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10-01-2006, 08:38 AM
Funny story there...when I decided to get rid of my mags Gibby told me about that gun so I researched it. While in the market for a new gun I found that one to fit all my needs, it was reliable, low maintenance, and air efficient (mag owners always say I get all day air so it doesn't matter..well $10 all day air compared to my cost to fill per 1000psi, I cut my air cost in half). Since Gibby lives near me now he understands why having a gun that efficient is a plus. So he knew about Vikings way before me and again pointed me in the right path as he had done in the past with Mags.

Plus when we went out to play and he had the wonderful KartaE we had a good time but then we couldn't keep the LX from leaking (leak fixed, 2 rounds later leak). So instead of wasting a day on teching (which of course we know maglovers like doing) I loaned him my gun on the X-ball field. I guess that helped him decide on moving foward and trying something different. So if anything the bulletproof monk only helped him decide on what type of milling to go for :clap:

Now the rest is history.

I know they aren't easy but I never had more then two problems with my LX. Now air consumption was a little different but when I tuned into how many shots I fire per string I managed to squeeze 900 shots consistantly out of a 45/45 with my emag w/ LX. :clap: At 500 is when it would stutter.

Don't lie, you saw the bulletproof monk (BK) get one and that is why you switched. :rofl:

10-01-2006, 10:57 AM
I was turned onto vikings by my cousin in fact a long time ago. I told BK about it. I was still more than satisfied with my Emag and I never thought about switching...but I always knew I would want one some day. The only factor why I never got one sooner was price. We all know that the Viking back then was SUPER expensive!

Living in LA, air fills were no problem. All day air was pretty cheap and back then, I could afford to spend a lot into my pb hobby. I didn't care so much about air efficiency until I moved down here. Not long ago, BK and I went to play at our local field and I was SHOCKED that they didn't have all day air and had to pay $1 per 1000psi. It's hard to enjoy yourself on the field when you can hear a slight leak, you know how bad mags are on air, and you feel compelled to play a different style because you are afraid you'll lose air. To me, that wasn't fun anymore.

I'm sure not long ago, you heard me complaining about a leak I couldn't seem to fix. I had to send it into AGD to have it tech'd and only then did they find a problem I probably wouldn't have found. The problem WASN'T related to the LX. It had to do with the internal seal at the base of the power tube tip. I loved the look of my Karta and it has a lot of history for me, but what good is it if I can't rely on something that used to be reliable?

I then had the opportunity to trade gun for gun. How could I resist?! Sometimes, you have to take a chance and change. I did that with my move from LA to SD. I think it was the best decision I've made so far. I am sure my decision from moving away from my Emag to my Viking is my second best decision. :D

10-02-2006, 12:49 AM
Well it sounds like you didn't have problems with the LX then, you had problems with the valve. :p I'm just yanking your chain. We all move on in life. I dropped the electronic era 2 years ago and have decided that mech is much easier on the wallet. Unless I complete the pneu mode then I'll have a batteryless monster on my hands. Then I'll be back in the "e" boat.

I'm sure she shoots like a dream. I think it was yellow dart who had one that I played a couple of games with. They are nice but they are still to pricey for me (all at once anyway).

BK- I watched the bulletproof monk the other day and I did a double take thinking it was you on the screen. :rofl: That is why I now deem you the "Bulletproof Monk".

So when are the 3 of us going to get out and own the field again?

10-02-2006, 01:00 AM
So when are the 3 of us going to get out and own the field again?

on Oct 28 at SC village :p

10-02-2006, 01:04 AM
on Oct 28 at SC village :p

Now that just wouldn't be fair. You'll need to find more people to take us on if you want it to be fair. ;) Actually, I won't be able to make it on Oct. 28. :( I already have another event planned out.

10-02-2006, 01:18 AM
Now that just wouldn't be fair. You'll need to find more people to take us on if you want it to be fair. ;) Actually, I won't be able to make it on Oct. 28. :( I already have another event planned out.

what could be more important than an AO day? :wow:

cancel your other plans :nono:

10-02-2006, 11:01 PM
what could be more important than an AO day? :wow:

cancel your other plans :nono:
Hehe! I could, but I'd be missing out on my number 1 hobby! :ninja:

Not to mention that money is tight right now. But the weather is definitely ideal for a nice day of paintball. Next time for sure! :shooting:

10-03-2006, 10:24 AM
Hehe! I could, but I'd be missing out on my number 1 hobby! :ninja:

Not to mention that money is tight right now. But the weather is definitely ideal for a nice day of paintball. Next time for sure! :shooting:

Make up your mind what you're calling her now. It's either "my number 1 hobby" or "money"... :D

haha, how goes it Gman?

10-04-2006, 12:11 AM
Make up your mind what you're calling her now. It's either "my number 1 hobby" or "money"... :D

haha, how goes it Gman?

he won't admit it but he is scared. :p

10-04-2006, 09:12 PM
he won't admit it but he is scared. :p

TDS my dear, just what have you done to poor Gibs? :spit_take

10-23-2006, 06:17 PM
LOL!! I'm still me!! REALLY!!!

Anyway, I just got a chance to play two PS3 games on our dev systems: Motorstorm and F-1. Motorstorm looked great but just didn't feel right. I'm sure plenty of people will moan about the physics and the sense of speed...or lack of. F-1 was pretty cool cause I actually got to use the new GT steering wheel with force feedback. The steering wheel actually enhanced the overall feel of the game. Both the graphics in the games were sharp and crisp.

As much as I wouldn't mind a PS3, I'd still have to wait before making the purchase. I'm more of a console RPG gamer so I'll wait till we have more of those. Besides, I still have plenty of RPGs for my other consoles that I need to finish up. Hehe!

Anyway, I went to Houston last week and hung out there a few days for a BMX flatland competition. Here's a few links if anyone is interested:

(check out the highlight video)

(check out Pics Group II and the AM results)


10-23-2006, 06:40 PM
Effin sweet Gman! Congrats on a job well done! Got anymore pics?

PS3: The physics..is that just a crummy job by Evo, or is it indicative of some fishiness with the system itself?

I dont plan on buying one as it doesn't include a can opener, and I dont feel like paying $600 for anything that doesnt.

Might pick me up a Wii or a 360 come xmas, who knows.

What kinda stuff you working on now?

10-23-2006, 07:29 PM
Thanks dude. I've got some more pictures but they didn't turn out good. :(

As for the physics, well, I think it's more on the developer side than anything. I don't think it's any indication of what the PS3 can or can't do. I don't think Evo has come to grips yet with the hardware as the frame rates will be in the 25-30 fps. Not bad for a racing game but when you include the lack of speed or the floaty feeling of the cars, it doesn't make for a good racing experience. But what do you expect from a first-gen game?

Yeah, $600 is quite a bit to swallow. Especially for hardware that's unproven yet. You've got the Cell processor, the Blu Ray drive, and it's still up in the air as to how well Sony delivers with their online strategy. But for my sake, I hope it does well! HAHA!

Right now, our project is in a fuzzy little stage. Our game scope seems like something that would be ideal for the PS3 but marketing is telling us to still make a PSP game. Our leads are trying to determine the best course for us. So right now, we're just sitting back and waiting for what the execs have to say. It sucks because after 6 months of virtually doing nothing, sitting around waiting gets pretty old! And I'm tired of doing endless design documentation!! I need to get my hands dirty! Originally, we were supposed to make an action rpg game, but like I said, with the scope of our design, we might have to scale it back and just make a straight action game because the rpg aspect would be too "epic" and gamers don't want epic games for their PSP(as for what the focus groups has told us).

10-23-2006, 08:20 PM
Anyway, I just got a chance to play two PS3 games on our dev systems: Motorstorm and F-1.

I hate you right now! There you are at work playing with games while I'm here taking HD calls for my work. Just joking! I know it's hard work developing games. I did consider going into game design when I started college but ended up liking computers and network. Which is good or I wouldn't have time practicing this:


My score(4th place):
distances are in meters


10-24-2006, 11:39 AM
Dang Joseph! GOOD JOB!!! Guess you've got the competative spirit in you too? Must be the flipside in us. ;) At least now I know who I can hire if I ever need a ninja with a bow. :ninja:

10-24-2006, 07:04 PM
I didn't shoot the full FITA round. That goes up to 90 meters which they do for the Olympics. I'm not up to those distances yet but hopefully in a month or two.

11-22-2006, 02:17 PM
To my friends from this thread, I just wanted to wish you guys a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

And for the haters of this thread, I hope you choke on a turkey bone. LOL!! :D

11-22-2006, 11:30 PM
To my friends from this thread, I just wanted to wish you guys a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

And for the haters of this thread, I hope you choke on a turkey bone. LOL!! :D

you mean we have haters here on AO? I thought they all moved over to PBN?

--Mr. DB

11-25-2006, 12:55 AM
i knew you guys were here somewhere..make me have to find you...so whose up for another socal ao day..january? looks like sc again, roadawg you coming again man? be nice to get everyone together to play some ball

04-18-2007, 11:29 AM
Man, I cant believe it's been almost FIVE MONTHS since any of you nutjobs have posted in here.

How's everyone doing?

Gman, did you do the deed? TDS, have you whooped his *** yet?

DB, still digging Ktown?

Trans, are you even alive?

04-18-2007, 12:01 PM
Man, I cant believe it's been almost FIVE MONTHS since any of you nutjobs have posted in here.

How's everyone doing?

Gman, did you do the deed? TDS, have you whooped his *** yet?

DB, still digging Ktown?

Trans, are you even alive?

LOL!! Yeah, I haven't even bothered looking for this thread anymore as I only spend like a minute or two on this site. But to answer your question...yep! ;) TDS nearly strangled me when she found out!

04-19-2007, 05:40 PM
LOL!! Yeah, I haven't even bothered looking for this thread anymore as I only spend like a minute or two on this site. But to answer your question...yep! ;) TDS nearly strangled me when she found out!

Haha, awesome! Congrats man, give her my best as well! When's the wedding, and where the hell's my invite? :cheers: Have any interest in getting married underwater? I know a couple of kickarse places down in the Keys (which are technically part of the Bermuda triangle. Crazy, eh?)

* :ninja: edit*

Shooter, how's that dungbox town treating you? Give me a shout if/when you get this, I've got a question to axe ya.

04-30-2007, 06:51 PM
Haha, awesome! Congrats man, give her my best as well! When's the wedding, and where the hell's my invite? :cheers: Have any interest in getting married underwater? I know a couple of kickarse places down in the Keys (which are technically part of the Bermuda triangle. Crazy, eh?)

* :ninja: edit*

Shooter, how's that dungbox town treating you? Give me a shout if/when you get this, I've got a question to axe ya.

First time I check this site in months and I get to reply to a question! My spidey senses were tingling!

I'm doing well, moving down to orlando to start my new job in a few weeks.

Good to see all you guys are alive!

04-30-2007, 10:28 PM
First time I check this site in months and I get to reply to a question! My spidey senses were tingling!

I'm doing well, moving down to orlando to start my new job in a few weeks.

Good to see all you guys are alive!

New job, eh? Graduating in a few days I take it?

Yeah, that question I was going to ask is irrelevant now. I got a call from my dad saying he saw a news story about a student at UF dieing in Scuba class. I did a little digging and it turned out it was the cousin humpers ('Bama). He must have confused his hate of one for the other. :rofl:

So, now I gotta think of a new question...so, is Tebow the real deal? Are y'all going to suck as bad next year as everyone is saying?

05-01-2007, 08:27 AM
Lol gotcha.

I think Tebow will be fine, but not spectacular. He got a chance to get some good drives under his belt last year in pretty tough environments. This year he'll run, but not be as much as a fullback. He looked really good throwing in the Orange & Blue game though.

It may come down to if we can outscore people. Our defense is pretty new so I don't think we can rely on that until we see how it holds up in a real game.

Tennessee, LSU & Auburn are going to be tough games for us. At least we get Tenn at home though, I'm not looking forward to Ainge vs our secondary.

05-03-2007, 01:24 PM
Lol gotcha.

I think Tebow will be fine, but not spectacular. He got a chance to get some good drives under his belt last year in pretty tough environments. This year he'll run, but not be as much as a fullback. He looked really good throwing in the Orange & Blue game though.

It may come down to if we can outscore people. Our defense is pretty new so I don't think we can rely on that until we see how it holds up in a real game.

Tennessee, LSU & Auburn are going to be tough games for us. At least we get Tenn at home though, I'm not looking forward to Ainge vs our secondary.

I hope you're right on Tebow. With the way Meyer has been recruiting, the last thing the rest of the East needs is a spectacular QB. He's got the running skills (albeit nowhere near the level of VY), I just hope his passing blows.

Can't say that I'd expect too much out of your D, although last time I said that, they turned into a dominant unit pretty quickly. I don't think UT will be as tough as you think. We have three HUGE areas of weakness: Dline. Lost both our starting DT's. DB: Kicked off 2 guys w/ starting experience, lost another to graduation. One returning starter. WR: By far the biggest hole, at least we have guys in the other holes with good experience. We lost our top THREE WR's. If some of these young guys step up, we'll be alright and Ainge will have a stellar SR year. If not, we're in deep doodie.

07-12-2007, 02:14 AM

I'm going to be in the SD area on Saturday for the California State Games. It's Cali's version of the Olympics. I'll be at the Easton Aluminum Archery range at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista. If you and TDS are free, stop by and check it out.

07-14-2007, 06:19 PM

08-26-2007, 10:05 PM

08-29-2007, 12:48 PM
So, I wonder how often TooDamnSweet checks this thread. Judging by her profile, probably not too often.

And anyone know what happened to Fishy? She was cool, too.

08-29-2007, 07:17 PM
So, I wonder how often TooDamnSweet checks this thread. Judging by her profile, probably not too often.

And anyone know what happened to Fishy? She was cool, too.

That are a good question. I'd say not too often anymore, especially since she has a wedding to plan.

TDS & Gibs, again I say: It's about time!

09-04-2007, 02:34 PM
Hey hookers, if any of you old timers happen to catch this in the next 24 hours, I have a few spots left on my ESPN FF league. Anyone want in?

09-07-2007, 05:30 PM
Yeah, TDS doesn't come here much. I might drop by once in a while to see if there's anything new in the mag world but I don't post as much anymore. Heck, I don't even play anymore either. :(

Only kind of shooting I do now is done virtually! HA! Anyone with a Xbox 360 or PS3, feel free to add me: DBGibFather(Xbox), GibFather(PS3). BTW, been playing Call of Duty 4 Beta(360)...pretty cool game! :shooting:

09-10-2007, 06:39 PM
Yeah, TDS doesn't come here much. I might drop by once in a while to see if there's anything new in the mag world but I don't post as much anymore. Heck, I don't even play anymore either. :(

Only kind of shooting I do now is done virtually! HA! Anyone with a Xbox 360 or PS3, feel free to add me: DBGibFather(Xbox), GibFather(PS3). BTW, been playing Call of Duty 4 Beta(360)...pretty cool game! :shooting:

Consider yourself added: (360) losenit WTF

Demo that good? You know when the new BF is coming out?

Uh, I don't ball anymore either. *shrug* haven't in several years. Still got my trusty E sitting in the closet though. Reckon I oughta get the tank hydro'd at some point.

Lessee, what else...Oh, Bioshock. That **** is friggin' awesome. Been playing The Bigs a lot lately too, fun game.

09-10-2007, 06:49 PM
Cool. I just requested an add. CoD4 will definitely be a lot of fun. The character customization allows a player to tweak their character according to their playing style. As for BF:Bad Company, I know of the game, I just don't know the release date. That is another game I'll be expecting a lot from.

I still need to get Bioshock myself.

09-12-2007, 08:13 AM
And we are officially added. Kinky! Better not tell TDS :ninja:

I'm stoked for CoD4. Should be lots of tacsim/mil. shooters coming out in the next few months.

Back to BF, if memory serves they're supposed to be implementing 90-95% destructible environments, which will be friggin' SWEET!

04-10-2008, 10:49 AM
Mymy we've turned into a bunch of lazy SOB's!

04-17-2008, 05:15 PM
:ninja: Yes.

/me In atlanta now

04-20-2008, 02:24 AM
I'm still kicking, not into pball anymore but I still have my stuff.

I'm into ice hockey now...

04-20-2008, 05:42 PM
Haven't played for about 2 years now. I've been focusing on archery mostly. I'll finally be shooting 90m(100 yards) on my next tourney next month.

04-23-2008, 01:27 PM
I'm still around. :) Nice to see you Jeff! So far I've gotten married, survived a cancer scare (Thank You, God.) and am working on having baby #1 with the wife! :)


05-09-2008, 04:47 PM
I'm still around. :) Nice to see you Jeff! So far I've gotten married, survived a cancer scare (Thank You, God.) and am working on having baby #1 with the wife! :)


congrats and good luck all around!

06-04-2008, 12:29 PM
Wow...funny seeing this thread come back up.

Anyway, it has definitely been a while! Next time you see me, I'll have a ring on my finger! :D

Wished I could have gotten a hold of TK, we would have loved to have him be at our wedding. :cry:

Wish me luck guys! :cheers:

09-17-2008, 09:42 AM
Time for another completely random update/thread bump!

Everyone doing well I trust? Any big news?

TDS/Gman, how's the married life going? I hope you too are doing well!

Shooter, how's the ATL? Made any unexpected visits to the ER yet? :ninja:

I finally graduated, so, go team me! I've got a job interview today, wish me luck!

Tran(ny)s, where you at?

10-02-2008, 12:51 PM
Wow! First off, congrats on finally finishing school!!! I know it's a bit late, but how did the job interview go? Are you going to take any time off and do something interesting?

Married life so far has been great. Things are still pretty busy but I can't say I have anything to complain about. TDS has discovered her love of cooking and let me tell you, she's been cooking up some delicious dishes! Marriage life puts on about 15lbs. LOL!

How's everyone else?

10-22-2008, 03:08 PM
Thanks, much appreciated!... Interview went well, job was mine if I wanted it, but the pay was ****ing garbage. And I mean, GARBAGE!

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to take off & do something interesting. I'm trying to get into Grad-school for next fall, and to do that I need work experience. Soooo, we keep on truckin' it.

Glad to hear you guys are doing well. Give her my best!... Nothing like some home-cookin' either. Y'all need to hook me up w/ a box full of viddles, and a bikini waxing. :headbang:

I talked to Trans a week or so ago. He's still....Trans. lol

Outside of that, I got nothin'.

11-11-2008, 08:20 PM
No ER trips yet! My wife is expecting our first baby in January. Thats right...shooter 2.0 is going to be unleashed upon the world. Also... Go gators. :ninja:

12-01-2008, 04:41 PM
No ER trips yet! My wife is expecting our first baby in January. Thats right...shooter 2.0 is going to be unleashed upon the world. Also... Go gators. :ninja:
WOW!! Another shooter coming out eh? CONGRATS!!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! It's hard to believe the year is almost over! This year just flew by so quickly for me!

08-13-2011, 09:03 AM
WOW!! Another shooter coming out eh? CONGRATS!!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! It's hard to believe the year is almost over! This year just flew by so quickly for me!

Another 2.5 years flown by? Bloody hell!

Shooter, you still in the southeast? How's the little one?

Gman! I'm going to harass you on XBL in a bit. Enjoy!

Trannyman, still in KY?

08-19-2011, 12:30 PM
Another 2.5 years flown by? Bloody hell!

Shooter, you still in the southeast? How's the little one?

Gman! I'm going to harass you on XBL in a bit. Enjoy!

Trannyman, still in KY?


09-21-2011, 08:07 AM

All that we need is a hammock for that puppy and we'll be set.

How's life BT? :cheers:

01-06-2012, 04:22 PM
LOL!!! What?!?! This thread is still alive?!?! WOW! Nice to see you again guys! :clap:

Okay..maybe it's a little dead but still surprised to see this thread from the main forum page. :)

BTW, anyone have any spare L10 parts for TDS's HulaMag? Could use some carriers and orings. She wants me to get that working again. Hehe!

01-12-2012, 07:40 PM
LOL!!! What?!?! This thread is still alive?!?! WOW! Nice to see you again guys! :clap:

Okay..maybe it's a little dead but still surprised to see this thread from the main forum page. :)

BTW, anyone have any spare L10 parts for TDS's HulaMag? Could use some carriers and orings. She wants me to get that working again. Hehe!

eeee, well I need to get mine working again as a few friends I have from the other forum are asking me to go... otherwise itd be yours.

life for me? well, married with 2 kids, 2 jobs, and more work then I can handle. I hate being good at something, then everybody needs your attention :tard:

01-13-2012, 11:26 AM
eeee, well I need to get mine working again as a few friends I have from the other forum are asking me to go... otherwise itd be yours.

life for me? well, married with 2 kids, 2 jobs, and more work then I can handle. I hate being good at something, then everybody needs your attention :tard:

Wow, you grew up in a hurry!!! What are you doing nowadays?

No worries about those parts...I think I'll eventually order them from the AGD store. Hopefully it won't be too expensive. But yeah, go back out and play! I went on the 31st with my son and we had a ton of fun. I'd like to take him out again soon since we still have a case of paint left.

01-17-2012, 07:45 PM
lol, well as of right now I'm a "retired" auto technition. Went to college for it, ASE certified and then my body fell apart from under me cause I worked hard at it. then I became closing manager at a local auto parts store and from there found a second job doing custom interrior work on cars. nice slow pace and I take alot of satisfaction in my work.

07-01-2012, 11:30 AM
bump lol.

I miss you guys... and Yvonne :D

01-14-2013, 03:05 PM
I must be getting old - I swear I thought I'd last posted here Fall of 2012...turns out it was 2011!

Tell ya what folks, we need a meetup one of these days. Just saying.

01-14-2013, 03:54 PM
we need gibby and TDS back:p

01-14-2013, 07:05 PM
Sounds like a TunaBall Date :D

01-14-2013, 10:13 PM
me and gibby actually played an EPIC prank on TDS. I called her up and he let it go to voicemail...

I then (pretending to cry) confessed my undying love for her and how I dont know how I could be without her and that I was saving for a plane ticket and would camp in their front yard until she understood.

gibby said she was freaking out until he broke down laughing

01-17-2013, 11:24 AM
Haha! Awesome!

****, it's been 10 years at this point (holy crap!), but she left me a voicemail confirming my bikini waxing appointment. I suppose it was funnier at the time, as there was some backstory to it that I cannot recall. I'm sure Gibs was involved, and probably had to do with my unending torment of him.

Haven't talked to Trans in a while either. I hope he's not dead, I always liked that kid.

me and gibby actually played an EPIC prank on TDS. I called her up and he let it go to voicemail...

I then (pretending to cry) confessed my undying love for her and how I dont know how I could be without her and that I was saving for a plane ticket and would camp in their front yard until she understood.

gibby said she was freaking out until he broke down laughing

01-19-2013, 08:15 PM
Holy ****.... This has to be the largest AO thread there is.

01-21-2013, 09:16 AM
This thread shall never die. We've made it this far with random posts. It's a thing of beauty!

Holy ****.... This has to be the largest AO thread there is.

01-21-2013, 09:21 AM
what random posts, we're giving Yvonne some spirit:bounce:

01-21-2013, 12:51 PM
I think it was only moved to the historic posts because if it was in any other forum it would be at the top to much... when was the last time TDS checked in on this forum anyway?

Apparently 2006. BT is this your secret for having so many posts?

01-21-2013, 01:35 PM
no, but ive been here a long time:p

01-22-2013, 08:55 AM

Keep spreading that AO spirit!

While I'm thinking about it, I think I'm going to sell my Emag...we're talking pre-ULE days, non-milled, Warp feed, etc. Doesn't look to be much activity on them these days (here or Ebay). Anywhere else I could get some more traffic?

no, but ive been here a long time:p

01-22-2013, 08:57 AM
youll be able to sell it here.

01-22-2013, 10:02 AM
I reckon I should pull that puppy out tonight & take some photos. Part of me doesn't want to sell it. I'm such a pack rat. It'll be worth it though, it's not like it ever gets used anymore. I've still got my classic mag in case the need arises. Such is the price we pay when finishing an AR build in this market. :mad:

01-22-2013, 09:52 PM
Under butt nut hut <------ had to add to the randomness of this thread.

I'd keep it around you never know when you'll get that itch to play again, or just to tinker around.

01-23-2013, 12:31 PM
There's got to be somebody telling me not to sell the damn thing, eh? Haha. As much as I'd like to keep it forever, It's been stashed for 7 or 8 years now. (Holy crap!)

Under butt nut hut <------ had to add to the randomness of this thread.

I'd keep it around you never know when you'll get that itch to play again, or just to tinker around.

01-25-2013, 04:08 PM
There's got to be somebody telling me not to sell the damn thing, eh? Haha. As much as I'd like to keep it forever, It's been stashed for 7 or 8 years now. (Holy crap!)

Well I mean if you dont want to sell but you dont like seeing it sitting there then you can always donate it.

01-29-2013, 11:23 AM
Haha. I could do that, buuuut....not gonna happen. Thanks for the thought though ;)

Well I mean if you dont want to sell but you dont like seeing it sitting there then you can always donate it.

01-29-2013, 11:27 AM
ill give you a crisp dollar for it:p

01-31-2013, 09:08 AM
I hope you've got a few more of those!

01-31-2013, 10:00 PM
ill give you a crisp dollar for it:p

if he denied your crisp dollar then so much for my shiny penny :(

01-31-2013, 10:34 PM
I hope you've got a few more of those!

yes I do... "few" usually means 3... 1+3=4... SOLD!:ninja:

02-01-2013, 12:43 PM
I'm afraid you forgot some zero's my friend. Unless you've got something else of value, like a soul :mad:

02-01-2013, 03:48 PM
I'm afraid you forgot some zero's my friend. Unless you've got something else of value, like a soul :mad:

How and where do I send my soul? Can you pick up the fees if there are any? For real though...

02-07-2013, 01:41 PM
Knoxville, TN. Be there, or be square!

04-10-2013, 10:55 AM
How and where do I send my soul? Can you pick up the fees if there are any? For real though...

Where's my soul, neighbor? :cheers:

04-10-2013, 08:44 PM
Where's my soul, neighbor? :cheers:

Damn wife made me get herself a nice car with t instead.

09-17-2013, 12:07 PM
As (whatever) god (there may be) as my witness, I swear it does not feel like FIVE MONTHS since I last posted in here.

I'll take the car as long as it's not pink.

09-17-2013, 12:14 PM
we need to get TDS and Gibby back

09-17-2013, 08:45 PM
as long as it's not pink.

It's worse..... It's a (gasp) Prius.

10-09-2013, 11:23 AM
BT - I see Gibs on XBL from time to time, but the knucklehead never had a mic so I couldn't harass him.

Freeeeeeedy - Poor guy :cry:. Does she sniff her own farts?

05-23-2017, 06:54 PM
I'm throwing a post on here for old time's sake