View Full Version : Who is going to D-Day!!

05-14-2002, 08:07 AM
I'm starting to get real psyched for this game! I went last year and my wife and I had a blast! I'm going to try and have a AO banner of some type up near my tent! Come by and say hi! I'm going to have a notebook for all the AO people to sign and I'll take yer picture. Maybe we can put together a MAGnificent squad!? Post here if you will be attending!:D :cool:

05-14-2002, 09:40 AM

tell me more about this event

05-14-2002, 10:07 AM
I wont be going. Sadly. I will be in Oklahoma WHEN its happening! :( not fair!

05-14-2002, 01:58 PM
i have heard of that before, but where is it? I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Is there a website i can look at?


05-14-2002, 02:41 PM
Not too far from you.

05-14-2002, 05:36 PM
Thanks person, you beat me to it!

Restola- Look at that link. You should get all the info you need off of that. It was a good time last year and they have great things planned for this year.

Let's go AO...who else is going??

BTW...TK or moderators...JJ had a lot of traffic at his booth last year at this event. This year has a higher expected attendance. Any thoughts on attending this year??

ARMY...this is an event you should really try to attend!

05-14-2002, 05:55 PM
me and my ada re going to it, it was sweet last year!! Ya have abanner so we could talk, I'll try and buy a AGD Patch, what number are you guys, we are #98 and 99.

05-14-2002, 05:55 PM
I am with 3 of my friends.
If my dad lets me we will be using a big grey tent.
with 4 rooms.


What side are you on. German here
edit : And I'm #89!!

05-14-2002, 06:32 PM
Just registered about 5 minutes ago. I am Germans atlantic wall.

05-14-2002, 06:43 PM
It was blast last year, I don't know what squard I'm in, I figure I'll just go to where ever I want like last year. Im also German, I bought me a authintic uniform from the bunker a couple of months ago. I'll try and set up a banner out side of my tent sayin gim a AO member. I don't know if there is goin got be any as many attendents as they were expecting. From what I heard from Dewayne he was expecting over 2000 people. AssassN do you knwo what # you are¿ This year I'm coming more prepared, last year we ran out of manoey and food, so we had to leave early. Where was Tom last year, we left before sunday.

05-14-2002, 07:45 PM
that link didnt work.

05-14-2002, 07:48 PM
Tom wasn't there last year. JJ Brokshire was, he was still working for AGD at the time.
Why all the Germans? Where is your patriotism? JK :D It's just a game. Germans, be aware dewayne has a no swastika rule this year. Methinks that is a good call.

I'm 426 and 427, just missed the t-shirt and give away! Darn!:mad:


05-15-2002, 01:23 PM

05-15-2002, 03:12 PM
Damn, and to think I will be missing all of you and this great scenairo game, and I will only be 5 hours away..
You dont know how much this is killing me.:(

05-15-2002, 03:14 PM
Alright, Im determend to bring my mag and find a field to make up for it. Im playing weather my grandparents and parents like it or not. :D

Nearest one is an hour away. :( lol

05-15-2002, 05:42 PM
personman- where are you going to be at?

i dont know if i am going to make it. but i hope i do. its only 1 1/2hrs away from me....

05-15-2002, 06:30 PM
Im going to be 15 mins from Sulphur, and 30 mins north of Ardmore.
I just asked my mom and she said my older brother had been to that paintball place (called splatters paintball, or something of the like) and it was only like 20 mins from where my grandparents live! WOOT! I hope they are open alot, I want to get in a full day of playing!

One more conflict. I sent my grips into Heather Frymark and I'm not sure when I'll get my grips back. :(

05-16-2002, 08:04 PM

05-16-2002, 08:57 PM
This year me and my dad are bringing one of freinds who plays paintball with us. This will be his first real paintball turnoment! He's a big military freak! So is Tom going this year¿

05-16-2002, 09:04 PM
Wish I could go, but Im broke. Actually Doobie, Im headed to Leonard Wood for basic in July, and so I figured I didnt need to save any money for anything big from now till that time. How is it down in MO?

05-16-2002, 09:48 PM
KOSMO- MO is not my fav place. BTW, you won't be seeing much of it anyway in basic, your locked down. Did I mention I'm a Drill Sergeant here. I teach Basic...if you want to be trained by the best, come to FLW. Everyone else goes to "Relaxin Jackson". :)

05-16-2002, 10:46 PM
I'm going to the one at Skirmish in PA. I've went the last few years and it was a blast.

05-17-2002, 08:21 AM
I'll be there, My field has about 15 or more going as a special weapons unit for the 82nd. Airborne.

I'll be the big guy commanding one of our platoons with a big pack, a 135 ci tank ran through a remote and gas through stock to my E-Mag.

We will be carrying several bazookas and a mortar or two along with the rest of our personal firepower.

anyone who wants to stop by we will be probablly be set up near our field vehicle. A old Chevy van, It's painted bright yellow with Battle Creek Paintball on the sides.

Hope to see y'all there.

05-17-2002, 09:46 AM
Hey do you guys want to make like a banner for infront of your tent that says you are a AO Member¿ I plan on making one if I can probably out of wood or something.

05-17-2002, 09:54 AM
i dont think i can make it to d-day but has anybody thought about that cornfield maze (haha) game in louisiana in dec. some farmer is goning to carve a huge maze in his 12 acre cornfield and,combined with the 12 acre woods adjacent to the field, have a big scenerio game the weekend of dec 7. my team will be there with our homemade ao banner flying proud!

05-17-2002, 07:04 PM
May be in lockdown, but that doesnt stop the weather. Hell, maybe youll own me in a few months. Good luck with me should that be the case :)

05-19-2002, 08:46 PM
It would be nice if one of you guys who arent going could come around and play with me. ;)