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02-24-2004, 11:22 AM
Yeah, see, I really didn't need to hear about that :p

02-25-2004, 10:34 PM
Sure ya did!

How's everyone doing? I haven't had the chance to get on here much in the last few days since I've been moving....
Yup, got my own place! It's nice and cozy but it's cold without a heater. :(

Where's Trans???

02-25-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Sure ya did!

How's everyone doing? I haven't had the chance to get on here much in the last few days since I've been moving....
Yup, got my own place! It's nice and cozy but it's cold without a heater. :(

Where's Trans???

I'll keep ya warm ;)

Don't get hurt getting all settled in, that'd be suckysuck..

Ehh..ahh, trans, I dunno..he had/has a meeting w/ his probation officer sometime recently/soon, maybe that's it..no really sure..oh well

02-26-2004, 07:58 PM
i dont have a probation officer....anymore :)

02-27-2004, 12:17 AM
Rock on man, congrats on getting that monkey off your back :p

02-27-2004, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
Rock on man, congrats on getting that monkey off your back :p You got it all wrong...he loves to be slapped by that hairy monkey. Especially in the back.:p

02-27-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by gibby
You got it all wrong...he loves to be slapped by that hairy monkey. Especially in the back.:p

The words of a true master...

SICKO! :p :rolleyes: :eek: :D

02-27-2004, 08:57 PM
Gibbs I gotta say you come up wit some nasty *** **** dude :(

02-27-2004, 09:49 PM
Hey now Trans, be nice!

Some people like odd things like that!

In this case, Gman likes to be slapped in the back of the head by hairy wang :rolleyes:

02-28-2004, 04:34 AM
Well i guess as long as he dont want me to do it :::Shutters::: im ok with it :::Shutters:::

02-28-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well i guess as long as he dont want me to do it :::Shutters::: im ok with it :::Shutters:::

liar :cool:

02-28-2004, 11:20 AM
Ya your right im not ok with it no matter what he wants

02-28-2004, 04:10 PM
Hey! I learn from the best! You guys are my mentors!:D :p

02-28-2004, 04:37 PM
you people frighten me

02-28-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by p8ntball1016
you people frighten me

LMBO!!!! They frighten me too, but I wuv um anyway....;)

02-28-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

LMBO!!!! They frighten me too, but I wuv um anyway....;)

you better! ;)

02-29-2004, 09:54 PM
Where you foolios at?

02-29-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Where you foolios at?
Just got back from paintball!! :D Did you guys see my new baby yet? First time out today. I got a bit insulted though...someone called my Karta an Xmag! How dare they! :p

02-29-2004, 10:02 PM
hahaha..what a 'tard!


Better yet, hook that webcam back up & show 'er off (again ;) )..hahaha

02-29-2004, 10:04 PM
Hehe...I can't get enough of this thing! ;)


02-29-2004, 10:37 PM
She's beautious Gibs!! :D

Up for a Trade? Trans for your setup :D ;)

03-01-2004, 04:02 AM
Bah screw u dude im not goin anywhere near him and why would u want that gun anyway I dont even wanna think about all the horribly disgusting things hes done to it :::shuttters::: :(

03-01-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Bah screw u dude im not goin anywhere near him and why would u want that gun anyway I dont even wanna think about all the horribly disgusting things hes done to it :::shuttters::: :(

hahaha, nothing a bottle of Everclear can't fix ;)

03-01-2004, 11:05 AM
I suppose that is true but the thought alone is enought to scare me outta not touching it.

03-01-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by gibby
Hehe...I can't get enough of this thing! ;)


Sad but True....

Actually, the pictures don't do it justice! But I still likey my pinky one better......:D

03-01-2004, 11:45 PM
Your pink what? haha..Ew!

03-02-2004, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Your pink what? haha..Ew!


03-02-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet


You're welcome :cool:

03-03-2004, 05:43 PM
And this is the point that I re-enter the thread that won't die! How's everyone doing? :D

03-03-2004, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
And this is the point that I re-enter the thread that won't die! How's everyone doing? :D

Hey Shooter! Nice to cya!
I'm a little tired from work and extra ciricular activities but all in all doing pretty good. We played paintball this past Sunday, had a blast! I'm looking forward to playing again.

spazzed........no comment......LOL

03-04-2004, 12:35 AM
Hey, welcome back shooter! I didn't even realize you were gone! haha

Oh come on TDS, COMMENT!!!

03-04-2004, 10:28 AM
hehehe well if you check my title I AM the ice ninja and therefore have stealth capabilities you know! ;)

I read back a couple pages, somebody get banned in this thread for awhile?:confused:

03-04-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
hehehe well if you check my title I AM the ice ninja and therefore have stealth capabilities you know! ;)

I read back a couple pages, somebody get banned in this thread for awhile?:confused:
Yes, our lovely couple Transman and Spazzed.:p

03-04-2004, 11:32 AM
heheheheheheh I knew the mods still read this thread!

03-04-2004, 12:40 PM
For the millionth time Gman, I don't wanna hear about your fantasies.. No matter how hard you lust for me, you're forever stuck w/ Trans! :p

Now I hear there's a beautiful lady who could use a hand breaking in a new apartment..;) haha

03-05-2004, 07:20 AM
Yo yo what up everybody had me a stomach virus the last couple days so I was to concerned with vomiting to worry about posting.

03-05-2004, 02:00 PM
Sucky man, sucky.

03-06-2004, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
For the millionth time Gman, I don't wanna hear about your fantasies.. No matter how hard you lust for me, you're forever stuck w/ Trans! :p

Now I hear there's a beautiful lady who could use a hand breaking in a new apartment..;) haha

I need some furniture. Can you lay on the floor so I can use you as a couch??? LOL

Glad to hear you're feeling better Trans. Stomach virus' are the worst!

We went to the LA Open today. It was kewl, not that many vendors and we got edumacated on the in's and out's of X-ball which was interesting. I did pick up a mantis pack, some pods and a pair of dye shoes.

The rest of the weekend is reserved for laundry and cleaning.......

03-07-2004, 08:19 PM
Woohoo I be movin out Wednesday YO party at my place :D

This is gonna be so sweet only prob will be working two full time Jobs but with a few tabs and a lot of speed i think i can pull it off :cool:

03-08-2004, 10:00 AM
Better then my weekend. I got dragged to a jewlery store to look at rings. :rolleyes: So much for my xmag fund. And my motercycle fund.... And my antique collection...

Anyone want to buy some ancient jade carvings or a watch or my soul? :D

03-08-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
Better then my weekend. I got dragged to a jewlery store to look at rings. :rolleyes: So much for my xmag fund. And my motercycle fund.... And my antique collection...

Anyone want to buy some ancient jade carvings or a watch or my soul? :D
Can't sell your soul...I believe that already belongs to your future wife! How about a ball and chain?:p

03-08-2004, 12:53 PM
Hehehe no no....need money. Although I could just suck it up and buy a ring on a payment plan. But I'd like to avoid that and just pay cash. Not sure if that's going to work though. :(

03-08-2004, 04:50 PM
Well its been happy knowin ya just remember u can back out at anytime until you say I do just keep that in the back of ur mind.

Well in preperation of gettin a job I chopped my beard off and I'm depressed so I think I'll just go lay down for a while. :(

03-08-2004, 08:35 PM
Congrats on the engagement Shooter (not sure if I said that already). Payment plans suck, but if you have to do it, put whatever you have down and try to pay it off before the wedding.

Where are you moving Trans? It'll be nice to have you're own place, are you rooming with someone? You have to send me a pic of you without your beard.......I'm sure you look just as handsome so don't sweat it.

ball and chain???...........men

03-08-2004, 10:34 PM
Im movin in with my best friend and his brother his brother is 22 so I get me drink easy. :D

I'll send that pic to ya next time you get on aim which prob means a looonnnngggg time from now. :)

03-08-2004, 11:42 PM
TDS, thought you would get a kick out of these from O'Ahu:



03-09-2004, 01:42 AM
Damn we ought to make this thread its own forum...


03-09-2004, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Congrats on the engagement Shooter (not sure if I said that already). Payment plans suck, but if you have to do it, put whatever you have down and try to pay it off before the wedding.

whoa whoa whoa. Haven't popped the question yet, nor pulled the trigger on buying the ring. I've made it very clear to her that I'm not doing anything until I pay my cars off in Dec. Thanks though! ;)

03-09-2004, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Damn we ought to make this thread its own forum...

Ya but then we wouldnt get peeps comin in and saying stuff like "this thread is really old....." and I would not be able to make fun of them. :D

03-09-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by pbzmag
TDS, thought you would get a kick out of these from O'Ahu:



Nice beach! I wished our waves would roll like those. Ours just drops like Trans hitting his head on the bed while passing out.

03-09-2004, 01:15 PM
Only time I hit my head on the bed is when TDS is gettin a lil wild. ;)

03-09-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Only time I hit my head on the bed is when TDS is gettin a lil wild. ;)
That must explain the bump on my head last night too! :D

03-09-2004, 08:24 PM
Hey pbzmag, sorry we missed you at he LA Open. Those are sweet pic's. Did you take then yourself? Thanks for posting them.....did you know that the water up here is green??? Just thought I'd point that out LOL

OOPPSS Sorry for jumping the gun shooter :cool: Congrats on your preengagement LOL

Trans, so you're leaving the nest!!! Good luck and be good!!!!

Did I leave a mark hun??? Sorry bout that, I just get so carried away sometimes.....;)

LOL this thread isn't ready to be it's own forum, when two of us gets banned, the rest of us don't know what to do! LOL

03-09-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
LOL this thread isn't ready to be it's own forum, when two of us gets banned, the rest of us don't know what to do! LOL
Thats cuz me and Spazz are the life of this party with out us this thread is nuthin but a hot chick and a homo shes in love with. :D

03-10-2004, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by TransMan

Thats cuz me and Spazz are the life of this party with out us this thread is nuthin but a hot chick and a homo shes in love with. :D

LMBO!!!!! That was good!!! I actually laughed out loud for that one!

So, when r u moving? Is it far from where you live now?

03-10-2004, 12:19 PM
In a few hours its about 15 mins away since I wont be on for a while Spazz will have to keep the party bumpin by him self it's a big task but im sure he can do it. :)

03-10-2004, 08:08 PM

Been gone for like 5 or 6 days, Sushi, woowoo! :D


Shooter, you need me to come release your balls from the vice?

Gibs, the knot on your head is from gettick *male chicken*slapped by Trans last night ;)

TDS, I forgot what it was gonna say..prolly has something to do w/ more housebreaking :cool:

That guy who just randomly posted, yes, it's old..so old in fact, it reminds me that I need to change my underwear.

AGD, gotta agree w/ Trans on this one, if it becomes its own forum, then we have no noob's to mess with, and that's our sole source of entertainment half the time :)


03-10-2004, 08:14 PM
Oh, and Trans, you're officially a gayfer for getting rid of hte beard.

From not until Eternity, you shall be known as....




03-10-2004, 08:59 PM
LMBO!!! Nice little recap there spazzed.

Sooooo you had sushi huh! I've had quite a bite of sushi myself lately. I didn't realize it was spring break already! Doesn't it feel like we were just talking about you working during Christmas break???

Has anyone seen The Passion of Christ yet? Gibby and I saw it this past weekend. It's a pretty powerful film.

Anyways, time to start cooking.

03-10-2004, 11:40 PM
You just went from talking about eating sushi to talkin about Jesus thats just wierd.....

03-10-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
You just went from talking about eating sushi to talkin about Jesus thats just wierd.....
Believe me...that's just the beginning! :p

03-11-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Hey pbzmag, sorry we missed you at he LA Open. Those are sweet pic's. Did you take then yourself? Thanks for posting them.....did you know that the water up here is green??? Just thought I'd point that out LOL

I just missed you two. Just as I got to the vendor area from the fields, I saw RoadDawg and he told me I just missed you guys. I didn't really notice the green , just the curls. I was hoping that it would be the big waves but missed the storm by a day.

Originally posted by gibby

Believe me...that's just the beginning! :p

Reminds me of the question she had for Army!:D

03-11-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by pbzmag
Reminds me of the question she had for Army!:D
Oh, I can remember the pair of questions she asked Army! It was a ding and aling right after one another! :p

03-11-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by gibby

Oh, I can remember the pair of questions she asked Army! It was a ding and aling right after one another! :p

Share the love! :p

Aye TDS, seems like just yesterday...oh well, one more semester closer to GRE & Gradschool..ugg..haha

I saw PotC(annogram, woop!) Sunday..have to agree, a very powerful movie, not much more you can say really..


03-11-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

03-11-2004, 01:21 PM
Personally, I find it damned amusing..Especially the Snickers one..muahahahaha :D :cool:

<---on a highway to hellll

03-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

Shooter, you need me to come release your balls from the vice?

hehehe well I've never heard it refered to as a vice before, but I can see the similarity....:D

03-11-2004, 04:44 PM
You're a sicksick man shooter, you know that? hahahaha :D

So maybe sick isn't the best word, but who cares :)

Personally, I've never actually stuck mine in a "vice"..I've always got something better to stick in there..but if that's your thing, then by all means, do continue..:p

03-11-2004, 05:40 PM
Hey they may just be a couple of nuts, but they need love too..... :D

Yeah, that is a rather disturbing thought though.... :eek:

03-11-2004, 06:29 PM
Just buy the "Balls of Steel" video! Bring on the vice!!!:D

03-11-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by pbzmag

I just missed you two. Just as I got to the vendor area from the fields, I saw RoadDawg and he told me I just missed you guys. I didn't really notice the green , just the curls. I was hoping that it would be the big waves but missed the storm by a day.

Reminds me of the question she had for Army!:D

AAWW we just missed eachother! That makes it even worse! I heard when it storms that the quality of the water is pretty bad....is that true?

Be quiet about the Army thing LOL.....I knew it was dumb as soon as it came out of my mouth. :rolleyes: ;) I was actually rehearsing for a role as a blonde for this new play I heard about......yeah.....

hehehe well I've never heard it refered to as a vice before, but I can see the similarity....

what's up with the whole ball and chain and vice comments. Where's the love?

03-11-2004, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

AAWW we just missed eachother! That makes it even worse! I heard when it storms that the quality of the water is pretty bad....is that true?

I really don't know about that. But it can't be as bad as the Santa Monica waters!

03-11-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by pbzmag

I really don't know about that. But it can't be as bad as the Santa Monica waters!
It's because when it storms, all the trash that was collected in the storm drains get leaked out into the ocean. :(

03-11-2004, 10:49 PM
really don't know about that. But it can't be as bad as the Santa Monica waters!
LOL I saw that water (Venice Beach) and it was brown and green!!!! It's a nice beach but I wouldn't swim there. I guess I'm spoiled with the crystle clear blue waters of Hawaii...

I think CA needs a new storm draining system.

03-12-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

I think CA needs a new storm draining system.

A cork in Gibs butt would work just fine :cool:

03-12-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
what's up with the whole ball and chain and vice comments. Where's the love?

Awww it's still there! :D She's my favorite vice (as in habit, not as in clamping tool).:p Actually I'm flying down to florida tomorrow morning to spend the week with her, her parents, her brother, and my parents. I've met her dad before, but not her mom or brother.

03-12-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

Awww it's still there! :D She's my favorite vice (as in habit, not as in clamping tool).:p Actually I'm flying down to florida tomorrow morning to spend the week with her, her parents, her brother, and my parents. I've met her dad before, but not her mom or brother.

Sounds like fun man :)

Just don't make too much noise, eh? ;)

03-12-2004, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

Sounds like fun man :)

Just don't make too much noise, eh? ;)

hehehe I like living dangerously, but that's just asking to be killed! :D

03-12-2004, 02:27 PM
Enjoy the week Mr. Bond ;)

03-12-2004, 05:14 PM

Thanks for the headsup Warped :)

Now, is this a good thing or bad? Most of ya'll were there last time, discuss!

03-12-2004, 05:21 PM
Discuss what I think everyone agrees CPX sux donkey balls well there paint and air did anyway the field was pretty tight if they got summin besides BE this time ill be there.

03-12-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Discuss what I think everyone agrees CPX sux donkey balls well there paint and air did anyway the field was pretty tight if they got summin besides BE this time ill be there.

I think what my smotpoking friend is trying to say here is: "I'm ghey and would desire a large phallic shaped object in my rectum." :p

Seriously though, like Trans said, the place as a whole is awesome, I loved it, fields were excellent. But the paint was quite possibly the crappiest I've ever had the mispleasure of shooting, not to mention getting 2000psi fills, MAX. :rolleyes:

So yeah, if they have functioning airfills & non-crappy paint, I'm stoked & I'll be there. I've got a feeling that JJ & whoever else happens to be involved has these problems suitably fixed, or else back to EMR.

Trans, up for a roadtrip? :cool:

03-12-2004, 05:33 PM
I agree, the paint cost raped more than your wallet..the air fills sucked. However, the fields were pretty interesting. But most of all...WILLOWBROOK SUCKED HARDER!!

Then again, what do you expect from last minute planning? This time around, we're definitely going to plan where we will stay and hopefully have a car this time too! Spending around $180 on a Taxi for that one day really made me broke! UGH!

I'm sure this time around, it'll be much more interesting. I know you guys a little bit better...in fact, I didn't really know you at all two years ago! LOL!

If TDS and I can make it, I'm sure we'll have a great time.

So here's the big question....Who's bunkering with Starbase_CGI?!?! :p Not me! I've got my babe to keep me warm. ;)

HEY TOM!! Can I win something this time?!:D

03-12-2004, 05:59 PM
haha, truetrue.. Hell, last time I wasn't of legal drinking age & I was w/ the old man, so this time around, I'm not bringing him & I'm going to be chronically drunk/hungover :D

You two better make it, I'm not really sure why, but you have no choice ;)

Dude, I am not doing anything w/ that lardbutt..well, maybe I'll chase him around the fields for awhile, maybe take his 16" superduperultramega spyder barrel O' death & break it over his thick retarded skull :cool:

03-12-2004, 06:02 PM
Oh, and I almost forgot..I think a rematch is in order between TDS & myself :cool:

03-12-2004, 07:36 PM
Im up for a road trip homes you get the drinks and ill get the smokes and we will have a good ole time. I too was with the old man last time which kinda sucked but this time round we gonna have a PARTAY!!! :D

03-12-2004, 08:31 PM
Awww it's still there! She's my favorite vice (as in habit, not as in clamping tool).

Good to hear.....I think LOL

So they finally decided on a place for Shatnerball III. I didn't really know much about paintball when I played there. I did like the fields alot, the air situation wasn't bad for me because I was shooting like one ball a minute! LOL I'm looking forward to going this year so everyone cross your fingers!!! I'm gonna price things out and see how much the damage will be.

03-14-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Im up for a road trip homes you get the drinks and ill get the smokes and we will have a good ole time. I too was with the old man last time which kinda sucked but this time round we gonna have a PARTAY!!! :D

w00t! :D

03-15-2004, 08:12 PM
LOL Oh No, the both of you at Shatnerball with no adult supervision..........I'll be sure to bring my camera!

03-15-2004, 09:21 PM
hahaha..no worries, I'll let you use mine ;)

03-16-2004, 04:31 AM
I'll have mine too so yeye and um I hope we wake up in time to actually play in the game :D

03-16-2004, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
I'll have mine too so yeye and um I hope we wake up in time to actually play in the game :D

haha, that would be a good thing methinks :D

03-16-2004, 02:23 PM
Pretty soon (after AO NE), I'm gonna start making my plans to be at the next Spplat Attack game. :D I sure hope that Starbase_CGI doesn't show though, as he made a lot of nasty comments about a lot of people that didn't deserve it.

BTW TDS, think of a bet for this time? :D

03-16-2004, 04:57 PM
ahh yes a bet this must be a good one and it has to take place after either at the field or in the hotel room :D

03-16-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
ahh yes a bet this must be a good one and it has to take place after either at the field or in the hotel room :D

Dirty little man ;)

03-16-2004, 08:15 PM
Hmmmmm let's see, I'll have to give this one some thought. The bet has to be good, and public humiliation would be a plus!!!

What hotels are near CPX?

03-17-2004, 06:06 PM
Well if you rememember there arnt any very near CPX they are all in town so basicly town is gonna be the closest hotel. Also I am definitly not takin place in the bet this year im sure ill do all kinds of humiliating things from just being wasted. So this year the bet is going to be between TDS and Timmee and gibbs you get absolutly no input on the bet I shutter to think of what absolutly horrible homosexual things youve got floatin around in your head. :D

03-17-2004, 07:48 PM
MWHAHAHAHA!!! Don't worry, I don't need to come up with any horrible homosexual stuff...I'll leave that for you and spazzed.

03-17-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well if you rememember there arnt any very near CPX they are all in town so basicly town is gonna be the closest hotel. Also I am definitly not takin place in the bet this year im sure ill do all kinds of humiliating things from just being wasted. So this year the bet is going to be between TDS and Timmee and gibbs you get absolutly no input on the bet I shutter to think of what absolutly horrible homosexual things youve got floatin around in your head. :D

AAWWW no bet for you....../me thinks "I have a few months to make him change his mind........

I don't remember much about Joliet. I was only at the field on the day of the game and we didn't have the change to venture out of Willowbrook. And since I slept on the way to the field and gibby and I were making out on the ride back to the hotel I didn't really get to see much.

03-18-2004, 05:38 AM
Well you can certainly try to change my mind but I think it would take an awful lot to change my mind I cant wait to see what you come up with. :D

Ahh and gibbs stop trying to be cool... thats my job just be your in the closet self, while some of us dont agree with your "life style" we dont hate you, we respect that you are "diferent". So just be strong and dont let anyone get in the way of you being you, now go my friend out into the world march in one of those fairy marches. Know that we are behind you (in spirt not literaly) every step of your journy, and I truly hope that one day you are strong and convident enough to show the world the real you. :)

03-18-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well you can certainly try to change my mind but I think it would take an awful lot to change my mind I cant wait to see what you come up with. :D

Ahh and gibbs stop trying to be cool... thats my job just be your in the closet self, while some of us dont agree with your "life style" we dont hate you, we respect that you are "diferent". So just be strong and dont let anyone get in the way of you being you, now go my friend out into the world march in one of those fairy marches. Know that we are behind you (in spirt not literaly) every step of your journy, and I truly hope that one day you are strong and convident enough to show the world the real you. :)
LOL!! Obviously you are smoking the good stuff again cause you're definitely dillusional. But that's okay, cause when you come out of it, you'll realize your wrong way of thinking and understand that your homophobic ways are truly your subconscious letting you know how gay you really are. But the truth does hurt...you'll never be as cool as me. Besides, I know I don't have to try...I just am.

03-18-2004, 10:38 PM

Actually i havnt smoked for almost two months now ;)

Well I understand what your trying to do here I know your trying to put your own personal tourment off on someone else because your just not strong enough to handle it all by yourself. So to show you that I am truely your friend I will help you bare your pain so dish out whatever you can muster and I will take it because I am and always will be your friend.:cool:

03-18-2004, 10:50 PM

However, that still doesn't explain your way of thinking. In fact, now that you've stopped smoking, the damage can truly be seen now. Personal torment? Nice try but I handle things fine by myself. No need to bare some of my troubles as I'm sure you have your own...but thanks for the offer but you should deal with your own before you deal with others.

But like you, I will also offer you my help. There's no need for me to remind you of what lies ahead of you. If you opened your eyes and looked real hard, you'll see that I'm way ahead of you. But seeing how I'm such a good guy, I'll slow down some so you can catch up.

But for now, feel free to voice what's in your confused head and I'll do all I can to show you the light. Besides, that's what friends are for right?:p

03-19-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by gibby

LOL!! Obviously you are smoking the good stuff again cause you're definitely dillusional. But that's okay, cause when you come out of it, you'll realize your wrong way of thinking and understand that your homophobic ways are truly your subconscious letting you know how gay you really are. But the truth does hurt...you'll never be as cool as me. Besides, I know I don't have to try...I just am.

In my professional opinion, Gibby's previos statement is a subconscious admission of posessing a veryvery small shlong.


03-19-2004, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
In my professional opinion, Gibby's previos statement is a subconscious admission of posessing a veryvery small shlong.

In your professional opinion? Sounds like you're in denial yourself. Ummm...Why don't you just admit you've got your own little "shortcomings.":p

03-19-2004, 12:57 AM
Gibbs don't let having a small package get you down it can be a good thing considering your sexual orientation. ;)

03-19-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by gibby

In your professional opinion? Sounds like you're in denial yourself. Ummm...Why don't you just admit you've got your own little "shortcomings.":p

My friend, *you* are the one in denial. You are suffering from unreal delusions & quite possibly hallucinations of something on your body larger than it actually is.

PM me & I'll git you a nice little Paxal/Prozac/Lavitra/Vicadin coctail that'll fix you up real nice..haha :cool:

03-19-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
PM me & I'll git you a nice little Paxal/Prozac/Lavitra/Vicadin coctail that'll fix you up real nice..haha :cool:
And you know this because you've had professional experience with it too huh? I understand.:cool:

03-20-2004, 12:39 AM
Yo can I get some of those coctails minus the lavitra :D

03-20-2004, 02:32 PM
LOL I see that Trans and Spazzed have decided to gang up on my gibby. You guys are too much.

We watched the splatt II video last night. Looked like we missed a good game. I would've given anything to see Tom do that WoooHooo dance in person!

I'm really looking forward to going this year. Everyone of you better go!!!!

03-20-2004, 02:49 PM
Hey we are practicaly there already you just make sure you show and ya know if u just aint got the funds you can leave Gibbs there and come alone. :D

03-21-2004, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Hey we are practicaly there already you just make sure you show and ya know if u just aint got the funds you can leave Gibbs there and come alone. :D

Agreed :D

And yeah, I've got professional experience bubba, costs you a pretty penny ;)

03-23-2004, 08:37 PM
LMBO!!! Gibby is helping me pay for my registration so I'm kinda stuck with him LOL JK

When you guys are firm on the details, let me know what hotel your gonna stay at.

03-23-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
LMBO!!! Gibby is helping me pay for my registration so I'm kinda stuck with him LOL JK

When you guys are firm on the details, let me know what hotel your gonna stay at.

There will be nothing Firm (other than Gibby) around Trans, i can assure you of that :p

03-23-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
There will be nothing Firm (other than Gibby) around Trans, i can assure you of that :p
And you can be certain I'll be wrapping my barrel around your neck!

03-23-2004, 11:22 PM
Ya we will let you know where we are stayin as long as you promise not to bring the loser with you as the Doctor pointed out I wouldnt feel safe around him. :D

And you can be certain I'll be wrapping my barrel around your neck!wow!! :eek:

And there it is folks conformation of Gibbs' sexual orentation :)

03-24-2004, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Ya we will let you know where we are stayin as long as you promise not to bring the loser with you as the Doctor pointed out I wouldnt feel safe around him. :D

wow!! :eek:

And there it is folks conformation of Gibbs' sexual orentation :)
That's right Trans...be afraid...be VERY afraid! :D

03-24-2004, 09:52 AM
Dont be surprised if im sitting down when we are in the same room. ;)

03-24-2004, 10:26 AM
Well hopefully I'll be able to drag myself out to shatnerball this year. Depends on if I end up going to vegas with the college buddies or not.

Just found out there is probably gonna be PSP event in denver though. Looks like august! Wooohoooo! :D

And a NPPL Super series feeder circuit in Wyoming/Colorado!

03-24-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Dont be surprised if im sitting down when we are in the same room. ;)
I will say this now...do not ask me to sit on your lap. It's not going to happen.:p

03-24-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by gibby

I will say this now...do not ask me to sit on your lap. It's not going to happen.:p

Hey! BE NICE! It's part of his therapy ;)

03-24-2004, 06:13 PM
My therapy consists of Drugs lots and lots of drugs :D

03-24-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
Well hopefully I'll be able to drag myself out to shatnerball this year. Depends on if I end up going to vegas with the college buddies or not.

Just found out there is probably gonna be PSP event in denver though. Looks like august! Wooohoooo! :D

And a NPPL Super series feeder circuit in Wyoming/Colorado!

Sounds like you're gonna be a busy guy! Hopefully you make it out there so we can all meet up. We need to take a group picture so we can post it up here!

Okay, I know that you guys are perverted but REALLY!!!! Must you go there????

03-24-2004, 11:27 PM
Sounds like you're gonna be a busy guy! Hopefully you make it out there so we can all meet up. We need to take a group picture so we can post it up here!

I don't want a broken camera! *coughtranscough*

Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Okay, I know that you guys are perverted but REALLY!!!! Must you go there????

Yes, we must. :cool:

03-25-2004, 05:59 AM
What is she talking about? Where did we go?

03-25-2004, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Sounds like you're gonna be a busy guy! Hopefully you make it out there so we can all meet up. We need to take a group picture so we can post it up here!

That would definately be cool!

03-25-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

That would definately be cool!

I'm not buying :)

03-25-2004, 07:43 PM
Not at all :)

03-25-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

I'm not buying :)

You're not buying what???

Not at all

And what are you talking about???

The two of you confuse me...

03-25-2004, 09:26 PM
All part of the plan ;)

03-25-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
All part of the plan ;)

Precisely ;)

03-25-2004, 10:26 PM
Well....I have a plan too ya know' and as soon as I think of it, I won't be telling you! :D

03-25-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Well....I have a plan too ya know' and as soon as I think of it, I won't be telling you! :D

We have clearly & concisely stated the aforementioned plan. If you do not understand it, it is NOT our fault :p ;) :cool:

03-25-2004, 11:23 PM
Yup stated it numerous times in fact so you cant blame us if you are caught off gaurd when the final stages of our master plan go into effect. :D

03-26-2004, 01:23 PM
OH! I'm sure that master plan will be executed well when you're drunk and high right? :p

Which leads me to a challenge...Granted, I'm not much of a drinker...but TDS can surely hold her own. She's got a wee bit o irish in her. Who's willing to challenge her?

Come on spaz...I know you college types can drink. Trans? Uh...not sure if you're old enough but I'll buy you some milk. :p Actually, come to think of it, spaz...are you old enough?!

03-26-2004, 08:40 PM
Ya Spazz is old enough and my 200$ says he can out drink her im not much on the drinkin so im not gonna enter into this bet. But I would be willing to bet 500$ that I can smoke twice as much as both of you put together if not a lot more then that. :D

Oh and our master plan is so well laid out that it will not be hard at all to put it into action. :cool:

03-26-2004, 10:13 PM
Drinking contest huh......sounds good to me! I'm pretty confident in my alcoholic, I mean alcohol drinking abilities.....

lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you and I don't wanna know about your lame plan anyway........but you can tell me if you want. ;)

03-26-2004, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Drinking contest huh......sounds good to me! I'm pretty confident in my alcoholic, I mean alcohol drinking abilities.....

lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you and I don't wanna know about your lame plan anyway........but you can tell me if you want. ;)

A drinking contest, eh? Sounds good to me :D I'm gonna toast your butt!!

When I win, I get some of the winnings :cool: :D

Yeah Gibs, I'm horribly legal..haha, got the scars to proove it too! ;)

So how're we gonna have this little contest? Shot for shot? I'm not a beer drinker, but I'll do shot for beer..drink for drink, whatever, just remember beer = bad!

Trans..Once my lungs get acclimated to it, I'll go as long as you, may still be screwed up in the morning, but hey, that's half the fun!! :D

03-26-2004, 11:24 PM
No doubt we will split the winnings 50/50 ya I say yal go shot for shot alternating between Rye, Jagger, Rum, Vodka, and maybe some Everclear if your up to it.:D

Spazz dude Im quite sure you would pass out from lack of oxegen long before I :) and the 500 bet was between me gibbs and TDS cuz I know they dont stand a chance against these ebony lungs :D

03-27-2004, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
No doubt we will split the winnings 50/50 ya I say yal go shot for shot alternating between Rye, Jagger, Rum, Vodka, and maybe some Everclear if your up to it.:D

Spazz dude Im quite sure you would pass out from lack of oxegen long before I :) and the 500 bet was between me gibbs and TDS cuz I know they dont stand a chance against these ebony lungs :D

Mmm..shots! ;).. We could do it shot for shot of our respective fav. liquor (provided they're same proof)..

And trans, we'll see about who passes out ;)

Let's just not have these contests on the same night, for some reason when I combine copious amounts of the two, I always wanna take the biggest dumps..kind of strange really, haha ;) :cool:

03-27-2004, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
...Let's just not have these contests on the same night, for some reason when I combine copious amounts of the two, I always wanna take the biggest dumps..kind of strange really, haha ;) :cool:
Okay...with that...I say this was a dumb idea! :p

As for the $500 bet...uh...I don't doubt you can out smoke us. I bet you can probably smoke through your arse too!

03-27-2004, 06:27 AM
Well I guess there will only be the 200$ bet then and about the *** thing I've never really tried that but it sound interesting so I may :D

03-27-2004, 12:18 PM
Ok..here's where we stand now.. Trans has $200 that says I can drink TDS under the table, which is without a question going to happen. HA! :D

As for the smoke..Trans has $500 that says me & him can outsmoke the two of ya'll..bring it on slutbags!! haha ;) :p

03-27-2004, 01:49 PM
Alrighty boys the bet is on!!! I can drink you under the table any day, in this universe or another. Remember, I have years of experience over you! Shot for shot sounds good to me.

As for the smoking thing, I was raised in Hawaii, we have flavored weed, and it's waaaaaay more potent than anything you guys have here. Not that I've ever tried it nor do I condone it........but I'll have to pass, unfortunatly we will probably arrive on Saturday and leave on Monday (work) so we'll only have one night to party, Sunday after the game.

Now I still need to think of a bet with Timmee. Pie in the face was great last year, especially since he was such a great sport and actually went thru with it even though he didn't have too since I didn't get to go. He's the bestest!!!! If anyone has any ideas post em.

03-27-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Alrighty boys the bet is on!!! I can drink you under the table any day, in this universe or another. Remember, I have years of experience over you! Shot for shot sounds good to me.

As for the smoking thing, I was raised in Hawaii, we have flavored weed, and it's waaaaaay more potent than anything you guys have here. Not that I've ever tried it nor do I condone it........but I'll have to pass, unfortunatly we will probably arrive on Saturday and leave on Monday (work) so we'll only have one night to party, Sunday after the game.

Now I still need to think of a bet with Timmee. Pie in the face was great last year, especially since he was such a great sport and actually went thru with it even though he didn't have too since I didn't get to go. He's the bestest!!!! If anyone has any ideas post em.

Better keep your panties on, 'cause you're in for a real suprise..You'll be wallowing in your own puke by the time I take my first piss! :cool:

I think you'll be suprised the quality stuff we have around here..Afterall Tennessee and Kentucky are the top 2 states in terms of growth of the stuff in the US ;)

03-27-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

Better keep your panties on, 'cause you're in for a real suprise..You'll be wallowing in your own puke by the time I take my first piss! :cool:

I think you'll be suprised the quality stuff we have around here..Afterall Tennessee and Kentucky are the top 2 states in terms of growth of the stuff in the US ;)

LMBO!!!! I forgot how funny you were spazzed!!!

eehh maybe, but for now I'll just have to take your word for it.

03-27-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

LMBO!!!! I forgot how funny you were spazzed!!!

eehh maybe, but for now I'll just have to take your word for it.

/me bows & keeps an eye on anyone who may try & sneak up behind him...pervs :p ;)

Seriously, I can't find the article thingy right now, but it's true :)

03-28-2004, 03:29 AM
Actualy we are 2 and 3 Cali is #1 but thats just cus its so friggin huge and anyway by the time shaterball come around my Cannibus Cup Hydro bud will be grown and dried and thats what I'll be briggin with me so if you think that Hawaii stuff is bad you aint seen NUTHIN yet. :D

Oh and what do you mean you only got one night to party you said yourself you get there Saterday so umm what happen to saterday night??? Cause I know me and spazz aint gonna be sober Saterday night I prob break into one of those cars in the town part of the field, smoke it out and take a nap bout lunch time. :D

03-28-2004, 03:21 PM
If Cali is number 1 then I was right with my first assumption.....I won't say how I know I'm right but will just leave it at that.....

We can't party the night before the game! We'll be hanging! Besides, gibby and I did that the first year and I paid for it dearly LOL

03-28-2004, 08:10 PM
Cali is number 1 in the amount produced not in quality. ;)

Ya well I'll be partyin before durin and after, I swear you old people just dont know how to have fun anymore.... :D

03-29-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
He's the bestest!!!!

Yeah, I know. :D

Still can't think of anything that'd be clean enough to be able to post pics on AO afterwards.

03-29-2004, 12:27 AM
So yeah, my 4000th post, I rock :D

03-29-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Timmee

Yeah, I know. :D

Still can't think of anything that'd be clean enough to be able to post pics on AO afterwards.

I had a couple of thoughts.

The looser has to run around blockbuster in their boxers and tank top yelling "I'm in love with myself".


After the game the looser has to walk around with a sign on their back that says something retarded (can't think of anything at the moment)


After the game the looser has to pass out flyers to as many people as possible. The fliers will have something regarding the looser and or the winner.

Sorry I'm tired at the moment and can't think of anything to write on the fliers/sign. If any one has any idea's post em.

That's all I can think of.....

03-29-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
So yeah, my 4000th post, I rock :D


Congrats on your obsurd amount of AO posts!!!!!!!
You're the bomb baby!!!

03-29-2004, 01:57 AM
How bout the loser has to run around with no cloths on at all screaming I liek to have sex with lil boys and the winner get to try and shoot them while the loser is running. :D

Or the loser has to go up to shatner after the game and slap him on the bum and give him a big kiss an d then moon him.

Or the worst one of all the loser has to eat a half pod of paint :p

03-29-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
How bout the loser has to run around with no cloths on at all screaming I liek to have sex with lil boys and the winner get to try and shoot them while the loser is running. :D

Or the loser has to go up to shatner after the game and slap him on the bum and give him a big kiss an d then moon him.

Or the worst one of all the loser has to eat a half pod of paint :p

As much as I love your 1st two ideas, I think they might lead to a bit more trouble than the two of them want (slackers)...however the last one would be a riot. Grab some ketchup & other crap like that, make paintdogs! :D

And TDS, I know I am, no need to remind me ;)

03-29-2004, 09:33 AM
They might do one of the first two after we get him drunk :) and whiel im sure either one of them would rather do the third I would MUCH rather do one of the first two then the third one. Paint = some nasty *** shiz

03-29-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
They might do one of the first two after we get him drunk :) and whiel im sure either one of them would rather do the third I would MUCH rather do one of the first two then the third one. Paint = some nasty *** shiz

Damned straight it is, but neither one of us are eating it, so what's it matter? ;)

Ooo..the loser could dress up in a pink moomoo, or similiar embarassing clothes & sing "I'm a little teapot" in front of everyone!

BTW, anyone remember that band that plaed after the big game @ Shatnerball 1? What the hell were they called? Monk something, something Monk...

03-29-2004, 03:42 PM
I can't believe there has been ZERO mention of tequila while discussing a drinking contest! :eek: :confused:

03-29-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
I can't believe there has been ZERO mention of tequila while discussing a drinking contest! :eek: :confused:

haha, good point.. but I've puked WAY too many times off that crap..:eek: :o

03-29-2004, 04:37 PM
Yeah I can't handle rum, especially the coconut rum, anymore for that very reason!

But jose cuervo is still a friend of mine! :D

Actually I'm a patron fan, but it's too expensive to just hammer down. Gotta enjoy it!

03-29-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
I can't believe there has been ZERO mention of tequila while discussing a drinking contest! :eek: :confused:
LOL! I used to be able to down that stuff but now it just hurts.:D Besides, nowadays, I'm just a cheap drunk. Doesn't take much to make me tipsy! HAHA!

03-29-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by gibby

LOL! I used to be able to down that stuff but now it just hurts.:D Besides, nowadays, I'm just a cheap drunk. Doesn't take much to make me tipsy! HAHA!

Dude, coco rum is almost all I drink now (next to JD).. I can damned near drink that stuff like water :D... Mmmm..malibu!

Gibs, you're a woman. haha :eek: :cool:

03-29-2004, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Dude, coco rum is almost all I drink now (next to JD).. I can damned near drink that stuff like water :D... Mmmm..malibu!

Blech. Can't stand it. On a side note, I forgot how much a difference it is when you drink at sea level and at altitude. I was pounding some drinks down in florida and it took almost twice the amount to catch a buzz! Gotta love altitude training! :D

03-29-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM

Blech. Can't stand it. On a side note, I forgot how much a difference it is when you drink at sea level and at altitude. I was pounding some drinks down in florida and it took almost twice the amount to catch a buzz! Gotta love altitude training! :D

Beats the hell out of Jose ;)

ya know, that's the damned truth, I'd never really thought about it until you mentioned it..I mean I'm not way up like you, but still, there is a difference!

03-30-2004, 09:56 PM
Where you foolios at?

03-30-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Where you foolios at?
TDS is at home feeling under the weather...and I'm here at work in crunch mode. :(

03-30-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by gibby

TDS is at home feeling under the weather...and I'm here at work in crunch mode. :(

Suckage on both! Hope she gets to feeling better..

Ya'll getting close to Gold?

03-31-2004, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
Suckage on both! Hope she gets to feeling better..

Ya'll getting close to Gold?
Hopefully she'll start to feel better by tomorrow cause she'll be working hard the next few days.

As for us going gold...we still have a lot to accomplish and time is running out. I believe our release date is mid-June?! Not a whole lot of time left with so much work that still needs to be done. I'm afraid it's not going to get enough time to polish the game. :( Granted, it'll still sell like hotcakes...but I doubt it'll be a game that will push any boundaries.

03-31-2004, 04:43 AM
what the name of the game and whats it about... ill make sure not to get it :D

03-31-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by gibby
As for us going gold...we still have a lot to accomplish and time is running out. I believe our release date is mid-June?! Not a whole lot of time left with so much work that still needs to be done. I'm afraid it's not going to get enough time to polish the game. :( Granted, it'll still sell like hotcakes...but I doubt it'll be a game that will push any boundaries.

Cool what game? Wouldn't happen to be like punisher or hitman:contracts would it?:D :D

03-31-2004, 10:53 AM
So no chance of pushing the puppy back, eh? I always hate seeing games get shoved out the door to meet some stupid deadline :(

I mean hell, look at DNF, that bastard's been in production for how many years now? :D

03-31-2004, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by spazzed
I mean hell, look at DNF, that bastard's been in production for how many years now? :D

DNF? What's that?

03-31-2004, 11:31 AM
Duke Nukem Forever ;)

Correct me if I'm wrong Gibs, but I think they're on their 3rd engine now? Assuming it's still in production, haven't heard anything in awhile...

/me votes for Vaporware.

03-31-2004, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
what the name of the game and whats it about... ill make sure not to get it :D
LOL!! It's actually Spider-Man 2 for the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. Nope, no chances of it slipping. As is, we're cutting out some stuff just so we can meet the deadline. If they're smart, they'll skip the whole "let's get a playable demo for E3" thing cause we certainly don't have any time to goof off on a demo. That and I hate working the E3 floor!

It's all about shipping in time for the movie and capitalizing on the movie hype. Sad huh? :(

As for DNF...dang, I dunno anymore on that game. Hehe..actually, when I saw DNF, for a while it reminded me of WNF...Will Not Fix. I'm currently in debug mode so forgive me. :p

03-31-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
/me votes for Vaporware.

Ahh gotcha. Yeah I hear that. I was reading about this game that was open ended like gta:vice city was. It was a western though. Looked freakin awesome. You could do anything! They calculated a good/bad rating, fame/infamy, you could get jobs (like the town sherrif, etc) and all the characters interacted with you differently depending on how your character acted. Then all of a sudden, poof. Haven't heard anything about it. It sucks, I can't even remember what it was called. :(

03-31-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by gibby

LOL!! It's actually Spider-Man 2 for the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. Nope, no chances of it slipping. As is, we're cutting out some stuff just so we can meet the deadline. If they're smart, they'll skip the whole "let's get a playable demo for E3" thing cause we certainly don't have any time to goof off on a demo. That and I hate working the E3 floor!

It's all about shipping in time for the movie and capitalizing on the movie hype. Sad huh? :(

As for DNF...dang, I dunno anymore on that game. Hehe..actually, when I saw DNF, for a while it reminded me of WNF...Will Not Fix. I'm currently in debug mode so forgive me. :p

That sucks balls :( Make them push the movie back!! :D

Bahhhh, demoshmemo, just cram as much stuff in the game as humanly possible & hope to god you don't fark it up ;)

So what kinda goodies ya'll cutting out? hehehe

I think I'm gonna do some digging & see what's up on DNF now, I'd love to see something like that come out again :)

Shooter, I remember hearing about something along those lines as well, but apparently the brain-fart virus is on the loose again :(

03-31-2004, 03:47 PM
How is this thread still alive?

03-31-2004, 04:05 PM
Read & see my friend, read & see..

03-31-2004, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by darklord
How is this thread still alive? Gee, people just don't get the concept of friends just keeping in touch. I think they'd rather have us start a new thread about whatever BS we're talking about. The way I see it, we're keeping the friendly corner clean by keeping our trash in one place. :p That's unless it decides to come out of its room *cough* Trans *cough*

03-31-2004, 09:05 PM
I'm pretty sure that this thread is older than some of AO's memebers LOL Amazing!

03-31-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by gibby
Gee, people just don't get the concept of friends just keeping in touch. I think they'd rather have us start a new thread about whatever BS we're talking about. The way I see it, we're keeping the friendly corner clean by keeping our trash in one place. :p That's unless it decides to come out of its room *cough* Trans *cough*

hahaha, now you know why...damnit, thought died..phuket!

04-01-2004, 05:31 AM
Wow spiderman 2 sounds cool I'm not really into those types of games so I doubt I'll be playing it now if you were to make and FPS I would prob be all over it.

I'm pretty sure that this thread is older than some of AO's memebers LOL Amazing! Well considering that this thread is almost 2 years old and a few people join AO everyday i would say theres a pretty good chance. :)

04-01-2004, 07:05 AM
Gibs, TDS, when're ya'll gonna pop one out? ;)

04-01-2004, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
How bout the loser has to run around with no cloths on at all screaming I liek to have sex with lil boys and the winner get to try and shoot them while the loser is running. :D

Or the loser has to go up to shatner after the game and slap him on the bum and give him a big kiss an d then moon him.

Or the worst one of all the loser has to eat a half pod of paint :p

The only one of those suggestions we'd be able to post pics of on AO afterwards would be the third suggestion, and there's no way I'd eat half a pod of paint.

Hmm, .....

I'm thinking clown shoes, one of those micro bikes, and the teapot song. :D

04-01-2004, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Gibs, TDS, when're ya'll gonna pop one out? ;)

What?!? Okay, we get the "when are you two gonna get married" line all the time but never, NEVER, has anyone asked when we were gonna "pop one out?"
It would be YOU!

I'm thinking clown shoes, one of those micro bikes, and the teapot song.

The Teapot song! That's great!!! Run around blockbusters in your boxers and tank top singing I'm a little teapont!!!!

04-01-2004, 09:15 PM
OK first thing everyone that will want to see the result of the bet will already be there so why would we need to post pics up? Anyway the second one would be ok for the forum but you guys are too lame to do anything cool so I guess none of it really matters.... :D

Gibs, TDS, when're ya'll gonna pop one out? Bout 9 months after Shatnerball :D ;) :cool:

04-02-2004, 10:04 AM
Well. I could send along a couple of paintball thongs for the singer to wear (assuming I can get them made). ;)

04-02-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
Well. I could send along a couple of paintball thongs for the singer to wear (assuming I can get them made). ;)

I wouldn't mind seeing one of the contestants in that, but the other..ehhh..haha ;) Sorry Timmee! :p

Trans, I'd say you got the date right..Everyone prepare for the Antichrist :eek:

04-02-2004, 05:14 PM
Ya the thong thing would be good ahh I know we can make them go up on stage after the game wearing the thong singing the teapot song into a mic and dancing.

Oh and spazz I am ready....

04-02-2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Ya the thong thing would be good ahh I know we can make them go up on stage after the game wearing the thong singing the teapot song into a mic and dancing.

My thoughts exactly..Ya'll remember how embarassed TDS was last time in Chi town, right? Well just imagine her in a Thong riding around on a tricylce singing I'm a little teapot, short & stout..hahahaha :D :cool:

04-02-2004, 10:06 PM
I read it twice and still don't understand how we went from clown shoes to thongs......if you sport one, so will I. But you guys first! ;)

04-02-2004, 10:09 PM
Yo man I think she is SERIOUSLY under estimating us dude I think its been a while since shes been around stoned/drunk young males. :D

04-03-2004, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Yo man I think she is SERIOUSLY under estimating us dude I think its been a while since shes been around stoned/drunk young males. :D
It's not that she's underestimating you...it's just she remembers how that experience was and will do everything in her power to avoid that kind of experience again. :p

04-03-2004, 08:48 AM
Well im gonna do everything in my power to get her back up there in a thing singing the teapot song even if it means I have to go up there in a thong.:D

04-03-2004, 09:21 AM
Boxers or a paintball thong would probably be pushing it. We don't want to embarass TDS too much, do we. :D

And a bicycle horn or bell always adds comedic value. :D

04-03-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
I read it twice and still don't understand how we went from clown shoes to thongs......if you sport one, so will I. But you guys first! ;)

Because I'm BRILLIANT! :D

04-03-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well im gonna do everything in my power to get her back up there in a thing singing the teapot song even if it means I have to go up there in a thong.:D

LMBO!!!! You better becareful, they might include that in the video......

Boxers or a paintball thong would probably be pushing it. We don't want to embarass TDS too much, do we.

There's no shame in my game buddy boy! Besides, I'm not the one that's gonna loose.....why.....because Shatner is the Supreme!!!!

Because I'm BRILLIANT!

We'll see how brilliant you are at Shatnerball! ;)

04-04-2004, 12:02 AM
Sooooo.... if your soooo sure your gonna win then why not take any bet we put up?? I mean since your gonna win anyway what do you care what Timmee has to do right?

04-04-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Sooooo.... if your soooo sure your gonna win then why not take any bet we put up?? I mean since your gonna win anyway what do you care what Timmee has to do right?

The inbred guy has a point ;)

04-05-2004, 07:09 PM
As much as Timmee doesn't want to embarrass me, I don't want to humiliate him........

Besides, we may be playing on Tom's team this year. Since Gibby was such a sweet guy and played on Shatners team with me the first year, I figure I owe him one. But, nothings final yet. :D

04-05-2004, 07:13 PM
So um if yal play on our team how can we bet this is not fair we will have to come up with summin to bet on I think. Hmmm we already got the drinking contest goin on so ummm how bout me and Gibbs arm wrestle and umm you and Timmee decide whos gonna be on whos side.

04-06-2004, 05:37 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
So um if yal play on our team how can we bet this is not fair we will have to come up with summin to bet on I think. Hmmm we already got the drinking contest goin on so ummm how bout me and Gibbs arm wrestle and umm you and Timmee decide whos gonna be on whos side.

Whicheer team ya'll want, matters not..err, I really hate HATE being up this early. Jobs suck.

Oh, Arm wrasslin' contest, I'm game..I haven't lost one of those in a uhh..wait, never :cool:

04-06-2004, 08:15 PM
Hell no will I arm wrestle Trans...you have no idea where that hand has been! :P

Besides, just another plot to try to get me to touch him.:D

04-06-2004, 09:04 PM
HAHA your just scared cuz you know that your not nearly strong enough to compete I'll even let you wear some of those surgical gloves so you dont have to touch me since your so worried about it.

04-06-2004, 09:34 PM
Hrm...let me think this over...

Average Man vs Big Foot?! Yeah, I can see how it would be an even fight. :p

Alright, if it means that much to you...I'm game. :)

04-06-2004, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by gibby
Hrm...let me think this over...

Average Man vs Big Foot?! Yeah, I can see how it would be an even fight. :p

Alright, if it means that much to you...I'm game. :)

I want..uhh..in..too damnit..haha

04-07-2004, 04:29 AM
What do you mean average man I was thinking more along the line of average short asian guy. :)

04-07-2004, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Besides, we may be playing on Tom's team this year.

Really? WOOOHOOO!!! :D

04-07-2004, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
What do you mean average man I was thinking more along the line of average short asian guy. :)
LOL! I have to admit, you have your moments Trans...but this ain't one of em.:cool:

BTW, I was mentioning to TDS that we should make a hit squad...TooDamnSweet's Hoodlums. :)

04-07-2004, 01:39 PM
I know I'm supposed to respect my elders and everything but your just really not cool. :D

04-07-2004, 07:22 PM
When the two of you get going there's no end!!! Can't we all just get along???? LOL

Really? WOOOHOOO!!!

Yup Yup!! Tom's team it is!! That way we can all hang out the whole day. It'll be fun to play with people I know....although it would be fun to shoot all of you too LOL

I want..uhh..in..too damnit..haha

LOL Don't cry, you can take on the winner.

04-07-2004, 09:00 PM
Well, it's confirmed! TDS and I will be attending for sure! I just signed the both of us a while ago! W00T!!!1!!:cool:

Load SM5
04-08-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Yup Yup!! Tom's team it is!! That way we can all hang out the whole day.

Muwahahahahaha! You caved!

Just don't try and kick me again this year.

04-08-2004, 03:50 PM
Wow Load do you come in here often looking to see if they joined our team it was a pretty quick response for just a random pop in. Oh and I still have my Sticker on my mask from the first shatner ball lol.

04-08-2004, 04:00 PM
Man I really need to try to go this year. If only to meet you foolios! :p

Load SM5
04-08-2004, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Wow Load do you come in here often looking to see if they joined our team it was a pretty quick response for just a random pop in. Oh and I still have my Sticker on my mask from the first shatner ball lol.

I'm always lurking........:cool: Here and the Shatner forum.

Are'nt you supposed to change lenses every year for safety reasons? I'll make you another sticker...;)

04-08-2004, 04:40 PM
You can still shoot at us TDS, just don't get pissed when you get a couple cases poured on you & gayloverboy ;)

Damn, I'd almost forgotten about those stickers..I've still got mine actually, but on my old junk mask which I never use anymore..haha ;)

04-08-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5

Muwahahahahaha! You caved!

Just don't try and kick me again this year.

Okay so I bit the bullet......

Who me? Kick you? If I remember correctly you started it!!! I will have my revenge!

BTW, can you make me another sticker too. :D
(did you likey how I stuck that in there LOL)

You can still shoot at us TDS, just don't get pissed when you get a couple cases poured on you & gayloverboy

And I have your blessing. Let the games begin!

Load SM5
04-08-2004, 09:30 PM
Hey, we have the video evidence of your guilt. Don't make me bring it out. As far as revenge goes.....bring it on!

Sure I'll make you a sticker.:D

04-08-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Okay so I bit the bullet......

Who me? Kick you? If I remember correctly you started it!!! I will have my revenge!

BTW, can you make me another sticker too. :D
(did you likey how I stuck that in there LOL)

You can still shoot at us TDS, just don't get pissed when you get a couple cases poured on you & gayloverboy

And I have your blessing. Let the games begin!

Oh no, I clearly remember this..YOU STARTED IT TDS!!

It's on foolio's..ehh..yeah..just wathced the dance-off episode of South Park..funny as hell, no doubt a top 10 episode :D

Oh, if any of you folks happen to be Tantric fans, you're stupid. I won their new album from the local radio station today & it blows. Maybe it's just 'cause I hate tantric?

04-08-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by spazzed

Oh no, I clearly remember this..YOU STARTED IT TDS!!

It's on foolio's..ehh..yeah..just wathced the dance-off episode of South Park..funny as hell, no doubt a top 10 episode :D

Oh, if any of you folks happen to be Tantric fans, you're stupid. I won their new album from the local radio station today & it blows. Maybe it's just 'cause I hate tantric?

How can you clearly remember it when you weren't even there you dope. You just wanna give me a hard time. I don't like you! LOL JK

South park sucks.

Whose Tantric? Never heard of them.

Why are you rambling? Don't you have anything worth while to say? :D

04-08-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Hey, we have the video evidence of your guilt. Don't make me bring it out. As far as revenge goes.....bring it on!

Sure I'll make you a sticker.:D

I think I was in the lead with the votes to clear my name! And the video was probably edited to make me look like the bad guy. I'm innocent!!!
I'll be bringing it alright. You won't know what hitcha, where it came from, or how long it lasted LOL

Thanks (for the sticker)

04-08-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
Thanks (for the sticker)
Me too pls!! :D

04-08-2004, 10:18 PM
YO YO umm Load I umm dont replace my lens til it shatters and cuts one of my eyes out cuz well im poor and stuff. But you can make me a new one for when that happens thanks.

Umm TDS you better not shoot me cuz I'll have to umm get you back later and stuff I'm sure ill think of summin by then.

Yo Spazz I just got done watchin that Episode the other one that was on and Tripping the Rift Oh how I wish I could watch that show stoned I would most likely die from laughter.

Oh and Gibbs umm your still not cool.

04-09-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
YO YO umm Load I umm dont replace my lens til it shatters and cuts one of my eyes out cuz well im poor and stuff. But you can make me a new one for when that happens thanks.

Umm TDS you better not shoot me cuz I'll have to umm get you back later and stuff I'm sure ill think of summin by then.

Yo Spazz I just got done watchin that Episode the other one that was on and Tripping the Rift Oh how I wish I could watch that show stoned I would most likely die from laughter.

Oh and Gibbs umm your still not cool.

No TDS, I wasn't there..but I saw the video, remember? ;)

Uhh..yeah, I forgot what i was gonna say...oh yeah, Gibs, you're not cool..haha :p

04-09-2004, 12:53 PM
I don't need to be cool cause I'm smoken hot! :p

04-09-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by gibby
I don't need to be cool cause I'm smoken hot! :p

I knew we shouldn't have let you watch American Pie...:rolleyes:

/me shakes his head


04-09-2004, 07:58 PM
Umm TDS you better not shoot me cuz I'll have to umm get you back later and stuff I'm sure ill think of summin by then.

LOL don't tempt me Trans...... :D

No TDS, I wasn't there..but I saw the video, remember?

You need glasses hun.

I don't need to be cool cause I'm smoken hot!

:D ;)

04-10-2004, 12:29 AM
LOL don't tempt me Trans......
You have been tempted and warned what cha gonna do bout it? :cool:

I don't need to be cool cause I'm smoken hot! Dude plz stop trying your only diggin yourself deeper into the pit of uncoolness.:(

04-10-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by TransMan

You have been tempted and warned what cha gonna do bout it? :cool:

Dude plz stop trying your only diggin yourself deeper into the pit of uncoolness.:(

Show up at Shatnerball and find out! :D

04-11-2004, 09:07 AM
Oh ill definitly be finding out. :)

Oh and Happy easter im gonna go eat Easter Breakfast at my Grandmas and then wait for easter Dinner. :D

04-12-2004, 07:44 PM
Let the games begin! :D

So, how was everyone's Easter? After church we drove to Zuma beach and had a BBQ. It was a really nice weekend.

How was your breakfast Trans? I'm so jealous! I know your grandma is a good cook!

04-13-2004, 01:09 AM

Breakfast was GREAT and the easter dinner was awsome pretty much Thanksgiving all over cept this time there are a lot of deviled eggs.

04-13-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by TransMan

Breakfast was GREAT and the easter dinner was awsome pretty much Thanksgiving all over cept this time there are a lot of deviled eggs.

Church is good for the soul! :D

Thanksgiving all over again!!! Now I'm really jealous!

04-13-2004, 08:23 PM
Easter was pretty good for me as well. Got to visit my older sister's house, and see my nieces and nephew. It was a good time, with good food. :)

04-13-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
Easter was pretty good for me as well. Got to visit my older sister's house, and see my nieces and nephew. It was a good time, with good food. :)

That's good! It's always nice to spend the holiday's with family! Is this your older sister or younger sister?

04-14-2004, 12:31 AM
Good for the soul??? Whats a soul.... I dont think I have one of those..... Can I have yours???? :)

04-15-2004, 08:21 AM
I have both an older sister and a younger sister (got to see them both on Easter). My nieces and nephew are my older sister's kids, though.

04-15-2004, 11:09 AM
Wow this new forum thing is kinda cool nice to have summin different for a change.

Oh and guys I might not make it to Shatner ball im gonna be joinin the Airforce in a few weeks so if I can get some leave durin Shatner ball I'll be there but if not I wont. :(

04-15-2004, 01:02 PM
Wow this new forum thing is kinda cool nice to have summin different for a change.

Oh and guys I might not make it to Shatner ball im gonna be joinin the Airforce in a few weeks so if I can get some leave durin Shatner ball I'll be there but if not I wont. :(
UGH! I don't mean to be nice but...GOOD LUCK!! :p

04-15-2004, 03:20 PM
Wow this new forum thing is kinda cool nice to have summin different for a change.

Oh and guys I might not make it to Shatner ball im gonna be joinin the Airforce in a few weeks so if I can get some leave durin Shatner ball I'll be there but if not I wont. :(

You do realize they're gonna make you cut your hair, right? :D

BTW, good luck. :)

04-15-2004, 07:32 PM
Wow this new forum thing is kinda cool nice to have summin different for a change.

Oh and guys I might not make it to Shatner ball im gonna be joinin the Airforce in a few weeks so if I can get some leave durin Shatner ball I'll be there but if not I wont. :(

Are you serious!!! When did you decide to join the military???
Congratulations and good luck. I think I'm gonna cry......

Timmee, so you're the middle child huh??? You know what they say about the middle child right???

04-16-2004, 12:45 AM
Thanks Gibbs

Ya I know I'm gonna have to cut it but I dont really care it will grow back when I get out.

I decided it when I got tired of living in Kentucky and found out that i can get 15,000$ bonus for signing up and then they will pay for me to go to Motorcycle School. Dont cry I'll be able to get free plane rides anywhere so that means I can come out to Cali and take care of you since Gibbs is obviously lacking. ;)

04-16-2004, 07:24 PM
Thanks Gibbs

Ya I know I'm gonna have to cut it but I dont really care it will grow back when I get out.

I decided it when I got tired of living in Kentucky and found out that i can get 15,000$ bonus for signing up and then they will pay for me to go to Motorcycle School. Dont cry I'll be able to get free plane rides anywhere so that means I can come out to Cali and take care of you since Gibbs is obviously lacking. ;)

That's right, you get to take those hops. Pretty kewl. I'll be expecting a visit after basic. When are you leaving?

04-16-2004, 07:55 PM
Nice to see that you guy have missed me :p

Ok, first off, the current forum theme is total crap, hurts my brain..

I don't have a soul, so ya know, whatever..

Story time..

My video card (Radeon 9800); the heatsink/fan adhesive crap decided to fall off, so I now have to replace my video card, power supply & mobo..sucks, eh?

Oh well, old man's paying for it so I'll get better stuff :D

04-17-2004, 01:45 AM
That's right, you get to take those hops. Pretty kewl. I'll be expecting a visit after basic. When are you leaving? Actualy it will be some time after I get out of tech school to be come a Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape operations Instructor I'll be leaving in about a month or so.

Nice to see that you guy have missed me I dont remember sayin anything about missin you. :D

04-17-2004, 06:41 PM
Nice to see that you guy have missed me :p

Ok, first off, the current forum theme is total crap, hurts my brain..

I don't have a soul, so ya know, whatever..

Story time..

My video card (Radeon 9800); the heatsink/fan adhesive crap decided to fall off, so I now have to replace my video card, power supply & mobo..sucks, eh?

Oh well, old man's paying for it so I'll get better stuff :D

I definatley missed you! I just figured you were out enjoying yourself for Spring Break! I'm sure you had a little fun!

Actualy it will be some time after I get out of tech school to be come a Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape operations Instructor I'll be leaving in about a month or so.

Wow, sounds important! A month is just around the corner. Make sure you take pictures and send them, I wanna see what you look like in your uniform.

04-18-2004, 01:21 AM
Wow, sounds important! A month is just around the corner. Make sure you take pictures and send them, I wanna see what you look like in your uniform.

Ya its pretty important I have to teach all the flight crews how get out from behind enemy lines if their plane goes down and how to resist POW questioning if they do get captured. The Best thing I get Officer status without actually having a college degree so I get paid more and get all the other perks. I'll be sure to send some pics but I dont know bout the one of me in my uniform I'm not sure I want you seein me like that, I would hate for you to forget about Gibbs totaly. :D

04-18-2004, 01:25 AM
Ya its pretty important I have to teach all the flight crews how get out from behind enemy lines if their plane goes down and how to resist POW questioning if they do get captured. The Best thing I get Officer status without actually having a college degree so I get paid more and get all the other perks. I'll be sure to send some pics but I dont know bout the one of me in my uniform I'm not sure I want you seein me like that, I would hate for you to forget about Gibbs totaly. :D

All of that requires you doing something other than sitting in a foxhole smoking a joint or 37, which I don't think you have the willpower to do ;)