View Full Version : add-ons

05-14-2002, 05:40 AM
i just got a slightly used classic 68 automag and i have all stock parts. What should i do first? thanx 4 the help:D

05-14-2002, 05:56 AM
first u need a good barrel, then a new trigger frame like the intelliframe, then a retro valve, and warp feed

05-14-2002, 05:59 AM
is the dye boomstick good? (barrel)

05-14-2002, 06:28 AM
Yes boomstick is good.
You'll also want a motorized hopper.

05-14-2002, 08:18 AM
hey krems

welcome to AO!

list of essential upgrades for a mag:

1. motorized loader
2. barrel (i like the J&J ceramic for a cheapie...freak set if youre into the latest/greatest)
3. if youre running co2, think about an expansion chamber and a remote...this may not be a problem if youre in a warmer climate, but if youre planning on playing in cooler weather, these mods will help
4. better than co2, is of course, hpa (high pressure air)...although even cheap tanks can cost more than co2...expect to pay AT LEAST $100 for a reasonable new tank.

nice to have upgrades
1. retro (DEFINATELY)...hpa is required for this valve, but you will giggle like a skoolgirl when you first fire it
2. warp feed...this is really a GREAT upgrade

ergo upgrades
1. dye stickies
2. intelliframe (i dont have one, so i cant really talk too much about how nice they are), with intellifeed upgrade

best of luck with your mag...and be sure to ask a lot of questions here...it will save you a LOT of time, money, and heartaches....

oh yeah, try to stay away from non-AGD aftermarket internal parts...they usually dont work like they say...and make your gun misbehave


05-14-2002, 02:04 PM
The only essential for an Automag is an agitator loader. Either a Revy, a Richocet or a Halo. Other than that you don't NEED to change anything, and furthermore you shouldn't until you have played with the gun for a little while. Why everyone asnwers this question with long lists of silly upgrades is beyond me.

You may want to get a Nitro tank too. The Mag is a bit sensitive to liquid CO2, so Nitro is the easiest way to avoid that problem. Other than those two things, don't do a thing to your gun...yet. Figure out what your style of play is and how you think you might want to change your gun, then come back and ask how to make those changes. Other people have different styles and tastes that may not suit you, so purchasing $500 worth of "Upgrades" may not help you at all.
