View Full Version : curses....

05-13-2002, 10:03 PM
i thought it was gonna make it after i hit the 15,000 cycle mark

guess not...

is there still a refund/exchange being offered?

05-13-2002, 11:00 PM
bummer dude...

how long are the delrin parts supposed to last? I was under the impression that they weren't supposed to live forever...

that thing shot awesome when you let me try it out.

You guys planning on playing this weekend? i want to try my new Sterling out... :)


05-14-2002, 12:09 AM
Well close to 15k is still good! :D

05-14-2002, 07:44 AM
15k is late in the bolt life for a failre, but the bolt shows almost no wear (.1mm deep rings from the bolt spring that's all), wear parts usually show wear before they fail.

it did do a fine job of scaring the hell outta my cats when a little chink of delrin came ricocheting off the wall at them ;) (they're both fine, and promptly began batting the chunk around, stupid felines....)

such is the way of life i suppose

i don't know if i am going to be able to make it this weekend, a client didn't send me a check i was expecting and my paintball funds really needed that grand....

05-14-2002, 08:01 AM
it did do a fine job of scaring the hell outta my cats when a little chink of delrin came ricocheting off the wall at them ;)(they're both fine, and promptly began batting the chunk around, stupid felines....)
This is why I would not get a Super Bolt. We all know the sleeves are not designed to last forever, but when they fail they become dangerous. Less recoil is not worth it to me.. I care too much about my children and those around me.

It would be one thing if they just broke…. But they have a tendency to not just break, but become projectiles themselves…. from what I keep reading.

I would be interested in getting a “fixed” version though. The idea is a good one… just not close to being viable at this time…. in my opinion. Sorry to hear another one bites the dust… and the way it did.

05-14-2002, 08:15 AM
agreed, it shouldn't have broken, but...

a) my barrel was off because i was running oil through my marker (after the fact i tried to slide the broken piece through my freak and it wouldn't pass the tip)

b) "projectile", in <i>this</i> case, refers to a piece of bolt that had just enough kinetic energy to lob 15 feet to the wall, defelect and land about 3 feet away. if the shard would have hit a person mid flight no injury would have ensued. (i know others have had slightly worse results)

while it worked, it was more the likely the best $50 i have spent on gear in a long time, and once the secret formula is reworked, i'll be at the front of the line for a new one.

05-14-2002, 08:34 AM
a) my barrel was off because i was running oil through my marker (after the fact i tried to slide the broken piece through my freak and it wouldn't pass the tip)
This is good to know. This would indicate that it would not have flown out in the middle of a game (on your marker). This is very reassuring for game use. Unfortunately we know that game use only makes up a portion of the time people “shoot” their markers… as was the case with your example.

b) "projectile", in this case, refers to a piece of bolt that had just enough kinetic energy to lob 15 feet to the wall, defelect and land about 3 feet away. if the shard would have hit a person mid flight no injury would have ensued. (i know others have had slightly worse results)
I have to disagree here though… I think most of us can think of cases where even a small speck of dust has caused much more harm to an eye than we would have imagined. We see the same things with flying O-rings as well. Sure, they do not cause broken limbs, major gashes, or anything else of that type, but if you have ever had your cornea scratched you know how that feels… you will live, but it is an injury that hurts like heck.

Please understand that I am not saying this is the worse thing to ever happen with a product, just that it is a problem. And again, I am not saying that the sleeves should not ever break… they are clearly designed to be the part you replace… and why? They break. LOL It is that they tend to not “crack” and fail, but they seem to suddenly break and fly apart… which is much different.

They also seem to go from virtually no wear to total failure with no discernable warning. This would make it almost impossible for even the most attentive owner to foresee the failure and change the sleeve before it becomes a safety issue. I am sure we all can see where this would be a problem in itself. And I am sure AGD is addressing all of these issues and concerns.

I hope people do not think I am “bashing” AGD or the Super Bolt.. I am not. I am just talking out loud and expressing my concern and opinions on this matter.