View Full Version : hpa with my old mag

05-15-2002, 08:56 AM
OK, first my setup.
68 power feed mag, original valve, s/n cf20033 (if I recall correctly). Stock trigger frame with 2x trigger, foamie venturi bolt, power tube spacer (dont know what size..it doesnt leak though, so its good) and a 16"AA barrel.

Just got a drop forward and a 68ci 3k psi crossfire tank. I was thinking that HPA would seriously improve the gun. Consistency is decent, I have to keep it at 270 fps or it can jump over 300. And it spurts when I wail on the trigger. I dunno, my shop is kinda anti mag so i really cant take it there. I thought about getting a retro valve, but just cant afford it.

I was reading about new on/off's (reactor valve), high pressure pistons, and a 8 hole mod. But, do you guys think that stuff would really improve the valve?

I love my mag, but I had to put it back to co2, and it is now crying cause it misses HPA =)

Thanks guys

05-15-2002, 12:07 PM
first thing, most all of us believe that you should keep clear of all non-AGD aftermarket valve parts. Long ago, before i saw the light, i attempted to install an 8-hole mod and it only resulted in me sending the whole gun back to AGD and dropping 50 bucks to get it to work again.

To be honest though, i have a few friends that tried out the reactive valve and said it worked wonders for them with minimun effort getting it to work properly. but in general i would stick to anything that's AGD. If you really want to upgrade your valve, pick up a retro and you'll never need to upgrade it again.

05-21-2002, 11:57 AM
First, stay with AGD parts, especially the o-rings. Non AGD o-rings cause more problems in mags than anything, including velocity fluctuations. The venturi bolt restricts airflow and reduces efficiency (may cause velocity fluctuations). Use a genuine AGD bolt. Make sure you have the lastest AGD on/off top for your on/off valve (I can't remember the date when AGD changed them. You may be ok). You don't need a high pressure piston. I have an older mag than yours and it works fine (very consistent) without all the upgrades.

05-21-2002, 12:03 PM
ok, thanks guys!