board” programs, it would still be cheating in my book.), now we need to make the rules more clear. But it is not that easy in this case, or why would the person involved have to change their story? I know I would not. Also, “implied” rules should apply as well. I think it was pretty clear to all involved what Tom meant, and it was NOT with the aid of any computer aided (you know what I mean) systems, programs, etc. It was for folks to send ONE e-mail at a time, using standard sending methods. Yes, I think cut and pasting of the address is a given, but anything above that is not.

It is also a good example of why contest rules are usually SO darn long. LOL I don’t think we should keep beating this issue into the ground though, and let Tom sort it out. It is good food for thought before ever running that type (or similar) contests. And as was stated before… one prize per contest period would be the fair thing. Then no matter if the winner WAS cheating, they would not walk away with 3 prizes doing the same thing. I think that is what got some people upset as well… it was not winning several prizes.. it was winning them the SAME way, which shows a problem. It should not have been allowed to happen even if it was an honest “win”. (Which many believe it was not, and backed up by the multiple wins.)

05-12-2002, 04:25 PM
Perhaps the solution would be to do the standard raffle thing. Since the contest is reliant on being present, have everyone send one email at the begining, print off the list, write 1,2, - 200 by the names, have a bucket with tickets 1-200 standing by, pick a ticket, announce the winner and the winner has ten min or something to email in to claim. That way they can't enter and skip out of the party. The ticket gets thrown away and no double winners.

05-12-2002, 05:16 PM
Obviously the system that was used stunk. As for changing his story, even if what he did was perfectly not-cheating, can't exactly blame him for saying he didn't do it anyway when everyone is all over his case about it. not everyone has the spine we do to defend ourselves in the face of mass criticism. ;)

The other thing is your point that "cuting and pasting is fine, anything more than that isn't". Why? That seems to be a totally arbitrary criteria on your part, and one that is also entirely unworkable- there's no way for Tom to know if someone cut and pasted the adress 10 times and pressed send 10 times, or if someone had a program to send out an email once a second.

The raffle is an idea, although there are much better ways to implement it. One way would be to set up a script that lets people enter in their email adress, name, real adress, and get one "chance" to win. Every hour or so you could "reset" the script and give people a new chance ot enter to people who are there all night get more chances than people who are not. Maybe give stuff out to people as the night goes on and roll over entries into the next drawing for people who don't win anything.

It's not done in the chat room, it's automated, and it isn't susceptable to algorithms. If you wanted to take it a little farther, you could have people answer one or a few trivia questions and draw a new entry if the answers on the entry you pick first are not correct.

I dunno, it just seems silly that AGD does things like this without paying someone a little to create a system that's workable.

- Chris

05-12-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

Yes, I'd say 100 emails (In a 6-7 minute time period) is close to the MAX one would be able to send. I'd also expect only 5-10 people (out of the 140) could get that many off.

Brian claimed he sent 1500 emails out of 2000th and flooded them so no one elses could get thru. He even admitted to using "something".

If you guys are going to claim Tom never said "Mail Bombing was illegal" I hope you take a step back and think about it. Does someone need to announce EVERY single thing you can't do or it's alright? Tom never said you couldn't crack into his mailbox and tamper with the emails did he? So thats "legal" right?

When you play paintball, if the ref doesn't mention wiping, "dead man don't talk" or other rules are they ok to do? One should know better than mailbombing to win, and now he walks away with $1500 in prizes... r-i-g-h-t.

Maybe he thought he was cool by "claiming" he sent 1500/2000 emails, and really just got lucky 3 times. Tom how many emails did he exactly send, what was the average and what was the "average high"?

dude back off please, seriously, funny how i cant remember saying that i sent 1500 outta 2000, i remember reading it though, i know i didnt post it, i also had 40 bounces in my email, also ask tom or jon and they will tell you i did NOT send that many emails, i NEVER admitted to using a email bomb so thats wierd to.
I did have 4 people at my house that evening so if it was my screen name that said that i would have to point the finger at them.
Today i timed myself sending emails from one of ym accounts to the other and i could bust off the same email every 3-4 seconds, how fast can you go? My connection is nothing special, im using megapath sdsl at 192k/sec and another person was on the network sending emails aswell on my other name, which is marine1@epimp.com, on the emag drawing he was having troubles with his computer so i was fixing that upto about where tom said there was about 2000-2500 emails in, thats when i started to send as fast as my internet would let me, this morning i checked my box and had 42 undelivered mail messages, so i wasnt the only one getting that eathier. To the person who said they were "digusted" after seeing my date of registration and amount of posts, i own a mag too, ive played for 4 years, i use the internet for email, researching and played delta force 1 with some old friends, sorry i dont spend much time on the forums and that it makes you pissed, but it shouldnt, ive supported AGD for along time, i havent been able to fork out money for paintball because i am 15 years old, i ahve a job at University of Wyoming catering making anywhere from 100-400 a month so its not like i have alot of money to blow on paintball, i also ahvea broken ankle(almost better) and collerbone(2 more weeks) right now from a bad 4wheeler wreck. I think this is a very good thing for me because it gives me the money ill need after i sell my old mag =( and the bushy things and get paid on wednesday ill have enough to play for the next month and get a barrel and a drop, ive used my mag for about 3 years and wanted a new one but didnt have the cash i thought i would get a emag or rt pro at the end of summer but this helps out lol. Dont stop coming to the Wlipp's, because maybe you will be as lucky as i was next time, you dont want to miss out on it, although at times i was annoyed(amy picture part, cage match part ect..)it was worth it in the end for me and the other prize winners, you dont whine if your lottery ticket doesnt win, so dont whine at this eathier.

irbodden if you have a problem with me, take it up with me, dont slander me, i dont appreciate it and noone else does eathier, if you want the facts come to me and then decide, you dont know me, dont judge me, contact me by aim or icq, fusion1155 is the aim name and my icq # is 84624252, or my email which is ouch@epimp.com, anyone that needs details about anything please dont hesitate to contact me.

Please lets just end this soap opera peacefully and we hopefully can all go into the next wlipp with a good attitude toward each other.


05-12-2002, 05:46 PM
Morons. I told you all that this would happen if Tom held another party.

05-12-2002, 05:56 PM
Yes, hearing official numbers from Jon or Tom would make me feel alot better aout all of this. You left out a word in your inspiring Tupac quote.

05-12-2002, 06:34 PM
i would like to see the numbers too, and i want all you people to see them aswell.
Im kinda upset that people wont take my word, but im sure the posts by tom will clear up all doubt, until then i would rather like not to be slandered to such a nasty extent for no reason beyond personal doubt..

05-12-2002, 06:44 PM
That is what I said before in my earlier post. Clear his name if you got it. It's not fair to him or anyone else to not straighten it out. And I see no rule agianst it if he did use a program. And oversite? Well perhaps...

05-12-2002, 06:46 PM

.. Just drop it till Tom says something..

People who thought you cheated will still think you cheated even if you say diffrent.

People who think cheating is alright will still think cheating is alright.

And finally, people who think you didn't cheat will STILL think you didn't cheat.

Personally, I think your playing us like suckers.

05-12-2002, 06:47 PM
No its one every 3-4 secs, and if you cant read my post then i doubt you can read much at all.
I still dont understand why you cant be the least bit civil, your so hostile is kinda sad.

05-12-2002, 06:48 PM
Yeah, good call. It was hard to read that gibberish.

05-12-2002, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
Yeah, good call. It was hard to read that gibberish.
"Today i timed myself sending emails from one of ym(my, sorry) accounts to the other and i could bust off the same email every 3-4 seconds, how fast can you go?" - taken from my other post.
Some gibberish eh?

05-12-2002, 06:53 PM
Just look what your post looked like. It is utter trash. Try using multiple paragraphs. (Something introduced in 5th grade I believe...)

"To the person who said they were "digusted" after seeing my date of registration and amount of posts, i own a mag too, ive played for 4 years, i use the internet for email, researching and played delta force 1 with some old friends, sorry i dont spend much time on the forums and that it makes you pissed, but it shouldnt, ive supported AGD for along time, i havent been able to fork out money for paintball because i am 15 years old, i ahve a job at University of Wyoming catering making anywhere from 100-400 a month so its not like i have alot of money to blow on paintball, i also ahvea broken ankle(almost better) and collerbone(2 more weeks) right now from a bad 4wheeler wreck." -Brian

I think it's called a period among other things..

05-12-2002, 06:56 PM
oh ya, you know im going to use nice grammer when im posting on a forum.
you know it man, good observation.
Dont tell me to drop it when you are beating it like a dead horse, im defending myself, you would too ffs...

05-12-2002, 06:58 PM
what are you trying to prove with my demonstrations of bad grammer and punctuation and spelling? dizzam you are seriously running outta ways to make people look down on me arn't you?

05-12-2002, 07:00 PM
What? :confused:

I'd just be quite and wait for Tom to say something if I were you..

05-12-2002, 07:05 PM
I am tired of this, we are looking into it, thread closed.

05-13-2002, 01:53 PM
The cheating issue has been looked into, post on top. Thread re-opened.


05-13-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by AGD
I am tired of this, we are looking into it, thread closed.
I wuv you tom!:rolleyes: ;)

05-13-2002, 06:56 PM
I was at the party, and though I must agree with some of the points brought up on this post (the Amy thing was a little crazy), for the most part, I think you guys are wrong. I stayed the whole party, chatted with a friend, and read post that were readable.
I am a newcomer to paintball, first time for a lot of things concerning paintball and this past chat party was fun. More than that, I think all the time and effort of the ppl that ran the party (the sponsors, Tom, Amy, and Manny, among others of course) should be widely appreciated. It's sad for a newcomer like myself to watch a Thread like "Thank the Sponors" have like 20 replies and 30 views (not exact numbers of course, just making a point) and a Thread like "WLIPP was a bummer" have a lot more 755 views and 400 replies. (Point being that this Thread has 3 pages of stuff and the Thank the sponsors is 1 page, big difference if you aske me)
Fine it wasn't the greatest thing you've ever been too (this is my first, like i said, so I have nothing to compare this too) but at least it happened. I am sure that Mr. Kaye could have announced the Mod. 10 (is that what it's called?) info on the forum, save time and money with the EMAG and the trouble of speaking with sponsors to get us cool prizes.
I would say, that rather than just criticizing, come up with a better solution rather than tell Mr. AGD man that it suk'd. That in no way will help anything. PM him and tell him what could be done, not what was wrong.
As for Brian winning 3 prizes (as it has been pointed out in another forum), it was the luck of the draw. That's it. No biggie, it happens, move on. Maybe next time, if there ever is another party, one of u guys that posted here will win an emag, and I'm sure that you will not be posting on this forum, you would be posting another sayin the "Thanks Tom for an EMAG"
All I'm saying is show some appreciation for what this man (Tom Kaye) and his staff (other people)are doing, cuz he doesnt have to do this, he (hope I'm not putting words in ur mouth) wants and loves to do this.....