View Full Version : Tom Kaye!

05-11-2002, 10:05 PM
Pretty good party so far, but one little hitch. I did the e-mail bomb to Mancow(and the others). I did 46 e-mails in 5 minutes on a 56K. w00t. But, I got kicked off. So, then I tried to sign back on AOL(yup, it does suck).

It said invalid password. I tried again. Same thing. I did that 7 times, then I had my mom call the service number for AOL. They had the account temperaroly shut down.

I didn't know that this would happen. :( But I'm not too happy about it.

05-11-2002, 11:30 PM
Same here man. They said I sent 2 emails to 792 people.

05-12-2002, 06:37 AM
Good to see AOL finally being responsible… but bad for you guys as a side effect. Maybe Tom could use some creativity with his next party and drop the e-mail crap? ;)

05-12-2002, 10:15 AM
eh,AOL blows pretty bad,it was my first ISP.....

I had that happen before,they changed my passowrd to blue sky or whatever

you might have a virus.....maybe the Trojan......

05-12-2002, 10:18 AM
LOL, that happend to me last party, i got grounded for a day. but for WLIPP i used outlook and it works even better tht aol

05-12-2002, 10:24 AM
It happened to me too! So after the first mail bomb i was out of the running for any other prizes. But oh well, it was still cool. Call AOL and you have to give them the last 4 digits in the credit card number. Then they give you the new password, and you can change yours back to what it was before. My Dad was mad when i told him what happened.

05-12-2002, 12:26 PM
Well you guys should have known that AOL does that and avoided it. THtas part of AOL's security reactions. If you guys would have been smart enough to send it from a hotmail account or some other web based email server then you would not have that problem.

Sorry if that sounds rude, but know your ISP's regulations. In my opinion.. DON'T USE AOL! they ruined the internet.....

05-12-2002, 01:48 PM
i sent 45 with AOL and 10 from yahoo and my AOL was fine...

I preloaded all of mine so i could do it faster. but ALOT of mine did get bounced back tho

05-12-2002, 01:50 PM
what do you mean "preloaded"??

05-12-2002, 01:52 PM
i clicked the WRITE button then typed in the CC email in one, then i copied the address, then opened up a new email, and patsed it into that one, then did the same for about 10.
then when we got the email where to send it i typed that in

so at the bottom of my screen i had about 10 "write mail" bars and all i had to do was click send

05-12-2002, 02:12 PM
oh, i just put the names in my address book, then click on the person you send it to, pasted the CC: name, and pressed ctrl+enter to send it, did it over and over.. and eventually aol though something was going on so they changed my password.