View Full Version : To: Tom Kaye or any other IP 'organizer'

Barrakuda <>-<
05-14-2002, 10:32 PM
Hello, well I went to that WLIPP and I thought it was pretty awesome how you guys give away free stuff. I also found out by being there the 1 hour that it was pretty hectic with all the spam, I couldn't even read my own question or comment. I am now going to stop blabbering and go on to what I was going to say, so here it is...

The next WLIPP should be a little more organized and instead of just e-mail bombing have some little fun "Scavenger Hunts" or something like that. I have many ideas on what to do to make the Party a little more interesting because when I'm going to sleep all these ideas just POP into my head. It's crazy.

So since the next WLIPP won't be until awhile let me know if you're interested in my IDEAS because I have a lot and I like have them all planned out, well kind of anyways. I think that more people would like my ideas then just e-mail bombing (In my opinion)

So let me hear from you Automag Partiers if my idea sounds pretty cool... I can go into detail with the plans I have, if you would like, but right now it's time for bed. So TOM KAYE tell me what you think about 'my idea', thanks.

P.S. I can go into details I mean I have this like planned out to the smallest detail it's crazy. Try it one night when you're not tired just think and you will be surprised what happens...

05-14-2002, 10:36 PM
i think that's what tom says he does when he comes up with new ideas.

05-14-2002, 10:51 PM
i also would like a mix of different activities at the internet parties.

also welcome new comers.:D

05-14-2002, 10:52 PM
where is WLIPP usually held?

Barrakuda <>-<
05-15-2002, 05:18 PM


Since I am new and getting my MINIMAG tomorrow in the mail (can't wait) I still think that those parties can become 100 times better... Anyone else think the same?

05-15-2002, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Barrakuda &lt;&gt;-&lt;
I have many ideas on what to do to make the Party a little more interesting because when I'm going to sleep all these ideas just POP into my head. It's crazy.

Hahahaha ... for some reason or another I laughed for about 5 minutes about that.

Barrakuda <>-<
05-16-2002, 07:42 PM