View Full Version : UPS and Ground Shipping?

05-15-2002, 01:38 PM
i just recently bought a Dark Angel from someone and he sent it UPS Ground Shipping. On the UPS site, it says that it's not garenteed that i will get it... are teh chances of the package being lost while being shipped moderatly high? UPS says i'm supposed to get it today and well.. its today and i still havn't gotten it so i'm getting abit worried.

05-15-2002, 01:59 PM
Do you have a tracking number? Have you checked the UPS web site and viewed the tracking information? I once received a package from UPS at 7:00 PM.

05-15-2002, 02:06 PM
UPS has never lost any of my packages...

05-15-2002, 02:17 PM
i just emailed him a few mins ago asking for the tracking #. i asked him a few days ago as well but he says his mom sent it so he had to ask her.

05-15-2002, 02:19 PM
I've gotten over 30 packages from them in the last year... no problems.


05-15-2002, 02:22 PM
I just started working there. If it was shipped UPS Ground then it HAS A TRACKING NUMBER associated with it. It will get to you, but thats not to say packages dont get lost sometimes. But that number is VERY low. BUT, with that said, the package could take anywhere from 1 to 6 days AT THE MOST to get to you if it was shipped UPS ground. It depends how close the person who shipped it is to you.

05-15-2002, 03:06 PM
I would call UPS at 1-800-742-5877 and explain the situation to them. I'm sure there was a great deal of money involved with the purchase of the gun. Explain to them you've tried in your best efforts to contact the shipper regarding your tracking number and you still have not received one. Escalate to a manager.. thats what I do. I work at a call center myself. those reps are trained not to let you speak to a supervisor unless you are persistent. Just don't be rude (they won't help if you are) explain to them the urgency of getting thtat tracking number. It should be addressed to you (name address etc) If you know where its coming from (Person's name or address helps) that might be enough for them to give it to you. Good luck :eek:

05-15-2002, 03:15 PM
i checked the site and its supposed to be here before end of the day today... i'm assuming end of day meens 7PM?

ususually i get my UPS packages before 2 PM on the delivered date i guess i'll wait...

05-15-2002, 03:19 PM
Yes the end of the day is 7-8pm depends on the driver and how heavy his route is that day. You can still call to make sure that it went out, they can message the driver to see if he has it. Or if you aren't to far from the UPS building you can ask them to hold it there and you can pick it up.

05-15-2002, 05:48 PM
hey i'd like to say thanx to everyone, you were all very helpful. I just got the tracking # and i found out that he shipped it later than he said he did so i will be getting it tomorrow.

05-15-2002, 09:43 PM
UPS ain't no great shakes if you ask me.

on three differnt occasions I've paid for 2nd day air from them and received the items a week later. This is fairly recent too.

On one occasion they managed to lose a 48 inch diameter sisal wound archery bale. the box of arrows however showed up fine.

If I have my choice I ship it FedEx or USPS Priority. usually cheaper too.

05-15-2002, 10:56 PM
Well if they aint so great how come there the best in the shipping business?:)

05-15-2002, 11:02 PM
yeah. i work on the load at UPS.
First off it is a crap job. the pay sucks.
when a box is shipped. it goes on a belt. and people have to physically look at it to make the decision which part of the Hub it goes to. sometimes if one of the decision makers screw up and sends it the wrong way, the loader will also not read it and it will end up going to a completely different area. depending on how bad the stuff was screwed up, it could take a while for the box.
Good luck on getting your stuff.
Also, make sure you pack VERY well or you could wind up with crushed gear...

05-15-2002, 11:41 PM
UPS is the devil!!
Satans minions are probably playing speedball with your gun as we speak!!
Either that or melting it down and turning it into a 'Cocker.

05-16-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
Well if they aint so great how come there the best in the shipping business?:)

biggest does not equal best. 'cept in my case of course....:D

05-16-2002, 01:06 AM
with the number of packages that go through both systems, USPS has its problems too. I havent had too much experience with FedEx but all delivery systems big and small have problems

Steve Crush
05-16-2002, 04:46 AM
don't listen to antwanRT it's not that bad i have worked there for 8 years yes you do have a chance of sorting it to another gateway but it's not likely. When i was a loader i was 0/1,000,000 missorts went over a million packages loaded with no missorts. Could happen but not likely especially with the newer hubs they are building. Factsoflife doesn't 2DA have a gaurentee? it's obviaous it didn't get there in 2 days don't the guarentee it? I know NDA is guarenteed. Check the shipping number it will tell you where the package isloacted. UPS is geared more towards industries, companies like Dell, gateway, jcpenny, catepelliar etc. USPS is more geared toward the people that wanna ship something to another person like us.


05-16-2002, 10:56 PM
as a starting loader? the only redeeming values are the Med Bene's. it is a mind numbing job.
but yeah. missorted packages doesnt happen a whole lot.

05-16-2002, 11:40 PM
I've never had a problem with UPS. As long as I have the tracking # I've always felt safe. It's always good to know what's the status on my package. :D

05-19-2002, 11:44 PM
"Factsoflife doesn't 2DA have a gaurentee? it's obviaous it didn't get there in 2 days don't the guarentee it?"

tha't what they tell me, in actual practice however it isn't.

I had a UPS rep actually tell me that it isn't guaranteed. This wafter the THIRD time a supposedly two day shipped package wasn't delivered even close to two days.

Amazing. If I had delivery schedules and an attitude about them like that for my stuff, I'd be out of business so fast it'd make my head spin.

05-20-2002, 10:47 PM

ive been deal with ups since 12-28-02 over a 1000.00 theater reciver they damaged, during shipment. paid for the insurance to cover it if damaged, the claim was denied once then approved then voided after it had been approved, talked to 20 diff poeple about the matter, and now im dealing with someone at corp. office, he says i just dont see how it could have been damaged, or it least cost over 100 to fix it, they said it wasn't packed good,,,, well the lady at the ups office packed it for me damit.. and they still say they dont have to cover it....this reciver weighs 38lbs if its droped it breaks, they even accused me of doing it then shipping the reciver damaged, accused the reciver of the package, everything to try and get out of paying insurance and since then first damage report its in worse shape now since they had it to begin with totally smashed,,,, im having to get a dam attorny and sue them just to get a pathetic 1000.00 out of them.....

dont use ups,,,they suck,,and there answer to a damaged package is , it wasnt packed good enough, or u better have it in writeing that it was when it is shiped,,,,but thell still try to get out of it

if you work there and think its a good company,,, wake up

or tell me why the trying to rip me off or give me 1000.00 dollars so i can replace my reciver i have been without for 5 months

ps ever seen ace ventura pet detective,,,, thats what ups is like

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Steve Crush
05-21-2002, 04:43 AM
wait a min there guy i never said they where a good company. they didn't make 2.4 billion dollars last year by giving people like you 1000 did they? Trust me i know how greedy UPS is. I was walking the strike lines 5 yrs ago, and well it's contract time again :(. By the way..... You think Fed Ex treats packages like there fragile? very seriously dought that, and i KNOW USPS doesn't. So it doesn't matter who ya ship it through mishandling of packages is gonna happen. All i know is if i get caught tossing a package or something to that affect, my superviser isn't the happiest person when it happens. :)


05-21-2002, 08:38 AM
i was a little ticked last night when i wrote that , i just want everybody on this board to know, if you ship your gun threw anybody, for god sake,,, triple box pack it

1st put it in original gun box
2nd then a bigger boxand put foam around it
3rd then a bigger box, go to walmart and buy that spray
fom that expands then hardens,,, then use a another box
untilk u get to the size of about a 25" tv

maybe then u can have no worries,,,,,, ;)

and yes i know fed ex is probly the same way