View Full Version : We need a sticky BAD TRADERS thread

05-12-2002, 08:16 PM
With Dingo Paintball at the very top of the list.

05-13-2002, 07:33 AM
and dr. stockclass

05-19-2002, 07:33 AM
Big Warning: AGDRules

05-19-2002, 05:20 PM
ok agdrules, is on about 7 ppls ripper list. what has he done, and y hasnt he been banned?

05-26-2002, 12:16 AM
he posted someone else's gun for sale. and the other person recognized the picture.

thats the only thing i've heard of.

05-26-2002, 08:30 AM
he says he has stuff but lies

05-26-2002, 01:15 PM
look at the thread that reads 'AGDRules'

05-27-2002, 08:59 PM
Brian Letchworth
628 Marshall St
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Bad trader, stiffed me for my gun

06-01-2002, 08:51 PM
Until he coughs up my stuff, bond1313, for sure!!!!

06-06-2002, 03:14 AM
Correction: Bond1313 has delivered! Your name is cleared, and thank you for not making me get nasty! Next time, communicate, for god's sake!

06-10-2002, 11:38 AM
Exodus should be right up there with the rest of these guys. if he send my money back I will delete all threads that I have written about him

06-22-2002, 05:26 PM
infinitymag and I agreed to me selling him a sear for $10. He got his sear, I didn't get my money. He told me he got it online, and said he sent the money. I keep asking WHY OH WHY don't i have it it's been like 2 weeks! he says he doesn't know.

well I know $10 is a small sum, but it's a matter of principal, he cheated me.

INFINITY! Make good by giving me what is rightfully mine, or your trading on this forum will be greatly limited.

06-25-2002, 09:06 PM
AGDRules - attempted numerous times to get me to ship first, post items for sale/trade which he does not own.

ElementEclipse - stiffed me on a Z-Grip I paid $100 for.

KiXiLe - sold me marker in awful condition & stiffed me for $25.

07-03-2002, 04:02 PM
PEOPLE PLEASE POST THEIR FIRST AND LAST NAME. You can change online names easily..

To add to the list, Manuel Cadena. As far as I know he got about 8 people that I KNOW of. for about $100-150 from each person. He is 16 years old.. and any1 in texas or going to texas who would like to help me teach him a lesson and whoop his *** email me for his address. Or post if you want it, would be greatly apreciated if you went to his house and said you were colections or something and then tourched his car if he didnt pay... Dont try to defend manuel either.

His AIM: dizzy22386

07-03-2002, 05:31 PM
Where in texas does he live?

07-03-2002, 10:23 PM
San Antonio TX, 78249

07-03-2002, 10:28 PM
Tony Stadnick
911 8th ave SE
Sidney, MT, 59270

07-03-2002, 10:58 PM
oh ok Im gonna go 2 SA sometime this year...

07-03-2002, 11:44 PM
Lemme know when your going and email me and ill send over his addy to you... If you want :cool: .

07-09-2002, 08:39 AM
Or you guys, you go here too in the mean while:


07-14-2002, 06:27 PM
Or here:


07-29-2002, 01:08 AM
agdrules is a very shady trader. he always IM's me about stuff i have for sale and always tries to get me to ship first but i wont becasue of his rep and after i tell him that the deal goes down the drain.

09-16-2002, 09:19 PM
confedman75 man that guy sux i ordered an e-mag from him and he sent me a picture of an emag... oh wait slaps forehead.
this guy no ebay named cheappaintball stiffed me for a bag of 500 pballs.

09-30-2002, 05:20 PM
Level10 at the top of the list.

3 Packages never got to me nor did a letter sent Priority.

He never thought to insure any of them, and I guess he sent cash in the letter instead of a money order because he refuses to send me a scan of the 2nd half of the money order.

10-01-2002, 09:00 PM
well if you really want to jsut post up my anme and address, cmon do it! well see if anyone wants to come over here and kick my *** for "scamming you" once i show them the recipt i already showed you.

10-01-2002, 09:07 PM
Somebody needs to simmer down level10. It is that sort of behavior which suggests you are someone who HAS been doing some shady trading. Someone who is a good trader would simply explain. So explain, don't get mad. Nice description under your name. Very mature.

10-03-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Level10
well if you really want to jsut post up my anme and address, cmon do it! well see if anyone wants to come over here and kick my *** for "scamming you" once i show them the recipt i already showed you.

You never showed me the reciepts buddy. Remember you always make an excuse? "Oh ONE of them is at my mom's house!" "Oh, I'll get a pic when my mom comes home because its in her purse!" etc. etc.

Why would you only have ONE reciept when you shipped me 4 packages?

Why didnt you insure any of them? Why did you send cash instead of a money order after 3 packages NEVER got to me.


10-03-2002, 03:53 PM
yes triad i do have a gorilla sized temper :)
im osorry all for losing my head over this matter but irbodden has threatened to call my family and relatives and tell then "what ive done" what i ve done, is send out three packages USPS that he claims he never recieved. After a fourth attempt at settling this, i decided that ovbiously he must have recived one of the packages. $80 being a small sum to me, but may be alot to some other fellow board member that doesnt have much cash to fool around with. This being the case, i am waiting for bodden to file a lawsuit against my parents (i am not of legal age) adn to bring whatever evidence he has to the table. i dont know why he thinks he will win, but we ovbiously have a full fledged dispute.
And by the way,
i love immature sn's and the like, if you dont relize that its just a "title".
if anyone feels like comming and kicking my ***,
here is my address.
15 harness ln
sudbury, ma
thank you all for your future forgiveness for my anger (i hope :D )

10-03-2002, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Level10
yes triad i do have a gorilla sized temper :)
im osorry all for losing my head over this matter but irbodden has threatened to call my family and relatives and tell then "what ive done" what i ve done, is send out three packages USPS that he claims he never recieved. After a fourth attempt at settling this, i decided that ovbiously he must have recived one of the packages. $80 being a small sum to me, but may be alot to some other fellow board member that doesnt have much cash to fool around with. This being the case, i am waiting for bodden to file a lawsuit against my parents (i am not of legal age) adn to bring whatever evidence he has to the table. i dont know why he thinks he will win, but we ovbiously have a full fledged dispute.
And by the way,
i love immature sn's and the like, if you dont relize that its just a "title".
if anyone feels like comming and kicking my ***,
here is my address.
15 harness ln
sudbury, ma
thank you all for your future forgiveness for my anger (i hope :D )

I said I'd call your family IF I need to. Remember your comment:

Haha you better get the cops here quick because I am leaving soon for the weekend!

Than I said: I have some of your realtives phone numbers if I need to get ahold of them.

Give it up unless you want to take some fieldtrips down to Cleveland.

10-03-2002, 05:13 PM
Level10, obviously your temper is gorilla-sized, but I'm not so sure about your brain. You're screwing around with the wrong people in the wrong place, and you're going to have to pay for that.

10-03-2002, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Level10
i dont know why he thinks he will win, but we ovbiously have a full fledged dispute.

You admit I never got them?

Oh- You only have proof of shipping 1. (Which I have yet to verify)

And even if you did ship all 4, you neglected to insure them OR to use a money order instead of cash.

So anyway ya slice it, I win!

C-ya in Cleveland!

P.S. You're going to bring a lawyer right? :rolleyes:

11-14-2002, 07:18 PM
add paintballsucka

11-16-2002, 03:39 PM
add Boble86

01-16-2003, 03:39 PM
yes i think im getting screwed by him right now. i wish i would have known about this all about a month ago. and level10: phil, your address is 15 harness lane? you told me i sent my gun to your friend @ that address and that he was the 3rd party. your definetly not a good trader......

After a complete mixup with 2 people being named phil or something weird like that, i did get my gun, after about a month. just watch out if trading with phil x 2

02-04-2003, 07:51 PM
Josh Willington or somthing...
aimname = intthis

sent me a broken impy that i payed 300 for... iv sent it to smartparts twice...he really fudged up the reg or somthing...that is why im looking at mags...and i cant get one until i get enouph money...and i refuse to sell my imp to some kid who SAVED UP HIS MONEY FOR A FREAKING YEAR LIKE I DID!!! BECAUSE IM NOT SOME SCUM-SUCKIN SAC OF POO AND I HAVE A FREAKING HEART!!!

02-10-2003, 09:14 PM
Jamie Lash
110 Pine Hill Road
Kittanning Pa, 16201

AIM tag: Ostolation

This guy delayed shipment of the halo after receiving money. Once i finally DID get it, the lid was broken. He sent the wrong model after we had agreed on which model. He is very hard to talk to about these problems, as soon as he found out I got the halo he blocked me on AIM, I am attempting to reach him via e-mail, the last straw will be calling him.
AFTER all this, i checked out his e-bay user rating. Turns out, several other people had similar problems, even outside of paintball. Stay away from this guy. He's definitely not worth it.

Sniper Bob
03-04-2003, 01:45 AM
This is kinda funny, but sad too. He and his brother (Adam and Matt Palmer) frequent our forums over at pballcanada.com (where I'm a Mod), and I've been getting and seeing a few complaints from a few people about them.

Some complaints are about the trades themselves, but mostly it's in how the deals are set up. Seems like the deals keep changing in the process or are on/off again.

Here's apparently the latest fiasco from these two, I believe "Adam" is TheEmagGuy's brother:

-Adam P. had a lvl 10 and I thought I could trade it for a tank if I bought it
-I post saying I will trade a lvl 10 for a tank
-Jibba!Jabba!!(actually Adam) posts saying he has a tank
-he then says ok buy the lvl 10 now, and I will trade you
-I buy the lvl 10 for $125 from Adam Palmer.
-Jibba!Jabba!!(actaully adam) says ok I'll send the tank
-I never hear from Jibba!Jabba!! again and I find out it was actaully Adam playing me for a fool so he could get money from me.

This quote was taken from our forums, and posted by a TEAMMATE of theirs!

Needless to say and because of these two individuals and incidents like it, we plan on re-defining what exactly a "Bad Trader" is when we get around to doing our list.

03-22-2003, 07:36 PM

sent paypal then the e-mails completely stopped and i never recived a package so i revoked payment

Glad i used Paypal :)

03-23-2003, 11:09 AM

03-23-2003, 11:45 AM
im getting scammed by adam palmer too. i sent him a broken sandridge for a gothic cocker. well he said the PO lost it and now its a 2k1 timmy, well then the PO broke that so now its an RT pro. well since we are @ war canada isnt sending stuff through the PO. so my dad got online and got info for adam's parents, grandparents, addresses, phone #'s etc etc. needless to say i will eventually get a gun/or money. :D

Sniper Bob
03-23-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by spyder3634
well since we are @ war canada isnt sending stuff through the PO.

I'm going to laugh myself silly now.

Geez that kid... how stupid does he think people are?

03-23-2003, 03:00 PM
ha, threaten his grandparents, nice. Ive been on the thread I posted and Suposedly some one got RIPPED by Grey_Goose.

03-31-2003, 08:55 PM
Brian Angelico AKA NegInfo ([email protected]) took me for $160... but I too used PayPal, so it only cost me $4.96 and that still sucks.

04-17-2003, 10:12 AM
Jed Smart , Ripped me for 120$ and got my tank, very very bad dont ever deal with him

04-26-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Dubstar112
Brian Letchworth
628 Marshall St
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Bad trader, stiffed me for my gun

hey are you sure this guy is a bad trader?
i done business with this guy... i forgot what but thats a unique last name that i cant forget hehe

well it was like a 15 dollar item i think, but he didnt rip me off and he has feedback at pbreview.com as well

and for the bad trader list...

Crazy4Paintball1, i havent gotten my ricochet that i paid 40 bucks for, 2 weeks ago, he says the PO is slow... that is reasonable... but 2 weeks is just out of this world slow

04-28-2003, 09:35 PM
adam palmer, same as above is now useing the sn pathfinder and started a trade with me for his sandridge, only to dump the trade after the gun was on the way to the third party.

04-30-2003, 09:41 AM

[email protected]

Jeff Duerson

This trader promised to sell me a marker. I sent out payment that very day. Trader contacts me a few days later to tell me that his buddy lost the marker when taking pics. I felt that the trader was trying to back out of the deal after taking my payment. I told him that I would press mail fraud charges if he didn't come up w/ the marker. He then miraculusly finds the marker. About a week after he was supposed to send the marker I call him to find out that he just sent it( so he says) then I wait about another week and call him only to have him hang up on me. I called back and spoke to his mother who assured me she would make him send me the marker. A few days later I finally recieved the marker (looking like it just came out of a bad game) without the 12v revy that was promised to go with it. I saved all the emails to validate my claims.
While I did finally get the marker(needing a thorough cleaning) without the revy(which was part of the deal) I would still have to say that one should not deal with this person. Luckily I was able to deal with his mother whom made him follow through on the deal.

He gave his address as:

Jeff Duerson
639 E 3rd St
Burkburnett TX 76354

His parents:

38 Surrey Circle
Iowa Park TX 76367-1041

I believe that he was probably living at his parents house. I don't know that the address he gave for himself was legitimate. I have verified his parents home address.

05-20-2003, 03:10 PM
Newbie 215- Horrible trader- DO NOT BUY/TRADE!!!

He and I finalized a trade last night: His Boomstick + Lvl 10= My Flatline + 9V Revvy, and a CO2 tank. He INSISTED that I ship first. You can read the AIM conversation between us, finalizing this deal HERE. (http://www.no1beefcake.com/newbie215.html)

I got an email from him this afternoon at about 1PM saying:
Hope you havent shipped yet because I found someone that would do my level ten for there flatline stragith up. Sorry

DO NOT expect intergrity from this kid!!! He isn't an honest individual, and I would say that you have a pretty high likelihood of getting ripped off. (I posted this in his own feedback thread, but he deleted the thread) What if I would have shipped, and he would have backed out? He had another bad feedback in his self started thread, but I don't remember who from.

Edited because of possible resolution.

05-22-2003, 10:56 AM
Someone is just mad they dident get my level ten and boomy.

06-07-2003, 09:41 AM
He took 325 dollars for a bushy and never sent it... he stopped contact with me the day I questioned him.... I checked his name and address in the 411 listing, and got nothing. He confirmed that he recieved payment and that was it.

06-07-2003, 09:42 AM
He took 325 dollars for a bushy and never sent it... he stopped contact with me the day I questioned him.... I checked his name and address in the 411 listing, and got nothing. He confirmed that he recieved payment and that was it. His AIM name is Asthmatic Youth.

07-01-2003, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by magnj
ha, threaten his grandparents, nice. Ive been on the thread I posted and Suposedly some one got RIPPED by Grey_Goose.

I highly doubt goose would take your money. Hes not a immature kid......grown adult.

07-12-2003, 09:36 PM
Jackoff has yet to send his gun I got a tracking number and it said my gun arrived. What form should I feel out in the mail fraud section, someone help me out.

07-30-2003, 12:55 AM
i was also screwed by Adam Palmer aka "PathFinder" he has about 8 screeennames, i have most of them.

i also have his phone number, if anyone would like to get in contact with him.

08-04-2003, 06:29 PM
lowrider711 :mad: I have yet to recieve the SP 02 AA Barrel I ordered from him. He got my MO back on the 17th of July and was supposed to have sent it on the 18th. 80 bucks for the barrel as well. That pisses me off:mad: I sent him a PM the other day asking where the barrel was and he has yet to reply. I know that USPS does take time to deliver but not two weeks from Johnson City, TN to here( Racine, WI)

Even if I ever get the barrel, I would not recomend dealing with him.

08-13-2003, 06:48 PM
jason tidwell-dicksondood23, dicksondood22, tootle221
-ripped me my xbox+$150 for his impulse, revvy and tank
EDIT-i have since received the impulse, but had to contact the authorities...he could still be a bad trader.

brendon wright--irishpunkr, paintballwizzard, pbstat2k3
-ripped me for $505 for an eclipse bushy

roy g. biv
09-06-2003, 06:32 PM
Kenneth Thom
15 Elna Court
Bayonne NJ 07002

This assclown ripped me off for 210 bucks, his phone # is (201) 436-1718, and his e-mail address is [email protected]... feel free to give him some good old fashioned Automags.org lovin' :mad:

09-12-2003, 11:48 AM
Yo I would like to clarify something with Adam and Matt Palmer. Matt Palmer is straight he is a stand up trader. I traded my matrix for his emag. We sent same day everything was great. Just make sure if your gonna deal with them you deal with Dynasty. AIM DynastyAO. Hes great I just want to clear his name. I can't say the same for Adam however, he ripped one of my good friends for $350 bucks worth of gear.

09-16-2003, 05:12 AM
-Ryan Christman

I feel like such an *** falling for this crap.
I paid for this in early august.
Still no cocker :(
hasn't responded to e-mails or has been active on the forum, so he may be operating under a diff username wich makes this post a frugal effort to thwart him in the future, oh well.

09-19-2003, 12:07 PM
BAD TRADER.......took for EVER to get the gun, didn't talk to me about where it was, sent the money he tells me that he got it on wednesday and that he was gonna send the gun out and id have it for saterday, well i got it on saterday, 3 WEEKS later, he didn't talk to me AT ALL, then i get the gun ALL chewed up he must have beat it with a rock, said that there would be stickys there weren't, said that there would be a drop and timed and ready to go, well the cocking rod is striped, the valve might be striped, no drop the ASA he sent me was striped and the front block was all striped, ne way DON'T BUY FROM person88

10-01-2003, 06:49 PM

I will post his name later when i get home
I dont think he will try to scam you or anything, but hell say he is sent the moeny out and you should send the item out right away then like the next day say he'll never wanted it.

If he makes you an offer just ignore him, he is a foolish little kid.

10-07-2003, 04:36 PM

sent my benchy drop that i apid for via paypal same day of deal to the wrong address. i have some guys warp feed plug that he sent to me by accident.

lied twice about shipping item to me.

i paid august 21st and just got the drop today oct 6th.

total idiot. i did get the item but dealt with hassel and lies. avoid this fool.

10-26-2003, 01:10 PM
i traded a warp adp. and he never payed. he only has 9 posts beware!!!!!!!!! his name is potsdamcartel

12-02-2003, 04:59 PM
person 88, sold me crap cocker, neglected to mention hidious scratches, and trashed internals... also failed to include promised bottomline setup :(

12-03-2003, 09:59 PM
So many people are just out for money it makes me sick i hope some of you guys can get your money back or something
:( . Well i havent had the misfortune of a bad trader yet and i hope never to go throught it i feel bad when fellow players are screwd for just some money and or equipment.

12-16-2003, 01:35 PM
User Name: Chane21

"Real" Name: Chane Dustin

Mailing Address:

33681 River Drive
Creswell, OR 87426

Phone: 1-541-895-4773

Stole an Autococker, Max Flo tank and Raven Mask.

02-01-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by mxrider250
person 88, sold me crap cocker, neglected to mention hidious scratches, and trashed internals... also failed to include promised bottomline setup :(

i have to say this person88 kid sucks too..

i sent payment on friday jan2 from TX to IL, mail should have got to him quickly, well, bad fortune it got there on saturday jan10, ok, i'm asking him to send it monday jan12 so i can have it for the weekend, he finally mails me back on wednesday jan14 that he hasnt checked his email in a few days and he will try to overnight it, comes back and says the post office wouldnt let him overnight (ok?) anyway, i finally got the gun tuesday jan20.

man was the gun (a dark cocker body racegun for $500) filthy, blue paint shell dried all over the pneumatics, packaged not to prettily

so i get the sucker out and add my reg and unimount to it, macro, turn the gun on, immediately have problems with the down arrow of the button pad which you NEED to turn the gun off safety, so i write him, no response.. magically the buttons work so im satisfied.. well they quit working again and i emailed him about it on sun jan25, no response and that wednesday comes, so i figure he doesnt plan on emailing me at all, wrote him back a nice email on how he sucks on communication, cleaning the gun, and neglecting to tell me about the buttons being messed up


02-14-2004, 03:54 PM
Problem resolved.

Lakeview Bulldog
02-16-2004, 10:42 PM
I purchased an item from LuisV abot a month and a half to two months ago and it was never shipped to me. After two weeks of finally trying to contact him he finally returned my messages with a story that the item was lost and he would promptly send me a refund, that was two weeks ago and I never recieved my refund or the item. He is extremly difficult to get in contact with, has numerous excuses, and seems incredibly indifferent to whether or not I get the item or my refund. I would not deal with him again, ever. I will update this post when or if he ever resolves this complaint.

03-01-2004, 12:36 PM
He fixed the situtation well.

03-03-2004, 12:39 AM

[email protected]

james workman
rt1 box 134 b1
williamson, WV 25661
United States
This is the address to the post office he uses just in case.
---Williamson Main Office, 2 W 2nd Ave Fl 1, Williamson, WV 25661
and the phone number.--304-235-2240

Uber bad trader did not complete a transaction via a money order so i got stiffed $55 bucks. Does not respond to emails or pms at all. Wish i hadnt traded with him.

Filed an IFCC complaint and going to take it to paypal soon enough.

03-10-2004, 08:52 AM
Deal was fishy from the very beginning. Bought an E-mag and a classic. Got an email from him explaining the classic had been stolen?!?! Money was already sent so we restructured the deal for just the E-mag. Got the gun without the charger, a different barrel, no level 10 parts, and no refund money in the the amount of 100 bucks. It's been 3 weeks. DON'T DEAL WITH THIS GUY!!

03-22-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx

hey are you sure this guy is a bad trader?
i done business with this guy... i forgot what but thats a unique last name that i cant forget hehe

well it was like a 15 dollar item i think, but he didnt rip me off and he has feedback at pbreview.com as well

and for the bad trader list...

Crazy4Paintball1, i havent gotten my ricochet that i paid 40 bucks for, 2 weeks ago, he says the PO is slow... that is reasonable... but 2 weeks is just out of this world slow

Yes, about a year late. He did rip of my mag. I was supposed to get a GX 3 for my mag. He never sent the gun, that he didnt even have. Bottom line is I sent first and he never sent. Despite his + feedback he still denies he has ripped me off. When I got in contact with one of his honest friends, it was appearant that he didnt ever own a GX 3. Talked to his parents, and got my mag back, a while later. Took for ever to track him down via MSN(Lots of calling).

15 dollars to him may have not been worth ripping somone off, but a 500 dollar + gun is obviously.

04-14-2004, 12:23 AM
this guy took my money and ran..........

he has two names on here it is jbeze4 and baller4 and his aol name is jbizzle4

05-18-2004, 11:56 AM
NEVER trade with anyone on AIM that goes by the name of Sk8terMOG. He almost got my 2k3 angel speed... not cool at all. I know that there is an AO user that goes by that name, but this guy was probly posing as him on AIM, due to the fact that i heard the real Sk8termog doesnt use AIM at all....

06-05-2004, 11:27 AM
I came across this thread and I feel that I have some info that could be very usefull in protecting ur money. I work for the 2nd largest creditcard issuer, and I work in the dispute department. My job is to get cardholders their money back from billing disputes. I have been working disputes for close to 6 years here is some tips:

1. Try to use a visa or mastercard, cant speak for americanexpress or discover, they use diff regs. But visa and mc users have billing rights, for example if you buy a lvl 10 and use a paypal accnt pay the paypal w/a visa or mc. I know some of you dudes are younger and might not have any credit thus no card ask a parent uncle/aunt etc if you can give them your cash and put the charge on their accnt#

2. Non receipt of merchandise, from the post date of a charge to your accoutn the merchant/seller etc has to get the merchandise to you within 30 days, if a charg epost on the 1st and your stuff is not to your house by the 31st or 1st of next month call your cc company and file a dispute for non recpt of merchndse.

3 not as descrbd say a seller is gonna get you a X valve U pay him/her a week later you get a classic lv7 valve, u paid for and was told u would get a X valve return the valve if possible if there is no adress to return to be sure to inform your cc company of this, if you can return the valve get proof of return send a copy to ur bank with a compltd dspt form.

4. quality you bid on a "awesome e mag hardly used works perfect only 2 cases shot thru it!!" you receive what once was an emag that looks as if it was dropped from tha back of truck and stored outsidde in the yard while it was raining, return once again get proof of return submit dspt form to cc company try to print all doc from sale like ebay ad or forum ad any im between you and the seller you are trying to prove that u were promised a good working marker but was sold a non working piec o junk.

There are more specific disputes but this post is getting too long. Bottom line try and print all communication between you and the seller CYA. try and work it out 1st with the seller/merchant if you get nowhere then call ur bank. If you guys/gals have any more specific questions feel free to PM me.

06-17-2004, 10:32 PM
Whitt travis
I bought a CP barrel set off of him. He sent it in a padded envelope and of course the end ripped open and the front was missing. I sent him an email and he gave me the UPS customer service number. I file a claim and in the meantime he has the too bad for you attitude. He has his money but I don't have all of my barrel set. He won't try to get in touch with UPS about the deal. All he has to do is send me back $30 to cover the front and when UPS pays him he is clear and we are all happy. I would definitely recommend not to do business with this guy.

07-18-2004, 02:32 PM
ricktex is a bad trader, ripped me off 38 bucks.

07-28-2004, 07:59 AM
I'd like to add no_doz to the list. Isent him $11 through paypal 2 weeks ago and haven't heard from him through pm or email or recieved my stuff. His paypal payment email is [email protected]

I only lost $11 but don't let him get you for more. Don't buy from him. He had a lot of posts but no feedback so I thought he would be a good seller but :nono:

08-11-2004, 04:31 PM
JOSERTPRO'S sent me a envolope with a blank piece of paper inside. noone is too stupid to relize that you didn't put the ON/OFF assembely ina FLAT evolope. don't buy from him. i know i've seen his stuff for sale around 250 for a hyperframe. BS, if you do, have him ship first. money is worth more than the item... I have yet to get ahold of the guy to, AIM, Email, anything.

10-14-2004, 05:03 PM
Ice Weasel...STAY AWAY.

10-14-2004, 09:43 PM
beware of aijuswananayme - from what i can tell he hasnt posted anything in a while


horrible experience...gun got returned to him cuz the shipping company he chose to use screwed up, and so we agreed that he can try to sell it to someone else and ill get money back or we split shipping and he sends it again....he stopped responding completely to my emails and pm's like a month ago...there goes $460 USD....... :(


11-10-2004, 04:54 PM
add djpuffnstuff a his real name is Sam Warfield he lives in South Carolina 111 Oak Ridge Road AIKEN, SC He sold me a gun, that he claimed to have shot off in his yard the night before. i got it, and it didn't work at all. He didn't send any money for the repairs i had to make either.

11-10-2004, 05:24 PM
I am gonna make a thread with all the names of the bad people :cheers:

11-10-2004, 07:39 PM
Here is the whole list orginaized (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=158186) , please post on the thread and the trader will be added

11-19-2004, 05:21 PM
MagMan11 traded me a tank that was 7YEARS out of date!!!!!

11-19-2004, 05:25 PM
There is an Orginized list here , "Bad traders list "

Click Here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=158186)

I personally try to get people's money or item/items back , look in my feedback

It is updated ever hour

And peoples names are eayser to find :cheers:

12-01-2004, 04:04 AM
I got ripped off by "RES=Mr.Green". Deal was in this thread: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=154416

I contacted him about the turtle, and he agreed to sell it to me. He never sent the gun to me after I paid, did not respond to any private communications, claimed he emailed me when he never did, and even gave bogus information to Paypal during the investigation. Also be aware his eBay account is bunkerking_99 and he is not above posting false negative feedback, so stay away from deals with him. I got almost all my money back but as of now am still out a little bit. Guess he Paypaled someone else.

Here is all the info I have on him:
Seller's Name: Laurenc Mason
Seller's Email: [email protected]
AO username: RES=Mr.Green
AO profle: http://www.automags.org/forums/member.php?userid=15860
eBay username: bunkerking_99
eBay profile: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewFeedback&userid=bunkerking_99

Seems he was starting to pull shennanigans from maybe around here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=148984&page=2&pp=30

But alas, I wish I did all this research before I wasted my time and quite possibly some money trading with this guy. I had a lot of time to check up on him while I was waiting for a phantom gun.

12-09-2004, 03:10 PM
P8NTBALL365 -horrible trader, i mean yeah some things happened during shipping with USPS like the box coming completely torn which is rare BUT i told him to INSURE the package and he forgot to do, and 50$ of stuff was broken on the gun, he thought i scammed him and blamed me for it all, then he sent me a barrel, and this time ALSO FORGOT TO INSURE IT!!!! and the barrel ripped through the package and fell out during shipping...a freaking 100$ boomstick! yes, he is horrible to deal with and he never insures things and BOTH PACKAGES that came from him were ripped torn and came in bad condition so im assuming anything that comes from WATERBORO MAINE gets totally trashed! DO NOT DEAL WITH HIM! HE IS A TOTAL PAIN AND STILL WILL NOT PAY ME FOR IT EVEN AFTER I WAS NICE AND SHIPPED FIRST, INSURED MY PACKAGE, AND GOT IT TO HIM IN 3 days! AND HE SAYS HE DOESNT SEE HOW ITS HIS FAULT THAT HE DIDNT INSURE THE PACKAGE AND ITS ALL USPS's FAULT FOR SCREWING IT UP! JUST SAVE YOURSELF SOME FRUSTRATION AND JUST DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS GUY AT ALL!

12-09-2004, 03:11 PM
There is an Orginized list here , "Bad traders list "

Click Here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=158186)

I personally try to get people's money or item/items back , look in my feedback

It is updated ever hour

And peoples names are eayser to find :cheers:

post here from know on , I am no longer goin on this thread and copying peoples name

12-13-2004, 06:39 PM
drew johnson from skokie, illinois. bought an in hydro apocolypse tank from him, but received an out of hydro armageddon.

12-13-2004, 06:46 PM
There is an Orginized list here , "Bad traders list "

Click Here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=158186)

I personally try to get people's money or item/items back , look in my feedback

It is updated ever hour

And peoples names are eayser to find :cheers:

ummm :rolleyes:

01-01-2005, 06:38 PM
add djpuffnstuff a his real name is Sam Warfield he lives in South Carolina 111 Oak Ridge Road AIKEN, SC He sold me a gun, that he claimed to have shot off in his yard the night before. i got it, and it didn't work at all. He didn't send any money for the repairs i had to make either.

dude,,,i seriosly sent it in perfect order,,im telling u,,,i forgot to turn the gun off before i sent it...thats y it didnt shoot when u got it,,,the battery was dead....so..instead of trying a new battery u jump'd to conclusions and had some one mess with it,,,they are VERY fragile like i said before. and im guessing u didnt supervise him and he broke in the process of "fixing" it when all it needed was a battery. i dont appreciate the bad feedback im getting and now i cant sell anything on AO forums because i have 1 feedback and its a negative, i didnt brake it,,,,u shuld have not jump'd to conclusions,.,,,o yea,,,and i had JUST gotten it back from icd factory,,they tuned it and made it really nice,,,i mena i got it back like 3 days before i sent it,, it freakin ripped man.,...i dont know what to do,,,ur prolly not going to change ur feedback but i dont appreciate it,,,and i know u think i tried to scam u but its the complete opposite....lmk man,,and then u said im getting the post office envolved for mail fraud,,,,,THEN U BLOCKED ME,,,what culd i do? i cant be blamed for this,,,,im srry,,,,but it wasnt me...

01-01-2005, 09:11 PM
thanks emag

02-23-2005, 10:18 PM
he bought a barrel from me and for some stupid, stupid reason i shipped first.

first, it took forever to get back to me to tell me "he shipped the MO"

i waited a good 2 1/2 weeks, and i asked him what's up. he told me he shipped it.

he also said that if i hadn't recieved it by friday the 17th, i could leave bad feedback. i gave it another 1/2 week and still haven't recieved a dime for my barrel.

it's people like him that make places like this suck. i don't know what motivates people to rip people off, but it sure does an awesome job at making me wanna punch someone in the face, starting w/ this little punk.

i've done business w/ dj89 and atm473(supposedly on this jerk's team) and it went brilliantly.
i don't know what happened.

take my advice and stay away from this idiot.

this is all the info i have on him:
Aim - pep1669
claims he plays for "team magfiea"
lives in Buffalo, NY

i can't find his addy right now, but i will.

04-04-2005, 09:50 AM
Brian Letchworth
628 Marshall St
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Bad trader, stiffed me for my gun
wft?!?!?!! he told me he lived in menphis tennasee. someone please help me please! i bought a halo b off of him on pbn like 3 weeks ago. no contact, no halo. i did a google search on his name and this is what came up. PLEASE HELP ME POEPLE> pm me with any updates on him or wat i should do. ANY help is appriciated. i want to get this punk busted big time!

04-04-2005, 06:23 PM
ok well i jsut caught him online at pbr and sent him a pm saying that he better refund my money or halo or else hes getting charged and this was his reply.

04-05-2005 12:13 AM
Re: you better reply
no man... i deserve whatever happens to me. Styles on PBNation was a complete accident. You however... was myself. Just seemed too easy and unreal. I know i sound pretty messed up saying that but live and learn. I'll ship your $60 asap. I'd hate to have this done to me and whatever you need to tell anyone or whatever is up to you. I deserve it.

04-22-2005, 12:52 PM
heftylefty or heftylefty88

details here


07-25-2005, 05:45 PM
Don't touch utdragun

Detail here.


According to his public info:
Location: I Volunteer 25+ hrs a week at Tsunami Paintball in Knoxville TN

Someone from Knoxville TN please go and get him fired from Tsunami Paintball.

10-24-2005, 03:19 PM
I recently traded with PrimalRT82 and he "forgot" to include the battery charger with the shipment. Well, after emailing him though his ebay account ( Jenna092005 ) and PMing him here through the forums...he has yet to respond as to the whereabouts of the charger. The entire transaction went smoothly at first though...so I don't know why he suddenly changed.

So, until I hear from him...his is a crappy trader in my book:

Brent Benefield
407 W Texas Ave
Iowa Park, Tx 76367

11-17-2005, 05:10 PM
Add teddybeer2005 to the list. I am still awaiting his confirmation that package was recieved at his place of residence. Tried to get me to ship my Shocker to him before I received payment solely based on his feedback on PBN and Ebay. Sent his money to me after I cancelled the deal with him because he tried to con me. Recieved cash and had no other offers so I shipped the Shocker to him. Lucky I used Fed Ex, so I know it was received by someone at his house. Communication levels with him were sub par at best.

11-26-2005, 11:55 PM
You never showed me the reciepts buddy. Remember you always make an excuse? "Oh ONE of them is at my mom's house!" "Oh, I'll get a pic when my mom comes home because its in her purse!" etc. etc.

Why would you only have ONE reciept when you shipped me 4 packages?

Why didnt you insure any of them? Why did you send cash instead of a money order after 3 packages NEVER got to me.

irbodden is a very honest trader sold me a mag an it was one good deal I trust him

12-29-2005, 06:50 PM
Do not deal with this fellow. He will not respond to my IMs, PMs or Email after accepting payment on Nov. 30th for an AGD Classic Valve. I have yet to receive anything at all, and he's been around these boards lately, 12-15 being most recent. He's a scammer.

01-19-2006, 10:17 PM
Don't touch utdragun

Detail here.


According to his public info:
Location: I Volunteer 25+ hrs a week at Tsunami Paintball in Knoxville TN

Someone from Knoxville TN please go and get him fired from Tsunami Paintball.
Whatever dude, I payed you in full and recieved a scratched up, spotted anno'd, FRIED BOARD xmag. Thanks for not responding to my pm's or emails.

03-06-2006, 08:58 PM
Burton Yurchyshyn

Alright, I made a Deal to ship COD to the above said person. All deals were made and finalized and the parts were sent out. I sent Him the tracking number and all. After the item had failed at delivery the item sat in the post office for three weeks untill being sent back to myself, at my cost.
His address is as follows:
Burton Yurchyshyn
106 1004 23rd Ave N
Cranbrook BC

Please do not be screwed over as I was by this person.

I am in works for re-imbursment(sp?) but untill than this stays up.

04-21-2006, 10:01 PM
amp- was supposed to ship a marker to a thrd party, he never got back on he switched screenames and I cought him on that one too he acted cool like he shipped it still never got it its been about 4 weeks..

07-17-2006, 06:11 PM
novak_tyler - that's his SN on here, info is

Tyler Novak
18206 Tieton Drive
Pasco, WA 98908

I bought an ION from him for $165 shipped via paypal, his paypal is [email protected] and [email protected], yes he has two accounts, my payment was to the second one. I paid first. Here is the thread, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=199109

Apparently. He said he shipped it on the 23rd of June, it's now July 17th, and he STILL hasn't signed on to automags.org yet, and he STILL hasn't replied to my PM's and Emails.

A PM he sent me.

06-22-2006, 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by JT_10111
I have a feeling you just received my paypal money and left the site, not replying for 2 days makes it look like you're trying to scam me and others.

Im sorry you think that, but im not trying to scam anyone. I have a job, so i cant be on the computer all day everyday. Take a chill pill and relax. Ill ship the marker out tommorow via USPS, thanks.

My ***.

Wether or not the gun actually comes, I'm still leaving him bad feedback and on the bad traders list, simply becase I've lost all contact with him. I've left a message on his phone number that was given to me, and am still awaiting any reply.

*EDIT* A women named Cathey Grey called me back from the number NOVAK TYLER gave me, and told me she lived in Washington State, and had never heard of a Tyler Novak.

*BEEEEP* WRONG AGAIN!!!!! I'm opening a dispute and hopefully he'll respond, or open a claim.

...............******* *********** *** I'LL BREAK HIS ******* NECK THAT ******* *******!!!!!!

09-17-2006, 04:06 PM

bought a psp and various items from him including games, memory cards, and some other accessories. Sent him the money via paypal no responses on here or through his two emails and paypal. Escalated the dispute into a claim due to the fact he would not respond. I won the claim but due to the fact he does not have the funds in his account I am not going to get a refund until he does. So basically I got hosed. Anyone that has ever done business with this individual please contact me via pm. I would really like to either have my stuff I purchased or my money back.

11-08-2006, 04:20 AM
he only has 9 posts beware!!!!!!!!! his name is potsdamcartel

Not my business...but post count has nothing to do with integrity or maturity.

11-08-2006, 08:30 AM
Not my business...but post count has nothing to do with integrity or maturity.

it can add a layer of reputation though. going solely by post count though, would obviously be a dumb move.

04-09-2007, 07:10 AM
MARCTHESHARC0404 - i shouldnt have done the deal after he deleted the thread after i paid him but i thought nah it will be good. needless to say he now owes me my money back or he needs to be coming up with a gun!!! paid him 2 weeks ago this upcoming thursday, i have sent him 2pms and 2 emails and he has not replied but i see that he was on yesterday so he has till tomorrow to reply back or magically make a gun appear on my doorstep or im going through the paypal process and getting my money back :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-11-2007, 08:36 AM
MARCTHESHARC0404 - i shouldnt have done the deal after he deleted the thread after i paid him but i thought nah it will be good. needless to say he now owes me my money back or he needs to be coming up with a gun!!! paid him 2 weeks ago this upcoming thursday, i have sent him 2pms and 2 emails and he has not replied but i see that he was on yesterday so he has till tomorrow to reply back or magically make a gun appear on my doorstep or im going through the paypal process and getting my money back :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

JOE COOMER is the name on his paypal account [email protected] is the email addy associated with it.

this guy is bad news apperntly he has ripped off another AO'er :shooting: :mad: :cuss:

04-12-2007, 05:39 PM
Punisher's customs/ Lee kinney

Took my new Eblade cocker in trade for a custom 2 years 6 months ago. Will not answer email. Will tell me on the Guild anytime I ask that my parts are out for plating. I have asked for my cocker back and he ignores that question every time.

04-12-2007, 07:26 PM
JOE COOMER is the name on his paypal account [email protected] is the email addy associated with it.

this guy is bad news apperntly he has ripped off another AO'er :shooting: :mad: :cuss:

That son of a mofo is a professional con man. I have tracked his butt down with his other alias thomas coomer. He ripped me off for a psp I paid him for. This guy is pretty good. I tracked him down to washington though through photographs and pictures of an automobile he used to own might still. Confused+Paintball=broke is the alias he had here on AO but I have also found thread upon thread of this guy ripping off people on pbnation and other websites. I filed a police report against the individual and am still pursuing him. I hope I can find him because my back woods south dakota redneck mentality is going to tell me to pummel him! Kid plays hockey I believe and might have a relation playing for the zags. I can forward my knowledge of him to anyone it is quite a large file. He pulled the same scam on me on ao here paid him for the item he deleted the thread good thing I saved the website to my computers desktop. I paid through paypal. Went through the whole dispute/claim deal and won. But if he does not have the money in his paypal account they cannot take the money from his personal bank account. Just to let you know. Now I think it is time for me to involve more people into this deal. Let me know what you know about him and I will let you know what I have and maybe we can get him. PM me if your down.

Thanks Adam

04-12-2007, 07:31 PM
That son of a mofo is a professional con man. I have tracked his butt down with his other alias thomas coomer. He ripped me off for a psp I paid him for. This guy is pretty good. I tracked him down to washington though through photographs and pictures of an automobile he used to own might still. Confused+Paintball=broke is the alias he had here on AO but I have also found thread upon thread of this guy ripping off people on pbnation and other websites. I filed a police report against the individual and am still pursuing him. I hope I can find him because my back woods south dakota redneck mentality is going to tell me to pummel him! Kid plays hockey I believe and might have a relation playing for the zags. I can forward my knowledge of him to anyone it is quite a large file. He pulled the same scam on me on ao here paid him for the item he deleted the thread good thing I saved the website to my computers desktop. I paid through paypal. Went through the whole dispute/claim deal and won. But if he does not have the money in his paypal account they cannot take the money from his personal bank account. Just to let you know. Now I think it is time for me to involve more people into this deal. Let me know what you know about him and I will let you know what I have and maybe we can get him. PM me if your down.

Thanks Adam

Yakima Washington is where I believe Thomas "teddy" Coomer is located. Also in Yakima there is a bryce coomer that lives on the same road.

04-17-2007, 10:25 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad: THIS GUY NEEDS TO BURN IN HELL :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-24-2007, 02:05 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: Jester_of_Spectre hung me out to dry. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Jason Martin from Alabama. Paypal address is [email protected]

Bought an EMAG Valve off Jester for $125. Recieved a damaged envelope with cufflinks in it. Told me to work it out with the post office on my own. Claims his buddy's mom did the shipping, so he's not responsible. When I contacted the post office, they told me it was the shipper's responsability to make good. Relayed this back to Jester an have been thoroughly ignored.

Buyers beware. Make sure he insures your packages and ships correctly with tracking.

04-25-2007, 06:39 AM
Anybody know where we can find Joe Coomer, AKA [email protected]? This guy has ripped off three people already including myself $120.00

04-25-2007, 08:12 AM
everyone jump on the police report train :clap:

Joe, Thomas, Teddy whatever yr name is you might wanna lube up cause yr gonna get nailed hard :dance:

05-03-2007, 08:59 PM
Finally made contact.

05-08-2007, 11:47 AM

GOT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!! :clap: :headbang: :clap:

its amazing what a lil police work does for ya

07-16-2007, 12:30 PM
Punisher's customs/ Lee kinney

Took my new Eblade cocker in trade for a custom 2 years 6 months ago. Will not answer email. Will tell me on the Guild anytime I ask that my parts are out for plating. I have asked for my cocker back and he ignores that question every time.

For what it's worth I recovered my eBlade autococker from Lee Kinney (Punisher's Customs)

It took a lot of effort to simply get a dialog open. I smeared his name on every forum I could find.

I paid shipping to have my marker returned to me. I had to then file a PayPal dispute on that payment in order to get him to actually ship my marker.

During the time that my marker was in Kinney's hands, the market went to crap on eBlade cockers and went from worth $600 to $800 to less than $400.

So if you figure only a $200 loss on the marker value and then $50 in shipping......

I am $250 in the hole. AND I AM HAPPY TO ONLY BE $250 IN THE HOLE!

Good luck Kinney Customers. Patience is like rope.

A.C. Basbas
10-01-2007, 08:07 PM
PayPal'ed him $50 for a MicroMag body, he said he sent it 2+ weeks ago. Hasn't arrived, he hasn't answered PMs for 2 weeks even though his most recent activity is today at 10:30.

Screw this, I'm gettin' my money back.

10-01-2007, 08:30 PM
PayPal'ed him $50 for a MicroMag body, he said he sent it 2+ weeks ago. Hasn't arrived, he hasn't answered PMs for 2 weeks even though his most recent activity is today at 10:30.

Screw this, I'm gettin' my money back.

Be sure to file your paypal dispute inside of 30 days from payment!

10-11-2007, 11:37 PM
ricktex is a bad trader, ripped me off 38 bucks.

I ripped you off!!! Yea RIGHT! :mad:

I make a Deal for you to send me a uli Valve. You send the ULI trigger in the marker you send off to someone else and send me a standard X-Valve on/off. Then when I try and get that resolved you tell me to contact the a**hole who you mailed it to and get me involved with him trying to get it mailed. He says it was mailed & I told you I NEVER GOT THE valve from whomever you sent it too.

Then you try and get the US mail service involved when Your the one who did the Mail fraud by sending me the wrong valve. And that's what I get for not just telling you to get me the correct valve.

It's not my fault YOU SEND THE WRONG ITEM and then blame me when I never get the Product. SINCE I NEVER GOT IT. YOU were the one who REFUNDED THE MONEY SO how did I rip you off 38 bucks?

I did try and send you back the original valve you sent me, yea COD, and you refused it. So don't go there.

I ended up ordering one from AO direct. Have the reciept any time you want to see it dip. :cuss:

10-12-2007, 01:34 AM
Need to report "Cheese"

I sent him $55 money order for 2 valves. Was told it would be sent. Been several months. He has dropped off AO. I left a message on his phone number and it was disconnected within a few days.

The guy obviously cheated me and needs to be avoided.

Derek Drew
97 Fern St.
Bangor, ME, 04401

11-29-2007, 01:03 PM
Man guys im sorry to hear all this bad luck.
I dont see the big deal about doing a stright up deal.
Im dealing with 5 guys or so at the moment and there all going perfectly.

But hey.. on the brighter side.. you made that bad trader thread on 5/02 and its 11/07 now so 6 month and 5 years later we only have 5 pages and a few replies are arguements. I think automags.org is doing pretty good :cheers:

Im in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. If any one needs some one to go to a kids parents house to explain in person and make it "real" for them just pm me.
Im not gonna go billy club them but having some stranger show up to your front door with printed out conversations out-lining a deal isnt the best thing ;)

Chris Nearchos
03-25-2008, 10:22 PM
AO name: Zackzel
real name: Zack Zelehoski

347 Kiester RD.
Apt. A 303
Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Jist of it is that I paid fully up-front for a fully functional X-mag that was to be fresh with a new anno job. But I recieved a RAW broken X-mag over a YEAR later. Not even useable in mech mode due to not even having the sear setup.

full story in detail is laid out here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=228312


10-16-2008, 03:42 PM
MAGnetism also. He entered a papyal payment for a BNIB tac one with my business and none of his address and or name matched up. yet... he says that I am the shady one. Some people I just won't ever understand.


01-27-2009, 01:10 AM
hockeyplayr97 Asked me for more money after payment... took forever to get a refund

03-01-2009, 07:42 PM
hockeyplayr97 Asked me for more money after payment... took forever to get a refund

He aint here no more.

03-03-2009, 12:02 AM

I bought a pneumag from sgarmy for 460 dollars and never received it. He hasn't returned to the forums since I sent the money, I filed a dispute but he already had the money out of the account so I only got 30some cents back. If anybody has any information about him please pm me.

06-21-2009, 05:09 AM
Automagmasta makes my list.

We agreed on a money order (have mails as proof) cause he didn't want to wait the 5 days it takes for me to get money in to paypal.. So I spend $35 and send a western union international money order. Then I get this msg from him:

"when you said moneyorder, i thought an actual moneyorder i can take to a bank and cash. I cant cash this thing, I have no I.D. sorry, but why didnt you just draft bank funds to your pp account? we need to figure something else out, 'cause this aint working"

After we already agreed on a MO, THIS IS A MO... What kind of money order is he going to cash without ID? Who doesn't have ID? Did he give me his real info?

I don't know, all I know is I"m now out $35 and I won't be able to get my $275 back for up to 45 days (the time it takes for Western union to give me my money back. if I can get it back)

I am NEVER dealing with Automagmasta again after this... Something is fishy.. No ID.. Can't collect a money order, asks for one anyways. :cuss:

07-31-2009, 09:01 PM
I agreed to buy a gold evolve bolt from him, i sent him money on paypal, he sold the bolt to someone else because " canucks always rip him off". I got the money back but i wanted the bolt. His e-mail to me was insulting to me and all Canadians.

05-05-2010, 06:06 AM
AO username: djpotter
info from paypal transaction:

Sent to:
Chris Rapchick
[email protected]
Amount sent:
-$150.00 USD
Fee amount:
-$4.65 USD
Net amount:
-$154.65 USD

Its getting on to two weeks now, no word from him, no replies to my messages or emails. I'm calling shenanigans until I hear something from him. Activity log says hes been on the forums multiple times after I sent him messages, yet I've heard nothing. Paypal basically told me to go *%$# myself when I asked about a dispute. Its a good thing paypal wont give me his address cause my wife wants to go "talk" to him... :confused:

05-18-2010, 06:14 PM
djpotter123 Will not return my messages concerning two mainbodies I paid him for. Do not deal with this guy. I should have known something was up.

Too good to be true is often the case.

05-18-2010, 06:49 PM
This Message is for Hobbez and Hotaru.

Dj Potter is a player at my field in Charleston, SC. There is a thread started at www.PaintballCharleston.net about this very same thing. Here is the link http://www.paintballcharleston.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6261
It appears that DJ's friend Chris let him borrow his PayPal account. DJ also works at Paintball of Charleston. Please contact the owner, Skeeter or Geoff at 843-552-1115 in reference to this matter.

Let me know if I can be of anymore assistance.


05-18-2010, 07:48 PM
Here is what Skeeter (owner of PBC) said on the PBC website- "but individual transactions, between private parties are not something that PBC can enforce."
There's nothing he can do about it, especially because DJ hasn't been out to paintball since the thread started.

05-18-2010, 07:56 PM
hmm.. Thats only 9 hours away. Sounds like a nice day trip.

05-18-2010, 07:59 PM
Here is what Skeeter (owner of PBC) said on the PBC website- "but individual transactions, between private parties are not something that PBC can enforce."
There's nothing he can do about it, especially because DJ hasn't been out to paintball since the thread started.

What I was referring to, is that Skeeter can provide his home address for the police report in reference to internet fraud!

05-18-2010, 11:17 PM
Anyone here live in Charleston, SC?

05-19-2010, 05:27 AM
^ I do! :dance:

captian pinky
05-25-2010, 08:45 PM
yep me to

09-30-2012, 04:44 PM
Does anyone know M98punk ??? Or has / is dealing with him ?

I gave him $50.00 for a chrono on 9-15-12 & cant get in touch with him

sent several PMs with no reply's

for right now ,I'm hoping it isn't something bad like an accident ,or worse etc,...

Figured id ask before i start accusing ;)

10-01-2012, 09:26 PM
Does anyone know M98punk ??? Or has / is dealing with him ?

I gave him $50.00 for a chrono on 9-15-12 & cant get in touch with him

sent several PMs with no reply's

for right now ,I'm hoping it isn't something bad like an accident ,or worse etc,...

Figured id ask before i start accusing ;)

so i guess nobody has dealt with or knows nothing about this guy?

05-10-2013, 09:49 PM

AO NAME: kusokow
REAL NAME: Queenie Cheong
ADDRESS: 12942 SE 23rd ST


Frizzle Fry
06-12-2013, 05:33 PM

AO NAME: kusokow
REAL NAME: Queenie Cheong
ADDRESS: 12942 SE 23rd ST


How did he scam you? Details?